Chapter One

1506 Words
Nina's PoV Nina sat in her room reading a collage level textbook on Pathology, while smoking a joint, the sixteen year old girl wanted to be a Medical Examiner after High School, so she decide to start her reading early. The only thing stopping her was her pot problem. The irony to it all was that despite many claims of m*******a being bad it help in her studies for focus, plus it helped with the depression.
A rap on the door startled Nina, as she put out her herbal medicine, calling out "Yeah who is it?" The door opened (making Nina vurse herself for not locking the door) revealing her older sister Kelly, and her best friend Natalya or Nattie Whittmore, in cheerleading uniforms.
Kelly was a willowy version of Nina who was built like a linebacker, she kept her straight waist length ebony hair in a bun, her chocolate brown eyes sparkling with kindness, she was tan, taking into consideration their Cuban descent, and a kind genuine smile.
While Nina was taller, but filled out, with wavy shouder length hair, amber colored eyes, tan skin as well, and she wore a deep scowl.
Nattie was your sterotypical white girl cheerleader, nice body with flowing honey blonde hair, her eyes a sky blue, she had pale skin, but uncharacteristically was genuinely nice to everyone, especially Nina, who would shy away from any contact of any kind.
"Little sister." Kelly said bouncing in spot squealing.
"Cálmate hermana, what's up?" Nina asked, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Guess what your awesome sister did?" 
"Got a life?" She asked dramatically.
"No...why does it smell like weed in here?" Kelly asked getting off topic, luckily Nattie reigned her in.
"Kelly you were saying about that thing."
"Oh yeah Nattie and I..." Nattie shot Kelly a look, and Kelly rephrased "I took a couple of your short stories, and let Mr.Whittmore read them." Anthony Whittmore was Nattues father who was a New York Times best selling author who's work triumphed Stephen Kings novels, Nina read one of his books and feel in love with his work.
"As much as i want to b***h slap you tell me what he said." Nina demanded lighting her joint up, smoking it.
"He told me that with a little work you could be The next Edgar Allen Poe. He also said he wants to mentor you."
"Tell him i accept his offer." Nina said, and Kelly highfived Nattie, both girls wearing identical smirks.
"Told you she would do it if it was your Dad mentoring her." Kelly bosted, plucking the joint out of Nina hand, putting it out, much to Ninas protest, Kelly gave her a dirty look, while Nattie gave her a sympathetic one.
"And you're quitting, i know Mom has been lenient on you for this but it's unhealthy, and it kills brain cells."
"Studies have shown people who smoke m*******a have a slim chance of getting cancer, or depression." Nina replied giggly.
"You have a comeback for everything."Kelly whined.
"I try." Nina said dryly. Nattie watching the exchange amused intervened.
"Well, Kelly and I are are going tothe movies to see that new Vampire movie...wanna come?" Nattie questioned, as Kelly nodded in agreement.
"Wouldn't it bring you popularity down by hanging out with me? Your loner stoner sister." Nina asked them.
"When have we ever cared about other peoples opinions?" Kelly asked, shrugging.
"Fineee...if i have to." She complained.
"You do." They said in unison.
"I swear to God there better not be some cheesy suicide provoking love triangle between a vampire, some dull girl, and the girls best friend who is a werewolf, tell me I'm not right." 
"Can't do that Neens." Nattie said grinning.
"Can i get high, at least?" Nina asked, they shook their heads 'no', and Nina pouted.
"No-can't resist. Stahp being so adorable." Kelly commanded crossing her arms, Nina followed the action, then they started their stare off, leaving Nattie dumbfounded.
"I'm not giving up Kelly said confidently, Nina smirked, c*****g her head to the side.
"Me either."

Kelly's PoV
They got into Natties truck, Kelly driving, Kelly in the middle, and Nina sitting by the door, blowing smoke out the window. 
Kelly and Nattie talked, and Nina interjected every once in a while with a sarcastic comment.
Once they reached the theater, and parked, Nina jumped out, helping Nattie out. Nattie blushed, but accepted her help. Kellys inner matchmaker mischievously smiled, and vegan hatching a plan to get them together.
"Hey Nattie,Nina maybe we should see another movie, cause this one will be packed, and I'm claustrophobic." 
Nina shot Kelly a suspicious look, and sighed in relief "Yeah there's this new Horror film out i want to see."
Checkmate leave it to Nina to wanna see a scary movie, making my plan go accordingly.
"Uh...yeah i guess." Nattie said hesitant.
"You sure." Nina asked staring into Natties eyes with alot of intensity. "We could see a romcom. I'd want to gouge out my eyes, but I'll endure it. For you." Kelly mentally squealed at the adorable scene in front of her, and the tenderness her sister allowed them to see.
"It's fine." Nattie replied, giving a false smile. 
Nina rolling her amber eyes, said "Nats i know you hate scary movies. Kelly whats your imput?"
"I think we should see that new slasher film. I mean they got girl on girl action which I'm sure you'd appreciate." Kelly said vaguely.
"I'm straight." They both yelled at the same time, looking at each other in confusion.
"I never said who would appreciate it, that being said do either of you have anything to tell me?"
"No." "Nope" they said.
"Righhht." Kelly said doubtfully.
"Shush let's go." Nina said with sass. Kelly impressed that her sister was being an extrovert grinned like an i***t knowing it has something to do with her blonde best friend.
Nina offered her arms to both girls like a gentlewoman, who took it graciously as they walked to the ticket booth.
"OMG, is that The Nina Fairfield? She emerges from her dark cave of Darkness and despair." A voice screeched, coming from a tiny redhead. Who Kelly associated with a being one of Nina's friends.
Nina looked around playfully suprising the redhead.-she was suprising Kelly too- "Who said that?" She asked, making the redhead groan.
"Enough with the short jokes." 
"Soweey. That just means it's easier to love you." Nina said flirting with her friend, making Camila blush, Nattie glare, and Kelly smirked.
"Charming. It's sweet you brought your sister with you on a date." Camila said grinning.
"Dude for the last time I'm straight, like a board. Nina said defensively, Camila smirked and said "So your not denying It's a date you brought your sister along with."
She's my new friend. Kelly thought.
"It's just three sort of friends-one of whom was dragged- hanging out." They were lucky the lobby was deserted cause Camila was having fun with Nina.
"When you say sort of do you mean-"
"Ok Camila stop torturing her." Kelly said pointing at the tomato faces girls, who looked embarrassed.
"What'll it be?" Camila asked not bothering to contain her amusement, Nattie and Nina were shocked into silence so Kelly said "Three Murder Mass two."
"Its a good movie if your into all that gore and stuff. $28.79 is your total." She said ringing them up. Kelly handed a twenty and ten over, waiting for her change. Camila handed it to her nodding at the two girls winking. Kelly smiled in response.
They grabbed their soda and snack making there way into the room the movie was being presented in. They somehow ended up being the only patrons

When the movie stared, they were silent until a couple on screen got murdered in the middle of doing unspeakable things. Nina chokes on a laugh when blood gushed everywhere.
"Your mentally f****d up." Kelly hears Nattie whisper to Nina.
"Tell me something i don't sweetheart." Nina responded flipping her wrust making Nina and Kelly wimce when a popping noise came from her wrist.

An hour and twenty minutes later Nattie is basically sitting in Ninas lap, who looked way to comfortable with it, as the Serial Killer stocks the straight couple as they are arguing, while the lesbian couple were devising a plan.
"'It's your fault we're here to begin with." The man screams at the woman, while Nina laugh as she's been doing through the movie making Kelly question her sanity.
The female screams at the male "'Well your-" only to get hit in the face with an axe.
Nattie throws herself into Ninas arms, Nina stops laughing to stroke Natties head. Kelly smiles manaiclly. A wet thump sounded through the theater when the killer hit the man in the throat. Natties burrowed deeper into Ninas arms.
They looked into each others eyes leaning closer and closer, until a scream from the movie broke them apart. Nina looking horrified, set Nattie down, muttering a sorry before running off
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