chapter 34?

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Phoenix ch34 Third Person POV: The young girl looked so Beautiful that everyone witnessing the young girl applying medicine to Consort Katherine, looked at her in a daze. They all thought that the young girl must be a fairy dwelling in the deep forest. As no one ever had seen such an ethereal beauty like her till now. Everyone really thought she must be some magical divine forest spirit. Some servants standing at a distance even wiped their eyes several times to see whether they were really seeing a girl, or its their imagination. The young girl, under the surprising eyes of everyone, cleaned the cut on Consort Katherine's head, and got up swiftly. Her movements were so elegant, and graceful that everyone around her couldn’t take their eyes off that ethereal beauty girl. She went around the bushes nearby, and picked some green leaves from the surrounding plants, and came back, and kneeled next to Consort Katherine. Then she squeezed, and crushed those leaves between her hands, to make it a paste, and applied the crushed leaves on the cut. The irritation due to the leaves, made Consort Katherine to come out of her dazed state. She frowned lightly in pain, and looked at the girl infront of her. Consort Katherine blinked her eyes, and took a nice look at the beautiful girl, kneeling infront on her. While the said girl tore the bottom part of her dress, and used it as a bandage cloth, and tied it as a bandage on Royal Consort Katherine’s head. Then the young girl gave a breath taking smile, making Royal Consort Katherine to get dazzled by the fairy like girl infront of her. “Hey sweetie…who are you? Why are you here alone in the woods?”, Consort Katherine enquired gently, once she regained her senses. If someone claims that the beautiful girl, infront of them was a fairy who descended from the sky, and said that she was an angel, everyone would consider it as the truth. Even though the medicinal plant applied on her head made her to feel an itching feeling, Royal consort had controlled herself from taking it away since it was applied to her by this beautiful girl. She doesn’t want to hurt the good feeling of that young girl. “Greetings, my Lady. My name is Avery Hastings. I was going to the mountain temple. On the way I saw you getting hurt, so I thought of lending a hand”, the young fairy like girl said politely. Yes. The young girl was none other than Avery Hastings, the first Miss of the Hastings household Mansion. Avery used to come, and practice some martial arts in the back of the mountain, in the name of going to the mountain temple. Since everyone on the Hastings household thought that the First Miss was going to the temple, no one questioned, or even bothered her, and no one followed her to see where she was going. While Avery was climbing the narrow mountain path, that leads to the back of the mountain temple, using the other path, different from the one the Royal Consort Katherine used, she saw the commotion, and took a look in curiosity. Only then, she found out that the one who got hurt was the Royal Consort Katherine. She was the mother of the third prince Theodore, her one, and only friend, and well wisher in the past life. She also remembered that Consort Katherine treated her kindly, and was good to her in the past life. Whenever she came by to see Avery in the cold palace, she would often come to visit Avery with desserts, and gave medicines to Avery to use, when Avery was abandoned in the cold palace in the past life. And that too was discovered by her so called beloved younger sister Cassy, who made the crown prince Avalon to put a ban on her, and made Royal Consort Katherine to unable to visit her anymore. And like that, the only kind soul, and mother figure Avery had was prohibited to visit her. That was the only reason, Avery showed herself, and even helped her in bandaging her wound on the forehead of royal Consort Katherine. To repay a debt. To repay the act of kindness. While Avery was immersed in the past life, Royal Consort Katherine was mesmerized by Avery’s beauty. And to top it all off, she got such a nice voice. The young girl infront of her, was such a beauty with shinny big eyes, and kind character. Her bright, and clear eyes looked like a spring pool in the mountains, and there was not even a hint of impurity in it. And her voice, it was the most pleasant sound, that can even be better than the musical sounds, royal consort Katherine had heard before. She liked everything about the young girl Infront of her. As every loving mother, Consort Katherine too paired the beautiful looking young girl with her beloved son, third Prince Theodore, and even started imagining happily married future life. Consort Katherine secretly swore in her heart that she had to talk to Empress mother Moira about this, and wanted to marry off his girl to her son Theodore. As Consort Katherine didn’t mind more about the power, and wealth of a girl, who was going to be married to her beloved son. All she ever wanted was to marry her son to a kind, and loving girl, so that they would have a blissful life in the future. While Consort Katherine was secretly planning her marriage with her son Theodore, the innocent Avery looked for other scratches, and applied medicine to them too. When She was finished, she helped royal Consort Katherine to get up from the ground, and stand on her feet. “you told that you were going to mountain temple, right dear?”, Royal Consort Katherine asked. When Avery nodded her in yes, royal Consort Katherine was happy. Like wise, the royal Consort Katherine was overjoyed, and held Avery’s hand, and dragged her along with her, along the mountain temple path. She was secretly happy to get to spend more time with the beautiful girl, and get to know about her ‘future daughter-in-law' more. Avery looked at the hand Consort Katherine held in hers, and sighed heavily. She thought of practicing today, but it looks like she wouldn’t be able to do that anymore. So resigning to her fate, Avery went along with royal consort Katherine, and answered her random questions. Both the ladies went to the mountain temple, and they both offered their prayers for their own wishes to come true. Then at the foot of the mountain, Avery bid her farewell to the Royal Consort Katherine, and went towards her Mansion's direction. In the back, Royal Consort Katherine looked at the retreating figure of Avery, and gushed how beautiful she was to her maid servant Macy. Every word that came out of Royal consort Katherine’s mouth was the praises towards the mysterious beautiful girl, Avery. And the praises of the unknown girl continued till the horse carriage reached the Royal palace. ~*~ happy reading ❤❤❤
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