chapter 40, part 1?

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Third Person POV: Hence third Prince Theodore had to resign to their request. But also made a small condition that they could only make the things he ask them to make. Thus, he only asked them to make a small round dinning table with two chairs, for him and Mason and a reading table for doing his works. And the one Third prince Theodore sat on was that chair specifically made for him. The other chair meant for Mason even though it looked dkisr to the one his prince sat on, but it was different as his chair lacked the beautiful craftsmanship done on third Prince Theodore’s chair. The chair meant for Prince Theodore was delicately and dedicatedly carved with beautiful designs. The third Prince Theodore sitting on that beautiful looking chair, looked even more charming and gave off a noble vibe, even sitting inside a small building made if stones. His lord, the third Prince Theodore was such a charming man with kind heart and righteous personality, Mason thought and felt grateful that he got the rare chance to serve hid lord, the third Prince Theodore. He thanked the almighty God for his good fortune to meet his lord, who was such a good man with a huge heart. “hey Mason. Stop dilly dallying. Come and eat soon. You have to do training for some extra hours from today. Don’t think that I forgot about that”, third Prince Theodore teased Mason with a mischievous look in his eyes. How can he leave this rare chance of pulling the legs and teasing that cold faced man, slip through his hands. He had full plan to tease Mason for a few days. He was excited whenever he saw that cold faced bodyguard of his, turn totally red in embarrassment. “My lord. This is unfair. You can’t be serious in making me to training for extra hours right??”, Mason asked and he even forgot that he was whining like a ten year old boy who was wronged greatly. “Well….if you didn’t come and eat within the cunt of three, I will be adding an extra hour to that training of yours”, third Prince Theodore said slyly, making Mason to groan in displeasure. But soon, Mason came and sat down immediately like a obedient like boy when he caught sight if his Lord’s scheming eyes, from which he could tell that he was again planning something against him. Thus soon all the dishes in the tray given by that old woman was devoured by these two grown man. To their surprise, the foods even though they looked plain and simple, yet they had great taste that could be compared to second to none. Even the royal chefs would be failing miserably against this old woman if they were put against each other in a cooking competition. That was the thought the striked Third prince Theodore’s mind once he ate everything to his heart’s content. Once both the men ate, third Prince Theodore went to the study room to read some official documents, while Mason cleared the dishes and got ready to join his Highness in the study room. But all of a sudden, he heard some rustling sounds coming from the outside of the door. Soon he recognized that sound as the flapping of a bird’s wings. So he went out to take a look and as he had suspected, there really was a messenger bird, more specifically that came from the Royal palace. Since the message cube tied to the birds leg had a royal seal, but a private symbol on it, Mason quickly recognized that as Noble Royal Consort Katherine’s message. Thinking that it might be something important, since it came from the royal palace, Mason quickly took the message capsule from the bird and then went inside to infirm his royal prince Theodore. “Your highness. It’s a message from the royal palace. It’s from your mother, Noble Royal Consort Katherine”, Mason quickly delivered the news and extended the message capsule to Third prince Theodore. Hearing that the message was from his Royal mother Katherine, third Prince Theodore was delighted and he excitedly took the message capsule from Mason’s hand. He quickly opened the message capsule and read the contents of the letter sent to him by his Royal mother. He was happy once he get to know the contents of the message. Seeing his Highness, third Prince Theodore smiling happily, Mason realised that the news they received was a good one. Unable to control his curiosity, he asked out loud. “What does the letter says, my lord. You seem to be happy once you read the letter sent by Noble Royal Consort Katherin”, Mason asked intrigued. “Yes, Mason. It’s a good news indeed. Royal mother asked me to come back to the capital city soon. She wanted us to wrap up the things here pretty soon and wanted us to return to the capital city as soon as possible”, Third prince Theodore replied in a tone filled with happiness. Third Prince Theodore was really happy as he was going to return back to the capital city. Even though, staying here in the village was not difficult for him, he really did miss his real home and his Royal mother Katherine. So, the news that he could return soon was like a warm breath of spring breeze, gently warming him up with its gentle touches. Hearing his Mason too was happy as he too missed being in the capital city. Even though both the Master and the servant went around the whole kingdom time to time, the place where they really wanted to be was their own Manor in the capital city. It’s their own turf. Thus, Mason too was happy on returning to their own Manor. With a new found energy, both the third Prince Theodore and his loyal bodyguard Mason quickly started completing the remaining works. Within a day, both third Prince and Mason along with few of his few soldiers they had with them in the village, quickly finished the remaining work diligently. Third Prince Theodore was all smiles because of the message he got from his Royal mother Katherine. He was very happy on returning to his home, the capital city. As the old saying said, even if one was given a palace made of gold and decorated with precious gems stones and valuable items stacked in them, the real happiness for a genuine person was to return to his own place or his home and they only get to have a peaceful sleep in their own turf. That’s why they say that even if a peasant was made a king, he can only have a good sleep when he sleeps on the floor with a blanket as his spread instead of a fluffy bed. Third Prince Theodore was all set to leave the village in the southern province and return to his home. ~*~ happy reading ❤❤❤
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