chapter 36?

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Phoenix ch 36 Third Person POV: when she, the main Consort Benazir, who was of noble birth and born as a Princess of a state can't be able to win King Kellan's affection. She hated the fact that as a proud Princess and first married Consort, she didn't get to win over king Kellan's love and affection for her Main Consort Benazir hated third Prince Theodore solely because he was the son of the king Kellan’s beloved Consort Katherine's son. Main Consort Benazir hated Consort Katherine and thus she also hated third Prince Theodore. But once the second and third prince were born, the invisible competition between them started unknowingly. And it was also one of the reasons for main Consort Benazir to hate the third Prince Theodore. Third Prince Theodore was always compared with her beloved son, second Prince Avalon. And to top it all that third Prince Theodore too got all the skills her beloved son had abs they were at the same level in all sorts of things, making main Consort Benazir to go crazy. Third Prince Theodore got the looks, he resembled more like King Kellan getting his royal and majestic male looks while also getting a gentle facial features with a warm smile like that of a sun’s first rays during the dawn, from his mother, Consort Katherine. So third Prince Theodore was no less than second Prince Avalon in looks. But third Prince Theodore was more likable and approachable and was admired by more people as he got a gentle aura around him. This too made Consort Benazir to fume in anger, as Prince Theodore by passed her son, in that aspect. And Prince Theodore topped it all in his studies and had great knowledge and also he was skilled in martial arts. All in all third Prince Theodore was a complete set of perfect package, all the more reason for Consort Benazir to hate him. Her main reason for suggesting this plan was to bring back her beloved son Avalon back to the Royal palace. And if she made him to marry a noble lady from a influential family or a princess with lots of benefits, then it would strength her son, second Prince Avalon's position in he royal court. He would get more support from his father-in-law. Thus with all these, Main Consort Benazir thought of making her son Avalon, the crown prince. The title of Crown Prince was the one Consort Benazir was eyeing and coveting from the moment, she was blessed with a son. And this move of hers, getting her son married to a girl from a powerful family, was to strengthen her son’s position more in the royal palace and also in the royal family. It was common in the powerful and influential family to marry their sons and daughters to the other families with the same status and power similar to them or with the family that has more status and power than them. It was to maintain the status of their families and to have more wealth and power in the future. it's like basically they are trading their sons and daughters to get more support both financially and get more influential in the name of marriage. Thus the political marriage in the Royal family was not a big deal to begin with. inorder to ensure the safety of the kingdom, for more benefits and to avoid conflicts between the neighborhood kingdom, the royal family members mostly have a political marriage between them. Even her marriage, main Consort Benazir's marriage with king Kellan was also a political marriage to begin with. Thus, using the same method, main Consort Benazir wanted to gain more power in the name of marriage for her beloved son, second Prince Avalon, so that he would get more support from his powerful and influential in-laws and it would aid in his goal of getting the Crown Prince title for himself. main Consort Benazir clearly knows that empress Moira would definitely pick a girl of noble birth with her family having high status and power as her future grand daughter-in-law. hence using this, main Consort Benazir wanted to gather support for her son, so that he would have an easy way to get his desired title. But who would have thought that all her thoughts would have thought that her ideas would be used against her and also would be used to help, the person she hated and still hates the most aka Consort Katherine and her beloved son, third Prince Theodore. Thus she was furious and thought of making some special arrangements to aid her son in the future. ~*~
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