chapter 30?

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Third Person POV: If it’s not the Rose palace, Main Consort Benazir wouldn’t even had smiled at Consort Katherine. Because the former hated the latter person to the core. Because all the persons in the Royal palace knew very well that Consort Katherine was King Kellan's beloved Consort. He doted on her more than he does to others, As he married her out of love unlike his other Consorts, whom he married for political purposes. And unfortunate for her, Main Consort Benazir too came under that political marriage list, which she loathed the most. She was married off to King Kellan, when her home state was annexed with the great Valerian kingdom. Her marriage was merely a peace treaty for both parties, to ensure that they both don’t break the peace truce signed between them. Her marriage which she considered the most important in her life was merely an insurance for both the parties. And later, when she was treated a little bit less than Consort Katherine, she felt worse as if her pride was being crushed. So she always hated Consort Katherine, as she thought that the latter deliberately stole all the love from her husband, aka King Kellan. And even others respected Consort Katherine more as she was kind-hearted. Main Consort Benazir couldn’t digest the fact that a mere daughter of a scholar, and a merchant, was respected more than her, A Princess of noble blood, which fueled her hatred towards the latter even more as time passed. But what she didn’t see, or more like refused to see, was that people respected her out of fear in messing with a royal Consort, while they respected Consort Katherine for her goodness, and kind heart. Well, it was how the cruel world happens to revolve though. Crazy People refuse to see the goodness in other people, mainly in the people they consider their rival, and deceive themselves that they were treated bad, and unfairly, because of the other party, and not because of their own actions. As soon as Main consort Benazir reached her living quarters, she threw a temper tantrum, and broke the expensive porcelain artifacts, and tea set that sat on the tea table made of expensive rose wood. After venting her anger, Main Consort Benazir had some what calmed down, but her frustration was still evident on her face, as she was frowning deeply. Her maid servant, Sara was really afraid of her lady, even though she had seen her lady go crazy like this many times in her long years of experience. But still, Sara was unable to get used to her lady’s short temper. “Lowly vixen. How dare she challenge me Infront of my face?? How dare that lowly daughter of a merchant??. Who gave her the rights to act like that in front of a noble Princess like me????”, Main Consort Benazir gritted her teeth in anger. “She thought that she was some great deal, since she got the love of his Royal Highness. How dare she say that her lowly bastard son was at the same level as my beloved son Avalon, who was of a noble blood as both his parents were royals. Unlike that bastard son of hers”, Main Consort Benazir cursed to vent her anger. “hmm..Let’s see. How dare that lowly daughter's bastard son can compete with my beloved son Avalon. Let’s see how he manages to snatch the bride from my son, and get married first. I will never allow it!!”, saying that she broke the little hand fan, she had in her hands. “My beloved son will be the first one to get married, and I will damn sure make it happen at all costs. Let’s see, how those two lowly ‘mother and son' pair feel, when my beloved son Avalon get to marry first”, Main Consort Benazir said with an evil look dancing in the depth of her deep looking eyes. On the other hand, in the other side of the royal palace, unknown to all these chaotic, and evil thoughts of her husband’s other wife, Consort Katherine was brimming with happiness, by the happy news that her beloved son will soon have a marriage bestowed by his Royal Highness. Her only wish was to see her beloved sons get married soon, and have a happy life before her eyes. If she get a additional bonus of getting to see her grandchildren, and have the blessing of raising them up, she won’t deny it though. So as soon as she returned to her living quarters, she went to the room meant for praying in her living quarters, and offered a quick prayer, and thanked the great god for the happy news. She also called her maid servant later. “Macy….Macy….come here soon”, she called her maid servant excitedly. She couldn’t control her happiness at all, and was very enthusiastic, brimming with happy vibes. ~*~ happy reading ❤❤❤
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