Chapter fourteen

1467 Words
Twelve Hours Later Oct 24, 2018 Third Person PoV Nina sat tied in a metal chair, looking severely irritated, often wincing when the pain in her shoulder spasmed. The bloodsuckers left the bullet in her shoulder to keep her from healing, and breaking her binds. The redheaded Vampire strutted into the room wearing black five inch stilleto boots, Skin tight leather pants that exposed her thighs, and a purple and black corset top with a open cloak over her outfit. "Oh mon petit loup(1) you look like your in pain. Are you in pain, there is a wolfsbane in your system, so I assume so, but the look on your face tells me something different." Elizabeth said in mock concern, she inserted a finger in Nina's shoulder, pressing the bullet in deeper, giggling when Nina gave a muffled cry. "There we go. I'm not the bad guy here" Nina snorted at that cliché comment, Elizabeth ignored it "Me and my boss just want to reach your full potential." Nina rolled her eyes but said nothing which was alot of effort on her part. "Pray do tell why my potential concerns you or your boss?" Nina asked keeping a few choice of words from exiting her mouth. "What do you know about your father?" Elizabeth asked answering Nina question with her own. "He's an asshole, whom I want to murder." Nina replied with ire, she didn't want to talk about the man she hated if front of her captor. "What do you know about his lineage." Elizabeth said trying again. "Nothing, why are you even asking, do you want him as a midnight snack or some shift like that, cause if so feel free to." "Ohh mon cher(2) there is much you don't know it's rather sad, and pathetic but then again your sad and pathetic as well, don't worry about it though that will change soon enough but for now my boss would like a word will you." Elizabeth told the girl monotonous. "Yay" Nina said unenthusiastic. "Can I trust you to be a good girl, and not run off." Nina was going to comment that she's never a good girl and didn't plan on starting now but Elizabeth said "Otherwise I will be forced to put a shock collar and leash on you. It would be poetic of course, but my Master would rather you be willing." "Gee how generous of you." Nina replied bitterly. "We try." She said obvious to her sarcasm, she untied Nina, who got up and followed the vampire out of the dungeon. "Where are we going." Nina asked, but she was ignored. "Hello Bloodsucker where are we going?" No response, but Elizabeth gave the werewolf an amused smile. "Are you going to rape me?" Nina asked not serious about it. Elizabeth froze and looked at the Werewolf in shock. Her shock shocked her the wolf managed to suprise her was no easy feat. "Maybe later." She replied cryptically, Nina looked thoughtful, and asked "How would that work anyway?" "Do you ever stop talking?" Elizabeth asked attempting to sound bored. Nina stopped talking taking the hint. "Here we are." She told Nina standing in front of a large, heavy oak door, Elizabeth opened the door, motioning for Nina to enter. She entered with vampire behind her, and saw two people who she wanted to murder: Her father and Her sisters ex Tom. "Is there anyway I can go back to the dungeon, it would be more welcoming?" Nina asked directing her attention to the girl who's name she still didn't know. "No." She said rudely. "Rude." Nina retorted. "I bet you are wondering why I've brought you here." Nina's father began. "No, not really." She replied. "Not even a little." He asked. "The only little anything at the moment is I'm alittle angry. So hurry the f**k up or throw me in the dungeon." Nina said growling her eyes glowing, her claws digging into her palms. "So much for pleasantries. Sit down at least." He said pointing to the chair in front of the desk. "Now correct me if I'm wrong but you disowned me for being gay." "I want to apologize." He said looking regretful. "We ain't building no f*****g bridge, holding hands singing kumbiya, while skipping over rainbows." "I'm sorry for being a terrible father." "Bitch.You. Me. Bridge ain't  never f*****g gonna happen." Nina said, proud of herself for sounding like Lafayette on True Blood. "Can I at least explain myself?" He asked, and Nina sat down put her feet on the desk crossing both her arms and legs, leaning back in the chair. "Continue." Nina said rolling her eyes. "Sweet girl you got there." Elizabeth said. "Elizabeth enough." He said, and Nina had a name for the girl now. "Yessir." She said saluting. "Anyway there is also something you need to know." "Go on." "Dispite popular belief, male Vampires can procreate, woman cannot though. Basically what I'm trying to say is you're  part Vampire, and we're going to awaken the Vampire side, and to do that we have to turn you." "Who's we?" Nina asked, and Elizabeth grabbed Nina by the hair tilting her head to the side, sinking her teeth into Nina's neck, she drank her blood. "Oh and enjoy it. It's said to be a pleasant feeling getting fed on." Nina's dad said, and Nina moaned in ecstacy. Elizabeth gasped, her blue eyes seemed to glow as she said "The blood of Virgins, I swear it's to die for." She said licking her lips clean of blood. "Finish her." He said, and Elizabeth smiled suggestively "Not like that!" "Jeez I know I'm just playing around." She bit her wrist and tipped Nina's head back allowing blood to trickle in her throat. Then Elizabeth snapped her neck, scoping her up bridal style she said "Until she wakes she will be in my room. Brother don't you try anything I know how much you dislike her." She then vampire speeded out of the room.   "So if I'm correct you want Mini Fairfield, to come out of the closet and expose both Vampires and Werewolves." Tom asked David. "Yes, I'm sure she will find the irony in that." "And what about Natalya, you know they are mates." "Let your sister handle that, and if worse comes to worse, we can just kill her." "But I always thought the bond between the mutts can't be broken unless they decide to reject them...Unless that's what you are planning to happen." "You all will learn that within time patience and manipulation does pay off. I just hope Esperanza doesn't assemble her rag tag group of misfits to play heros." "You know she will, and your other daughter will be among them." "Then we shall tear them down, I have the daughter I need among our ranks."   Nina's experience turning into a Vampire was painless unless you count getting your neck snapped. It only took an hour for her to complete the transition, and she felt different it was empowering.   Elizabeth went into town to find a meal for  both her and Nina, when she found the perfect one: A blonde girl wearing legging and uggs. She rolled her eyes at the human, and stocked her. When she reached a deserted street she grabbed the girl and ran back to the mansion. She pushed the girl in her room, and said "You hungry?" Nina look up and saw Elizabeth holding a stuck up looking blonde girl. "Sorry but I don't like pumpkin spice lattès." She said, she really didn't want to eat no one. "Aww, I thought you had a thing for blondes." Elizabeth replied with a smirk. "But I don't eat them!" Nina said, Elizabeth smiled and gave her a pointed look. "I don't mean that kind of eating." "Come at least try our guest." She offered, she grabbed the blondes hair exposing her neck as she had with Nina. Nina did try to control herself but the girls scent and the sound of her heart beating made her relinquishing that control, her fangs popping out. She latched herself onto the blonde the smell of her fear made her smile and bite her neck, as she slowly sucked the blood. The blonde screamed, and Elizabeth drank from her as well. Once her heart stop beating, they dropped her on the floor. "I take that back pumpkin spice lattès are good" Nina wiped away the leftover blood, Elizabeth decided to lick off the rest of the blood from Nina's lips, Nina backed away and said "I have a girlfriend." "No you don't, as your sire I want to forget about her, your mine now." Elizabeth said using her power as her maker to influence Nina. "I'm Yours." Nina said in a zombie like state.
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