Chapter Eleven

1336 Words
Nattie's PoV "Wait?What?" Nattie asked after she got over her shock, by now the adults left, and it was just Kelly, Nattie, Nina,and Stark "'s kind of hard to explain." Nina stuttered, and her face turned a bright red, she stood up and walked around not looking at anyone.. "What she means is she is socially awkward and with that she is too much of a prude to come right out and say that the universe decided that you two are life long f**k buddies, and you're destined to have gay werewolf  babies." Stark replied due to Nina's inability to form a coherent thought. "He's right Nats the Goddesses decided you two are the perfect together. I mean Stark and I are mates we've excepted it." Kelly told Nattie siding with Stark. Nattie looked at Nina who remained silent. "So...can you explain the werewolf part..." She saw Nina nervously scratching the same mark Nattie has. "And the matching tattoo thing?" "The tattoo thing I can't explain, but the werewolf one I can." Nina said, running hand through  her short hair. "Alright,explain then." She replied crossing her arms to her chest. Nina did, she gave Nattie everything she wanted to know in a stride, not omitting any detail, which Nattie appreciated. When she finished she gave Nattie a puppy dog look, cockinh  her head to the side, as she observed Nattie. At least that's what Nattie thought. "..So. You stocked me." Nattie finally said, and Nina raised an eyebrow. "Once, and it was probably good that I did." Nina said, Kelly and Stark nodding in agreement. "And I'm thankful for that but you don't realize how much I've missed you. It hurt being away from you." Nattie told her, and she didn't miss Nina flinching with a pained look. "I understand your anger, but it was for you're own benefit, if I hurt you i wouldn't be able to live with myself." Nina explained looking at Nattie with honesty, and conviction. "I'm not mad." Nattie began, and the three wolves looked at her like she was joking. "Ok I was angry, but now I realize me being angry at you for something you can not control would make me a b***h and I hate being a b***h to you." Nattie finished. "You are never a b***h to me." Nina rebuttaled. "Exactly!" "It's ok to be a b***h. I'm a raging b***h, Kellys sort of a b***h, Starks my b***h. Everyones a bitch." Nina said with a straight face and sing song voice. Nattie wanted to argue but her brother and best friend beat her to it. "I'm not a bitch." Kelly yelled. "And I'm not your b***h, I'm your best friend and Beta." "Potato patato, tomato tomoto." Nina said dismissively, but added "I basically put you through Hell you have the right to be mad." Nattie groaned stomping her foot petulantly, making the other give her a bewildered look. "Why do you have to be so perfect?" Nattie sounding alot like the grumpy cat. Even when Nina was losing an arguement she still won. "I'm far from perfect. I mean I did murder someone." Nina replied without emotion, looking anywhere but them. "What?" Both Kelly amd Nattie yelled making her wince. "He was going to hurt you, and my wolf took over."Nina tried explaining. "I don't regret any of it." It would have been reassuring if she had not used a cold tone. "What time is it?" Kelly asked abruptly. Nina checked the time on her phone, and said "6:37. Why?" "The moon will rise in an hour and a half." Kelly told Nattie "Nattie stay in the house, and do not leave." Nina commanded. "Why?" Nattie questioned condesendingly. "Just f*****g do it so I can't hurt you!" Nina yelled her eyes flashing a green, her canines exposed, her voice had an dangerous edge, and Nattie flinched, she could feel herself tearing up, as fear filled her. Nina must have realized that she scared Nattie due to look of absolute self-loathing. "I'm sorry." Nina said sounding lime she was close to crying herself. She stormed out the front door, slamming it so hard it cracked down the middle. "That was interesting." Stark commented. "Understatement if the freaking century." Kelly reprimanded him, slapping the back of his head. "Woman why are you so violent. Is every Fairfield woman violent?" Stark whined. "Yes now shut up." Kelly said dismissively. Nina now ignoring their flirting thought about Nina, she wasn't the Nina Nattie knew and loved, she vicious and unpredictable, but couldn't help but shake the feeling that Nina would hurt and kill people if Nattie willed it. It both reassured and scared her. "Hey Nats, we've got to go. If your tired just go to the attic that Ninas room." Stark said looking at Nattie with an affectionate smile taking Kellys hand and walking out the door. Nattie sighed at the adorable sight and thought Apparently the Goddesses decided to keep the mate situation in the family. She headed up the stairs to the fourth floor before finding the door to the attic. "Where are you going?" A Hispanic girl asked, she looked to be around nineteen years old. Her dark brown eyes narrowed at Nattie. "Up to the attic." She answered. "That's the soon-to-be Alphas room." She said looking at Nattie as if she was gum under her shoe. "Who the Hell are you?" Nattie asked the rude girl. "My name is Tamina, and the Alpha is mine." She growled at Nattie "b***h please! I'm her mate, and what are you the pack whore." Nattie said with disgust. "What are you Blondie besides an weak annoying ass human. I'm a Werewolf." Tamina condescendingly told Nattie with an arrogant smirk. "Well hooker, I'm her sisters best friend, her best friends sister, and her girlfriend and mate. So back the f**k up b***h cause she is mine and I don't like sharing whats mine." Nattie practically growled, her instincts telling her to protect whats hers. The wolf gave her a cruel smile and said "Then fight me for her human." Tamina shifted into a wolf, and attacked Nattie, biting her in the stomach, and arms. ..     ..       ..                 ..       .. Third Person PoV Nina stood in the woods with her family and Stark with her when she felt excruciating pain in her stomach. It took Nina a while to figure out it was coming from Nattie, but when the realization hit her, she ran as fast as wolfly possible, the others on her heels. Nina ran into the house following her instincts, and ended up on the fourth floor. She saw a brown wolf, attacking her mate and she charged the wolf shifting mid jump tackling the wolf. Nina snapped her jaws at the low rank wolf, growling. They both shifted back fully clothed, and Nina then lost her temper. "GO TO YOUR ROOM I WILL DEAL WITH YOU LATER, AND SO HELP ME IF SHE DIES YOUR DEATH WILL BE PAINFUL!" Tamina just looked at Nina in fear, and Nina shouted in her Alpha voice "LEAVE NOW." shaking the house. Nina approached Nattie who was bleeding out. She kneeled down, checking the wounds, Natties arms were covered in blood, and bites, she didn't even bother looking at her stomach, fearing if she did she would end tearing Tamina apart, and turned to her Mother who looked pissed off. "Can you heal her?" Nina asked her calmly. "No, I'm sorry, Mijà, there's only one other way." "Please tell It's not what what it think it is?" Nina said looking at the blonde. Nattie could hear everything she was just to weak to acknowledge it. "You'll have to mark her, It's the only way." Nattie heard Ninas mom say, and Nina started crying. "D-do it." Nattie said. Nina choked back a sob and did as told she ripped Natties shirt, and kissed her shoulder, before sinking her teeth in her shoulder, she licked it clean of blood, and Nattie started screaming.
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