Chapter Twelve

1352 Words
Kelly's PoV The Next Day Kelly watched her sister, who sat by Natties bed, staring at the other side of the wall with a blank look on her face. Nattie layed on Nina's bed, unconscious but cleaned up slowly healing. Stark and Kelly occasionally left for a few hours cause the tension was too much. Nina was yet to punish Tamina for hurting her mate, but Kelly had a feeling it would be soon. Kellys mother left yesterday, she had to explain what happened to Nattie, to Natties parents, they are suppose to come later to see her, and Kelly knew they wouldn't be happy. She means what kind of parent would be happy about their only daughter being severely injured due to a jealous werewolf attacking her. No parent would thats who unless they were sick bastards. Another matter would be how would Natties parents react to seeing Nina, and Stark when they were allegedly kidnapped. Many of the older pack members came to see the soon-to-be Alpha and her Luna, but no one actually spoke the thoughts everyone shared, What would we do if Nattie didn't get better. Nina would be in no shape to lead, Kelly and Stark didn't have the dominant gene that Alphas like Nina did, their grandpa was getting old and weak, and Kelly's Mom didn't have the ability to lead. No one blamed Nina for her lack of leadership, in fact everyone was concerned and understanding, the loss of a Luna affected the pack almost as much as losing an Alpha, if not the same. The Luna provide love and comfort, and acceptance while the Alpha provided protection, leadership, and order. "Neens maybe you know get up and stretch your legs, maybe grab a bite to eat, and a shower." Stark suggested, and Kelly slapped her forehead mentally. But Kelly needed not to worry for Nina just ignored him, an action she has used for days. "Maybe you should clean up so when her parents come you don't look like an extra for The Walking Dead LGBT edition." Kelly said gently placing a hand on her sisters shoulder. Nina sighed and met Kellys gaze, her amber eyes looking like a dark gold thanks to the dark circles under her eyes she was really taking this hard but it was to be expected. "I failed to protect her, I tried to protect her from myself but it wasn't me she needed to be protected from. God I'm such a f**k up. This is why I never wanted to fall in love, or start a relationship, I always let people down, maybe that's MY curse, based on my fear of losing those I love. They either will end up dead or injured. I'm just a bitter and sarcastic bitch." She told Kelly her voice hoarse form the lack of speech, Stark and Kelly looked at each other with shocked faces, Since that sounded an awful lot like someone who is broken. "Neens go take a shower and relax, you're thinking stupid, which has never been your strongest suit." Kelly said ignoring the pang in her chest that her sisters depressed state left, along with worry for her best friend. And if Kelly was being honest it seemed like the universe was-and she means this metaphorically speaking- bending Nina over and f*****g her ass over. "Fine I'll go take a hot shower." Nina said, getting up and walking to her dresser gathering clothes, sparing one last glance at Nattie, before leaving. "She is really depressed, when do you think she will get better?" Stark asked. "My mom said three or four days. Her body needs to heal, it shouldn't take long for us, but for Nina it's an eternity. She also told me that when this happens Nina will go through a dark period where a primal part of your wolf whispers things to you like relinquishing control to that part, which usually ends up in piles of innocent bodies littering the streets if you give up that kind of control. Grandpa went through that when Grandma died, only he didn't let it destroy him like Nina's doing. She's letting the pain consume her, as if it justifies her letting herself suffer as payback for letting Nattie get hurt." Kelly lectured him, Stark gave Kelly a awestruck look, which Kelly rolled her eyes at "I just know my sister really well. She always takes the blame for things out of her control. It's probably a Scorpio thing." "Thats not a valid excuse. You can't blame your horoscope for your personality." "But it is fun, especiall-" Kelly was cut off by Nattie groaning.   Nattie's PoV Nattie awoke to the smell of her favorite things Axe cologne, and leather and woodsy smell, Nattie groaned, sitting up, she felt stronger and her senses were alert. "Hey how do you feel?" Kelly asked her in a soothing tone. "Like I got attacked by a rabid wolf." She replied sarcastically. "I'm going to ignore the sarcasm because you were hurt and your emotions are probably everywhere." Nattie frowned because she totally felt she was in control, and she merely felt confused and lonely as if something was missing. Nattie didn't dignify that with a response cause her skin felt tingly, something was pulling her out the bedroom,  but she remained as a familiar and welcoming voice said "There I showered and changed clothes...well I'm just wearing shorts and a bra but-Jesus Christ!" Nina yelled startled when she walked and saw Nattie up, and looking at her body appreciatively. "No but I'm told that the resemblance is startling, and lycanthropy has been kind to you." Nattie told the younger wolf flirtatious, noticing the red hue to Nina cheeks, and her racing heart. "I could say the same my love." Nina replied, still blushing. "By the way for future reference, if I catch you or hear about any side hoes, I'm murdering the hoes and ripping your uterus out, while chaining you to my bed." Nattie warned Nina with a growl. Nina just gave Nattie a innocent grin, as her amber eyes darkened, looking into Natties eyes. They stared into each other's eyes for three minutes before Stark said "Are they going to fight or f**k?" Nattie and Nina ignored that. "Shhh the shippers are holding their breaths." They ignored that as well. "We're leaving but don't destroy the room." Stark said, Nattie gave no indication that she heard him, while Nina flicked him off. Once the door closed Nattie threw herself at Nina. Suprised Nina instinctively caught her but fell on the floor rubbing her head, cursing. Nattie only felt a little guilt, for hurting her. "In movies they make that look sooo much easier." Nattie said smiling down at the brooding werewolf. Who looked like she wanted to be angry but couldn't. "Well usually there are hetero men there to catch the hetero woman. And they are movies for a reason." "It could be worst you could have fallen in love with your sisters best friend." Nattie said shrugging, which resulted in her falling on Nina knocking the breath out of her. "She-demon." Nina muttered, but Nattie caught it. Nattie smirked mischievously and gave Nina a chaste kiss, and said "Another thing...Your Mine, and mine alone, I don't like sharing what's mine." Nattie said repeating what she told Tamina. "That would be nice if it didn't make me sound like a canapé." Nina said, and Nattie swatted her arm. "Really must you quote Carmilla." Nattie said in disbelief. "I must, but you know you love me." Nattie jokingly looked around and said "I do?" "Don't be a bitch." Nina said her eyebrow game was on fleek. "But you know you love m-" Nattie's sentence was interupted as Nina put a hand on her mouth. "Shush and cuddle with me." Nattie obliged, and they layed in Nina's bed, with Nina in Nattie's arms. "Oh BTW if you wanted to chain me to your bed all you have to is ask, foreplay is nice." Nattie blushed, and stored that in her memory for later use.  
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