chapter 2?

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“sign it” it was a cruel command issued by her beloved husband, daring her to defy his orders. Other than the cruel command That came out his mouth, her husband of five years, didn’t explain anything to her, as to what that scroll was meant for. So confused, Avery opened it, only to find the shock of her life, making her life crumble down in seconds. Opening it, the words on that scroll shook Avery to the core. It was her divorce agreement with him, claiming that she cheated on the crown prince, due to which she was willingly signing the divorce agreement without any alimony in return. and also giving up all her rights as the crown princess and the future queen of the Valerian kingdom. She thought back to all the reasons, for her current unfortunate appreance. All her stupid actions, that ruined her and brought her to this state and landed her in such an unfortunate place. She was framed of cheating on the crown prince with his younger brother and was blamed on for conspired against the crown prince and wanted to kill him. so that his younger brother can be declared as the crown prince after his death.. Even though Avery denied all these baseless and ridiculous accusations, her husband for five years, never believed in her for once. And refused to give her a chance to explain herself and locked her in the cold prison cell in a dungeon. Avery thought back to the incident that happened to her, earlier this day. Avalon broke in her cold abandoned palace today after two long months. The moment, he came in, he was like a raging bull with a crazed look in his eyes, which she had never seen on his face before, even though he changed his caring and loving attitude towards her almost two years ago. It was like a switch had been turned on. He changed and acted as a totally different person to her. He went straight towards Avery’s direction and grabbed her long and silky smooth blond hair into his hand and dragged her down, from the high bed. Avery who was already weak from eating only small portions of food and her recent nauseating feelings, due to which even the little amount of food she managed to swallow down her throat, didn’t get to stay in her body for long minutes. All this made her a little dizzy and weak in her strength and the tug from Avalon did not help her at all in her weak state. She was like a lifeless ragdoll in Avalon’s hands. She fell to the hard floor of the cold palace unceremoniously and tried her hard to catch her breath, due to the sharp pain, coming from her body, due to her sudden hard fall to the ground. Even after that, Avalon didn’t lessen his grip on her. He began to drag her using her hair. The pain from all the dragging and tugging of her hair, made the already weak Avery, to faint in immense pain. When she woke up, she was already found herself locked in the cold prison cell of the dungeons. Avery’s thoughts were cut short, by the sharp and cold voice of Avalon. “sign it before dawn or you will see the wrath of mine, you disgusting vile w***e” Avalon spat at her and casted a cold look at her. If looks could be used to kill, then she might have had died a thousand cruel deaths by now in the glares, Avalon sent her way. After threatening her, Avalon went away, as he couldn’t stand the smell of molds in the prison cell and also looking at Avery made his skin crawl. Two years back, after the fire accident, Avery’s injured face always repulsed him. He could not bear to stand in the same room as her as before, as her beautiful face was destroyed by the burn scar. Which was why, she was placed in the farthest corner, courtyard building in the imperial palace, so as he would not be accidentally see or bump into her. But what he does not consider is that, her beautiful face got ruined in fire and bore a dark coloured circular patch scar on her left cheek. all because, in the process of saving him, from the fire accident, in her house in which, Avalon got trapped in a room and unable to come out. It was she, Avery, who broke into the raging fire filled room and saved his life. All she had in her mind that day was to save her beloved husband, due to which she missed to see the broken wood covered in fire below her leg. She tripped and fell on the burning piece of wood, which burned her cheek leaving a round burn scar around the length of her little finger, on her beautiful angelic flawless face. Like that the once a beautiful lady of the kingdom with heavenly beauty looks, got stripped of her beauty, leaving a scar on her face. All because, she loved her husband dearly and wanted to save his life, she paid a heavy price, which she could not bear to hold. That day changed everything in her life. Her life got flipped over and she lost all her favors and love from her husband and even her father’s household left her, to fend for herself inside the cold palace walls. Now in the present, Her beloved sister Cassy, came near her and squatted beside her. Once the crown prince was out of the prison cell, she wiped off her innocent looking angel mask and casted a malicious look at her elder sister Avery. Since there was no one who was worth considered a threat, Cassy thought that putting on an innocent mask and acting was to burdensome for her and it's not worth her time and efforts. ............ hi there lovely readers...... how was the first few chapters....... love you all ❤❤❤
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