chapter 38?

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Phoenix ch 38 Third Person POV: After cooking all the dishes, she took the clean and only good looking cutlery. She quickly poured some spicy pumpkin soup into two bowls and did the same with the sweet pumpkin dessert. She them placed them neatly on a big tray and took two loafs of freshly baked pumpkin bread and put them on the tray too. Quickly covering the big tray using a big banana leaf, the older woman took the tray and went towards the only stone building standing in the middle of the village like some sort of fort. The stone building was the place, the village head arranged for the third Prince Theodore to stay. The older woman went and knocked on the wooden door indicating her presence to the person inside. Hearing the knocking, the personal bodyguard Mason went and opened the wooden door, only to be surprised to see the older woman, whom they saw a few hours before. The one, to who his lord, Prince Theodore helped. “Yes, Grandma. What can I do for you?. Do you need any help or you want to see his Highness, Prince Theodore??”, Mason asked as the village people would some time come to find his lord, Prince Theodore to solve some problems or for his help. “Nothing son. I just came to give you both some breakfast, of you don’t mind eating food that came from this lowly old woman”, the older woman said looking a little bit anxious and embarrassed. In her excited, she forgot the detail that whether the food prepared by her would be liked and eaten by Prince Theodore. Now when she saw the face of the Prince's personal bodyguard Mason, she got reminded of that fact. Thus she was nervous as she acted without thinking. But she really hoped deep inside her heart that the foods she carefully and whole heartedly prepared could be eaten by their beloved third Prince Theodore. Seeing the uneasy look on the older woman's face, Mason understood her concerns. Before he could clear her anxiousness, a clear and deep voice, like that of a musical instrument, sounded from behind Mason. “Hello, Grandma”. Hearing that voice, both Mason and the elder woman followed the voice and looked behind them. There stood the person of the topic of the talk, none other than, third Prince Theodore himself. He came out to see what the noise was about and why his personal bodyguard Mason took too much time to see who was in their doorstep. Once he came to the entrance, he saw the older woman he had seen before and immediately recognized her and greeted her enthusiastically. From the words he had heard, he quickly perceived the contents of the conversation between Mason and the older woman. Seeing that the third Prince Theodore had personally came to the entrance and even greeted her, the older woman was delighted to say the least. Age couldn’t contain her happiness at all and all her teeth were on display on seeing the third royal Prince. One of the main reasons why everyone loved and admired the third Royal Prince Theodore everywhere he went or by even the people who had a encounter with him even for a brief moment, was mainly because of his kind and innate nobleness ACS also because if his down to earth personality. He doesn’t have an attitude and arrogance that solely belonged to the Royal men and women. As his other brothers and sisters, from the lowly concubines show off before the normal citizens, unlike him. Thus, from the moment the third Royal Prince came to that small village, everyone who lived in that village loved him instantly. They had only heard rumors about the Royal Princes and it was the first time they had gotten the chance to see the third Royal Prince Theodore. As the rumors the had heard, had said, all the people of the village thought that the visiting Third Royal Prince Theodore would be arrogant and showing off his powers like every other royal people. The people of the village even blindly believed the rumors back then that, that the third Royal Prince Theodore was the same as those other members of the High ranked people and Royals, as the senseless rumors had said about him commonly. As the high ranking officials of the government had come before the third Prince Theodore, well, the had only lazed around and didn’t help the village people at all. On the other hand, the people in the village had to serve them carefully, to avoid being in the bad books of them, the people in the village, had to even bootlick them. But once he reached the village, he not only erased those senseless rumors but also created a new image of own natural self deep within the hearts of the people of the village, successfully changing their minds on viewing him as a person. The real reason for the change of heart of the people in the village was that, unlike those government officials who had visited them before in the name of executing the government orders, they just came and showers their faces and ate the only good food available from the village head office and they would just return to the place from where they came from, without solving any of their problems. But Third prince Theodore not only asked their opinions and problems but also solved their unasked problems too. He didn’t just order his subordinates to do the work, but also, he too got down and did the manual labor work without putting off air, saying that he was a Royal Prince. That’s how, every one in the village got newly built well enough homes of their own. As the last one they had I’m the name of home can’t be really considered as home. All they had was just a three side raised mud wall with the roof covered with leaves randomly. The rooftop basically didn’t cover it’s purpose of blocking the upper side. And the gaps in-between the leaves arrangement was poorly done that they were in the verge of falling down. It was third Prince Theodore who along with his subordinates went inside the nearby forest to gather raw materials and taught the people of the village to built new homes in a different manner. Then to solve their food scarcity, he suggested planting high yielding as well as the plants that only took few months to give it’s final harvest were planted in each and everyone's home backside garden. He also explained all the techniques and listed out the vegetable plants and fruit plants that only should planted in each season to reap high benefits. Thus along with the people in the village, third Prince Theodore had more or less finished the work for which the King Kellan had sent him. To solve the food scarcity problem. ~*~ happy reading ❤❤❤
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