Chapter Two

957 Words

Natties PoV
 They leaned closer and closer, until a scream echoed throught the theater, they jumped Nina setting Nattie down, running off muttering a sorry under her breath. Kelly and Nattie looked at each other understandably shocked.
" was...What?" Nattie stuttered fearing her best friends wraith.
You almost kissed her little sister Nattie thought, but the said 'best friend only smiled and said "I ship Nattina." Then ate her popcorn. Nattie sighed in relief, smiling at her friends approval.
Kellys phone buzzed and she checked it in front of Nattie.
Hey I decided to hit on Jim.
"What?" Kelly asked, as another text came in.
I meant hit the Gym, sorry autocorrect sucks.
"I think i scared her off."
"Nah, she's socially awkward and confused." Kelly said dismissively.
That makes two of us.
"I hope your right." Nattie said dejected.
"It's weird that you have a thing for my sister." Kelly said jocosely.
"What can i say I'm a sucker for sarcasm..." Nattie said truthfully
"Well...she's sarcastic, but not a b***h about."
"But she's not just sarcastic, but brilliant, caring, sweet, and protective. Not to mention the perfect combination of curves, and muscle, that she hides behind baggy clothes. Plus her morning voice is so adorable, all raspy and low...more than it usually is."Nattie began not really paying attention to the knowing grin on Kellys face.
"MEHY FEELZ! My suspicions were correct, this is like a dream. How long have you liked her? My sister and best friend seriously though, OMG my feelz." Kelly said scatterminded. Nattie looked at her funny, Kelly took notice and said "Your My favorite OTP (One True Pair) and you are going to be my sister one day." 
"Dude take the chill pill. How the heck am i suppose to become your 'sister' when your actual on ran out in...crap I don't know." Nattie asked feeling uncertain, Kelly was about to respond when a usher escorted them out, cause they were disturbing the peace. Once they got to the parking lot Kelly answered her question.
"Talk about it, that's the obvious choice, or the bad one would be to be a clichè fanfic, and try to make her jealous, which in turn will end up with both of you getting hurt, and me playing Switzerland, I don't want to be Switzerland."
"You know what fanfiction is?" Was Nattie response.
"Blame Nina she has a weird obsession with Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfiction. She said the best is...Fluffy i think it's called." "Fuffy you mean." Nattie corrected.
"Thats not the point...How the Hell do you know that?" Nattie blushed, and Kelly smirked "OMG you read fanfiction too."
"Yes, Angel was a mistake, Riley was a pansycake, and Spike was a douchebag. Besides Buffy would be better with Faith, the whole Chosen two thing, both slayers, kickass slayers too, despite the whole Faith turning Evil thing, killing the deputy, siding with the Mayor, and Buffy stabbing Faith with her own blade, putting her in a coma. Then her switching her body with Buffys then sleeping with her boyfriend. But Faith kind of redeemed herself with jail time, helping Angel out, then helping Buffy defeat the first." Nina explained as Kelly looked at her as if she gave birth to a litter of fire breathing puppies. "What. The. f**k is wrong with that show." She demanded.
"I'm leaving some things out like Faith tried to kill Buffy, she posioned Angel, and many other things." 
"What the Hell?" Kelly said shocked.
"Its a really good tv show, Vampires, Demons, Vengeance demons, Rouge Hell Goddesses, Broadway Demons, Apocalypses almost eve- every season, witches who flay people."
"I reiterate what the Hell?" 
"You should watch it. It starts getting interesting halfway through season two." 
"Watching shows like that i can see why sister is the way she is."
"Anyway i should get you home so i can binge watch some Xena." Nattie said lying, knowing she was going to do some serious thinking, while making it seem like she was watching tv.
"The Warrior Princess?"
"Yeah how'd you know?" Nattie asked.
"Another thing my sister watches, do you guys watch the same thing or something?" Kelly asked incredulous.
"We have similar taste in shows. We probably prefer supernatural shows."
"Honestly the whole supernatural concept is played out. Zombies and humans are getting together now. Zombies eat people." Kelly said reasoning with Nattie
"Well maybe there is eating involved." Nattie said innocently
"Nattie i realize you are exploring your inner lesbian, but please don't use innuendos like that, especially when i think about you with a girl it's my sister"
Nattie shrugged smirking.
"She has tainted you! You're no longer that sweet innocent girl!" 
They reached Kellys block when she told Nattie "Nina is in the weight room from 6:45-7:20am. She then goes to the locker room around 7:40. So if you want to talk to her that would be the right time. And you never aswered my question when did you realize you liked my sister.
"Two years ago when i went on my first date that went bad, and i came to your house only you were gone. So she comforted me, and said that he was an i***t, that i could do much better, that she'd treat me like a queen if we dated, Then offered to cut his balls off and force feed them to him. Thanks your a good friend." Nattie said to Kelly who winked.
"Don't thank me, just remember, I want to be the bridesmaid, and treat her right." Kelly said, getting out of the truck, then walking off.
"Trust me i will, you'd have to be a complete i***t to let a girl like her get away." She whispered to herself.
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