chapter 3?

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Cassy shot a malicious look at Avery with an evil smirk at the corner of her lips. “You see, my dear elder sister. It’s all my doing. The cause of all your sufferings, all these years and the current condition of you, is all because of me. The full credit goes to me.” Cassy said with an evil look. Then she sneered at Avery, “How dare you to become the future queen. It’s not enough for you to be the first miss of the household and suppressed me all my childhood days. You had to go and marry the crown prince and become the crown princess. Then what next ….you will be the Queen of the Valerian kingdom in the future and I had to bow my head to you, all my life. No... Never….i would never bow down to you anymore and will not allow you to live a carefree and more good and happy life than me. You should always be below me. That’s what I have always wanted from my Child hood days. That you, Avery Hastings, the first miss of the Hastings family should always stand below me, Cassy Hastings. So I framed you with everything you are blamed for even though it was all faked by me. Now even the crown prince believes only me and all the words that comes out of my mouth and not you” saying this Cassy took Avery’s hand and sealed her finger print in the scroll, when Avery was distracted in shock. Avery was still in a daze. She could not understand the meaning behind her younger Sister’s words. “What do you mean by you framed me and the cause of all my sufferings is you?” Avery questioned Cassy, in a weak voice as the news was too big for her to handle her shock. “How can you be so stupid even in the last moments of your life. I really pity your dumb self.” Cassy spat at Avery. “Since you are going to die anyway, then just hear out the process, which led you to your pitiful doom” saying this Cassy began to tell all her evil doings, one by one to Avery. All the things that Avery heard, made her head become dizzy and she wanted to kill the person in front of her aka her younger sister. How can some one be so cruel to the one they grown up with, since childhood. Even strangers would not hurt others without even a cause. Just because of greediness and jealousy, her own younger sister, whom she saw grow up in front of her eyes, has made her life a living hell. She still could not believe it. But the reality was really cruel to her. ‘All because of a title and the powers that comes with it. Is it really worth, all the evils and unjust things that was committed against her and the other innocent souls.’ Avery thought and a shiver ran through her spine thinking all the new found information, her dear younger sister gave her, a few moments ago. Looking at Avery’s lost look on her face, Cassy sneered and got up from her squatting position Infront of Avery. After that, she turned and gave orders to the guards behind her. “Kill her and throw her in the middle of the forest” after giving the cruel orders, Cassy gave a long and proud look at the guards standing before her, making the guards to lower their heads, in front of her. The action and the fear due to which the guards lowered their heads, gave an immense pleasure and power to surge through Cassy's body. She did all these things to gain this power and pleasure and she was so close to her victory. Thinking this, Cassy for even more happy. ‘only one night. She had to wait for one night. After this night had passed, Then everything will automatically belongs to her. The power, wealth and the prestigious crown princess and future Queen title' Cassy thought happily. But before going out of the prison cell, Cassy came and gave a hard kick at Avery’s abdomen, as she wanted to vent all her anger towards Avery. Even though, Avery had never hurt her all her life. She only took good care of Cassy all her life as a good elder sister. Due to the unbearable pain, Avery curled up into a fetal position and withered in so much pain that she lost her consciousness for a second. Feeling something hot flowing out of her lower body, Avery looked down, only to see liquids of blood flowing out of her lower region. Realization hit her hard. She was too shocked to open her mouth, that she forget about the pain, she was feeling at that moment. She realised the truth of her body condition. That she was pregnant with the first child of the crown prince and now she was suffering from miscarriage, due to the heavy blow given to her lower abdomen by her younger sister. The months she didn’t get her monthly period and her constant tiredness and dizziness were all her signs of pregnancy. But poor Avery thought that she got infected with a flu virus. She never thought of the possibility of being pregnant with the child of the crown prince at all. She cried in both physical and emotional pain of losing her unborn child. The child whose face she would not be able to see at all. She cried for the misfortune of her child, who does not even get to see the light of the world. She cried for all her stupidness and quickly believing tendency due to which she was played like a chess piece and tricked and betrayed by that evil sister of hers. .............. happy you all❤❤❤
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