chapter 39?

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Third Person POV: The Third prince Theodore also explained all the techniques and listed out the vegetable plants and fruit plants that only should planted in each season to reap high benefits. Thus along with the people in the village, third Prince Theodore had more or less finished the work for which the King Kellan had sent him. To solve the food scarcity problem. Hence, the prejudices the people of the Village had against the third Royal Prince Theodore vanished and everyone liked him. Once in a while they even bring the hunted birds and animals they brought from the forest, the honey they collect and the freshly dug root vegetables and fruits they picked from the forest to their beloved third Prince Theodore. Like wise, the older woman wanted to show her gratitude to the third Prince Theodore and also wanted to treat him with the foods are had cooked for him. As the third Prince Theodore reminded her of her late grandson who had died in the war last year. When the third Prince Theodore addressed her as ‘grandma’, she was too touched and felt happy. And so, she prepared all the foods her late grandson liked to eat and wanted to give it to the third Prince. Coming out of her thoughts, the older woman wore a bright smile upon looking at the third Prince Theodore. She quickly greeted him. “Greetings, your Royal Highness”. “What is it, grandma?. Do you need us to do any other help for you?”, Third Prince Theodore asked and came near the door, and stood next to Mason, who was standing near the threshold of the stone building. “No….nothing, your Royal Highness. I just came to give yku two these foods that I cooked. I made all these from the pumpkin, your highness helped to harvest. It’s just a small token of love from this lowly old woman, for your kindness, third Prince”, the older woman said looking a little nervous. She was afraid that the third Prince Theodore would reject accepting her foods. “yiu didn’t have to go through all these trouble, grandma. It’s just a small work”, the third Prince Theodore said, while looking at the older woman. The woman Infront of him was more or less above eighty years old. But here she was standing Infront of his place, came to repay him from the small help he did for her. He really was impressed by how innocent and pure minded these village people were and how they treated him with so much love and affection. “Its Nothing…its not at all trouble for me. Here. Enjoy the foods, your Royal Highness”, saying this, the older woman quickly pushed the tray of food into Mason’s hands and turned around leaving from the lawn of the stone building. Seeing the tray of food being more or less forced into his hands, Mason looked dumbfounded. He was really impressed by the older lady's actions. The older woman was old, but her actions were so agile that Mason didn’t able to dodge her actions at all. Seeing the surprised look on Mason’s face, the third Prince Theodore laughed and shook his head. “It looks like you are being lazy and lacking in your skills. You can’t even predict and avoid that old grandma’s actions…not good Mason….not good at all”, third Prince Theodore teased and pulled Mason’s leg happily. “Don’t tease me, my lord. It’s sll because of you”, Mason complain like a kid and even pushed the blame on the third Prince Theodore. “Now what did I do??. Don’t put the blame of you being lazing around on an innocent person, Mason”, third Prince Theodore said in a tone like he was greatly wronged, but his sharp almond shaped eyes were shinning with mischievousness in them. “My lord. That old Grandma in fear of you not accepting her hand cooked foods, pushed the tray and went in a hurry without even turning back”, Mason said in an accusing tone. “Nope….Don’t give excuses. Tomorrow add few hours extra to your training hours”, third Prince Theodore dropped the bomb on Mason do casually. “Now let’s eat those delicious home made foods. Even the palace workers can’t cook delicious foods like this village people. Come on, Mason. Let’s eat while it’s hot”, saying this third Prince Theodore took the tray of food from a dumbfounded looking Mason’s hand and went inside humming happily like a kid. Mason who had long gotten used to his third Prince Theodore's behavior, only shook his head and went inside after closing the entrance door. Inside the dinning room, the tray of foods was placed on the round wooden table and third Prince Theodore was sitting on one of the two chairs present near the table. The two chairs looked similar yet different at the same time. The one third Prince Theodore sat on was made of from a decade old teak wood of supreme quality. It was specifically designed and craved and made for third Prince Theodore. The people of the village had gifted him on the first week of his visit. Once they saw how their beloved third Prince Theodore, who was different from the stupid groundless rumors and helped them to develop the basic quality of their life more than those pretentious government officials who would come only to just pay a visit to their village for name sake, the people of the Village was so touched. They could feel they Third prince Theodore's sincerity and pure and kind gesture towards them. Thus to relay the kindness of his with a little but if gratitude of theirs, they specifically formed a group to help and satisfy the Third prince Theodore’s stay there in their village to be a pleasant one. Thus they made every furniture that would be used by him, all of themselves and that too all the furniture were newly made and it was all made of high quality teak and rose wood barks they cut down from the forest near by. They made every possible wood furniture necessary for him. The first one they made and gifted him was his bed. When third Prince Theodore got know that the people of the village was doing this kind of things for him, he immediately refused, so as not to make them serve him separately. But the people in the village straight out refused his request and said that it was their pleasure in serving him. Hence third Prince Theodore had to resign to their request. But also made a small condition that they could only make the things he ask them to make. Thus, he only asked them to make a small round dinning table with two chairs, for him and Mason and a reading table for doing his works. ~*~ happy reading ❤❤❤
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