chapter 29?

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Third Person POV: Both the royal consorts of the king met at the entrance of the Rose palace of Empress Moira. They both looked at each other, showing a face filled with smile. But only one person had a real smile, and the other had a fake smile, and a malicious look in her eyes, so the innocent onlookers, who look at them from afar thought that the two Royal consorts were in good terms with each others. But only those who were in the inner palace, and the ones who knew the truth about the two would know that there was a cold war brewing between the two Royal consorts. As one of them was the Main consort, and the other one was the beloved Consort of the king. Even though, Consort Katherine didn’t like the Main Consort Benazir's arrogant attitude, she never took Main Consort Benazir’s degrading, and mocking words to her heart. As she thought that the Main Royal Consort was only all barks, and was jealous that King Kellan loved her more than the Main Consort Benazir. So Consort Katherine never took Main Consort Benazir’s actions, or words seriously, and try to avoid her, as much as she can, to reduce the conflicts between them. As whenever they meet, Main Consort Benazir would always try to pick on a fight between them, and try to create a scene. But who knows that Royal Main consort Benazir was not what she appears to be. She was more malicious than what consort Katherine had thought of her. Consort Katherine was naïve, and thought that others were not so cruel. But she forgot where she was. She was in a place, where all the fights, and evil plots were birthed, because it’s the place of the house of great Power. The Royal palace. The only place in the whole kingdom, which makes everyone to yearn to be there, and make some people to do anything, and everything in their power, and even out of their power, to achieve their greedy and selfish goal. Consort Katherine smiled, and greeted Main consort Benazir genuinely. “How are you doing, consort Benazir?”, Consort Katherine asked, since they met after a long time. As Main consort Benazir never respected other consorts, and didn’t put anyone into her eyes, she was always considered a loner, which she preferred too, as she thought, no one in the royal palace except for king Kellan, and Empress Moira had the status to meet, and spend time with her. Hence, consort Katherine hadn’t saw her for a long time. “Oh..So good. I am having a great life, as everyone respects me. Who can offend me anyways?? .No one had the guts to mess with me”, Main consort Benazir said in an arrogant attitude, and she didn’t even asked about Consort Katherine's well being in reply, even for name sake. She thought that Katherine didn’t deserve such kind of thing. Sighing at Main consort Benazir's aloof and arrogant attitude, Consort Katherine wanted to leave as quickly as she can, so as to, not wanting to make a scene in front of the palace of Empress mother Moira. “Congratulations on the marriage arrangements, Consort Benazir. Both of our sons are blessed, and talented, and handsome Princes of the kingdom. I really hope that they meet their suitable counter parts in this marriage arrangements. Let’s wait, and see which of the two princes get married first”, Consort Katherine said with genuine thoughts. She was really looking forward to see the royal marriage of the Princes. It would be extravagant and a fabulous treat to the eyes. But who would have thought that the innocently expressed happy wishes of her, would be misinterpreted into a hidden challenge and threat by the other party’s viscous mind. “I am too very eager to see who gets to marry first, Consort Katherine”, Main Consort Benazir said, and wanted to get away from the Rose palace abruptly. She didn’t want to stay any longer, and lose her self control in the palace of Empress Moira. Main Consort Benazir nodded her head to the other questions sent her way, but never gave a response to Consort Katherine. Main Consort Benazir really hated her, and never even wanted to smile at the latter, even as a formal greetings. But the surroundings didn’t allow her to do so, as she pleased. It was the living quarters of Empress Moira. So Main Consort Benazir didn’t want to cause a scene, and get reprimanded by Empress Moira. As Empress Moira already didn’t have a good opinion on her, in the First place. If not, that if she was not in the Rose palace, Main Consort Benazir would have mocked consort Katherine like she usually does, and she would have even done something like deliberately making things difficult for the other party aka Katherine, as usual. If it’s not the Rose palace, Main Consort Benazir wouldn’t even had smiled at Consort Katherine. Because the former hated the latter person to the core. Because all the persons in the Royal palace knew very well that Consort Katherine was King Kellan's beloved Consort. He doted on her more than he does to others, As he married her out of love unlike his other Consorts, whom he married for political purposes. And unfortunate for her, Main Consort Benazir too came under that political marriage list, which she loathed the most. ~*~ happy reading ❤❤❤
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