chapter 35?

1022 Words
Third Person POV: Somewhere in the Western province. A messenger bird flapped it’s wings loudly, and landed on the ground, inside the temporary prince Manor. It was actually an government building belonging to the high ranking officials. Then the messenger bird chirped to get the attention of the near by soldier who was guarding the building. Looking at the messenger bird, the soldier guards realised that the message came from the royal palace in the capital city. As the messenger bird had a imperial royal palace seal on its leg. Soon the soldier guy retrieved the message capsule and went inside to inform Gary, the right hand man and personal bodyguard of the second Prince Avalon. “Sir Gary. There was a message that came from the royal palace in the capital city. Seems like it was sent by Royal Main Consort Benazir”, the soldier guy said and slightly bowed in respect as a greeting. “I see….give the message. I will pass the message to second Royal Prince Avalon”, saying that Gary got the message capsule and went inside the room, meant for second Prince Avalon. “Your Highness. There is a message sent from the Royal palace by your mother main Consort Benazir”, Gary informed and bowed in respect. He extended his hand in which the message capsule was present and waited for his second Prince Avalon to take it. Second Prince Avalon who was busy reviewing an official document, raised his head upon hearing his personal bodyguard's voice. He extended his hand asking his personal bodyguard Gary to give him the message capsule. When he got the message capsule, second Prince Avalon opened it and read the contents of the message. Upon seeing the contents, second Prince Avalon smirked knowingly. It was a message he was waiting for some time as he wanted to be away from this wretched place and go back to the capital city and live a lavish and luxurious life in the royal palace. He wanted to taste the delicious varieties of food, instead of the basic food available to him, which was a luxurious one in that damn army camped official government area. He wanted to enjoy good looking women would are a feast to his tired eyes which was only seeing rough and muscle filled big men with their bodies clad in armors and weapons at their disposal. He wanted to see and feel the delicate smooth skin of the pretty girls and savor their ample curves instead of seeing the rugged looking soldiers training themselves all day long, which was a boring pattern according to him. He didn’t mind the reason he was called back to the capital city. All he wanted was a reason for him to return and looks like even the heavens had heard his prayers, that it was helping him somehow. That what second Prince Avalon thought when he saw the news of message he got from his mother, Consort Benazir. He was truly intrigued by the fact that the so called reason, he was called upon back to the Royal palace was about the marriage arrangement of him. It both shocked and surprised him. As even though he had reached the age of marriage many years before, his father, King Kellan didn’t bothered him to get married or even mentioned this topic. So second Prince Avalon enjoyed life as he wished while pampering himself with the immersed himself in the riches and satisfying his physical desires. Thus when he was dispatched to complete an official government work to the Western province, he was very dissatisfied with HHS father, the royal king, King Kellan. But he couldn’t show his dissatisfaction openly and was not even able to refute the work, as it was a royal decree. All he could do was to complain silently in his heart. So when his Royal mother, main Consort Benazir heard if this Royal decree that would make her beloved son to suffer in the distant land of the Western province away from the prosperous capital city and had to suffer in the harsh change of climate there, her heart was very uneasy and restless. She didn’t want her beloved son to suffer in a distance land. But all she can do now was to complain secretly in her heart. That was the reason was the sudden gathering of the royal palace court in the recent days. The gathering of the council of Ministers and the group of Royal scholars and their sudden and strange request for the princes to get married as soon as possible was also main Consort Benazir's great plot for her to bring back her son, second Prince Avalon to the capital city. She tactically made the certain ministers and scholars on her clan's side to raise such an issue in the first place. Using the issue, she had raised, she tactfully made the king to accept the sudden request and even successful made the king to pass down a royal decree to get the second Prince Avalon, her beloved son back to the capital city. But what main Consort Benazir didn’t expected in her fool proof plan was that the royal court’s council and loyal ministers and the group of scholars who were not on her side, successfully made use of her plan and even included the third Prince Theodore into the picture. The person who she hates the most. Third Prince Theodore was always an eyesore to main Consort Benazir as he was the son of the woman she hated the most in her life. She was envious and hated the fact that Consort Katherine was to get the true affection of King Kellan even though she was just a daughter of a scholar and a trading merchant. when she, the main Consort Benazir, who was of noble birth and born as a Princess of a state can't be able to win King Kellan's affection. She hated the fact that as a proud Princess and first married Consort, she didn't get to win over king Kellan's love and affection for her.
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