chapter 4?

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When Cassy saw the blood flowing out from the lower region of Avery’s body, her eyes flashed cruelly and she snorted and sneered evilly. “…my…look at you…what a surprise. isn’t it. my dear elder sister. Looking at the expression on you your face, I bet, you didn’t know that, about your own body’s condition till now, I think.” Cassy said with a mysterious look in her face. “mmm…… You were pregnant, my dear sister….” She added slyly in a fake enthusiastic voice. “mmmm….What a pity…..what a loss…..” she sighed heavily and said in a sad voice, as if she really felt bad for her elder sister from the bottom of her heart. But the shinny glint in her eyes and the taunting smirk playing at the corner of her lips, said other wise. They portrayed the real inner self of Cassy without any screen to hide her emotions. Then Cassy continued to say,”If I had known it before…..” she was silent for a second, making the listener to wait in anticipation for the next words she was about to utter out of her mouth……. then she carried on, breaking her suspense,” I would have kicked a little more harder with much more force, so that your child would have felt the force of the kick I gave to your lower abdomen more, even though he or she is inside your body now”. Hearing the cruel words that came out of her mouth, everyone around Cassy, sucked in the breath and stopped breathing, due to her evil words that are filled with so much hatred and venom. No one would believe that these types of evil words came out of the mouth of such an lovely second miss of the prestigious Hastings family. She is the living example of beautiful face with evil heart. Like the proverb says, wolf in a sheep’s coat. ‘Mm….even the wolves wouldn’t be as cruel as the second miss of the Hastings family' everyone around her thought as a shiver ran down their spine recalling her sweet facial expression with a smile when she uttered those sinister words. All of the guards and the Servant maids, unknowingly took a few steps back, away from the second Miss Cassy, keeping a safe distance between them. They really don’t want to piss of the second Miss Cassy and also did not wanted to be in the bad books of hers, as they don’t want to meet an unfortunate fate as the first miss Avery aka the crown princess. Even the male guards of the prison cell felt a shiver run down their spine. They were both shocked and surprised at how a woman with a face as innocent as a new born baby rabbit, can be so cruel and utter those ugly words without even flinching or not even batting an eyelash. Shaking their heads to one another in tactic understanding, they lowered their heads as though they did not see or hear anything in the first place at all. They decided to play the deaf and dumb role to save their lives. It is none of their business. It is the business of the royals and noble men. It is better for them to not get involved in it, for their own good. Squatting next to Avery, Cassy said in her innocent voice, “ shall I tell you a secret. My good for nothing and Your beloved younger brother was kidnapped by none other than me. I broke his legs and hands and starved him for days and left him dying in a old hut near the forest. I shall tell the guards to take him and put him next to you, so you both could be together in your last living moments together and die together happily” she chirped happily, as if she was giving a happy news to her elder sister. After her little chat with her dear elder sister, Cassy stood up and dusted herself and turned back to head out of the prison cell. The guards went ahead and stood on either side of Avery. Then they took hold of her already weak and pale arms and dragged her to the middle of the prison and broke her hands and legs simultaneously. The pain was more unbearable and out of the world, that she sobbed loudly and withered in pain and then fainted in pain. ..... happy reading ❤❤❤
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