chapter 28?

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Third Person POV: It’s like their mouths were not only for causing trouble, but also for giving some rare good suggestions”, Empress Moira said, making her son king Kellan to shake his head at his royal mother’s happy mode. “Ok, royal mother. Then I shall inform the Royal Council of Ministers, and the scholars, and the royal court to proceed with this suggestion”, king Kellan said. “And you will be responsible for the selection of the Princess Consort, dear royal mother. After all you are going to have your long wish of getting a Princess Consort for your grandsons was to be fulfilled”, king Kellan said, teasing his royal mother. “Of course. Of course. It’s a must. Even if you didn’t mention it, I will be responsible for bringing in a sensible, and intelligent, and beautiful looking granddaughter-in-law”, Empress Moira said while lifting her chin up proudly. Soon the messengers were sent out to deliver the message to the Main Consort Benazir, and first Royal consort Katherine to the Rose palace. Empress Moira asked them to come, to give them the good news, about the marriage arrangements of the second, and the third princes. “Greetings Empress mother”, main Consort Benazir bowed, and greeted Moira. Behind Benazir, her loyal servant Sara followed. Then came, first consort Katherine with her royal servant Macy. She too quickly greeted the Empress. The main Consort Benazir, and first consort Katherine looked at each other, and greeted formally. But in real, they never got along well with each other, and often fought indirectly. “welcome ladies. I called you both to inform something very important. The King, and I decided to arrange a marriage for the princes. So soon the following processing will be done, and there will be a happy occasion soon”, empress Moira dropped the news di casually, making both the Consorts dumbfounded. Hearing this both Consort Benazir, and Consort Katherine was very Happy. As they were going to see their sons quickly than they had thought, and they were happy, and really did agreed to the previous arrangement. “That’s really a good news, Empress mother”, Royal Consort Katherine said. ‘humm…butter up, vixen. All you do was to flatter others….hmm’, Main Royal Consort Benazir thought, and snorted. Then she quickly managed her emotions. After telling every single details about the upcoming marriage proposal, Empress Moira was a little excited. Then both the consorts had returned to their place, after bidding their goodbyes to the king, and to the empress Moira.. ~*~ happy reading❤❤❤
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