chapter 82?

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goodness gracious… . What are you talking about??”, Royal mother Moira asked out suddenly in an enthusiastic tone, making consort Katherine to let out a breath in relief. “Really???. Is there a young lady you like already???... Who is she?. Which family does she belong to?. She is the citizen of our kingdom?. Or is she from the neighbourhood kingdoms??. Well it does not matter, anyway. What does she look like?. Is she pretty?. Will she be a perfect match we are looking for our third prince?? “, Royal mother Moira shot out questions like fire, left and right, making Royal consort Katherine to be baffled, and rendered speechless. How can she even say a word out, when the over excited grandmother was drilling her thousands of questions all at the same time, without even taking a breath???!!!. Not only the Royal consort, but also the two servants of the Royal ladies were shocked and surprised at the same time, by seeing the over excited old lady of the Royal Family. The few seconds of silence, freaked the Royal consort and also the two servant ladies who were serving the Royal women. But not of that sort happened as the ladies had expected, and all they were relieved secretly. You can even imagine that Royal consort Katherine patting her chest in her mind, to relax her nerves. It turns out that the Royal Mother was only surprised and excited more about the prospective future bride of one of her grandsons, which in turn made the old lady to delight in happiness. “Thank the great goddess. I was scared for a second there, Royal mother, thinking that I was over stepping my boundaries and meddling in your matters”, consort Katherine spoke out what she thought, once she was nerves were back to normal. “do not fret and over think, dear madam. Actually you made my work a little easy and reduced by stress levels by several levels. Because I was really churning my brains out, from the moment I began to search for the eligible brides for our princes. Because all the young ladies I had seen till now, did not match up to my expectations for my future grand daughter in law. They did not even cross the eligible bar level, making me to stressed out. Now that you think that you like a nice young lady and think that she is a perfect match for our third prince, then one of the problem will be sorted out. Even if I cannot find any suitable bride for the second prince, at least we will be able to arrange the marriage for at least one of the princes, if the young lady you are talking about turned out to be a perfect match and is worthy enough to be the member of the Royal Family”, the old lady of the Royal family said her thoughts out to consort Katherine and let out a sigh. Because like Royal consort Katherine, Royal mother Moira too was very eager about the marriage proposal pf the Royal princes. She really wanted to see the marriages of all of her grandsons. It was her wish in the past few years. “Leave out those topics. Now back to what you were talking about. Tell me more about the lovely young lady. I want to know more about my future grand daughter in law”, Royal mother Moira urged her dear daughter in law, looking like a woman who was very eager to know about the recent gossips pf the town. Seeing the over excited Royal mother, consort Katherine was stunned for a second, as the old lady’s eyes shinned and looked eagerly like a little kid. Then Royal consort Katherine shook her head and started to share about the little details that she knew about the lovely young lady who impressed her in the first meeting. It was more like love at first sight for this eager mother in law aka Royal consort Katherine. “Royal mother. The young lady was so pretty and was very kind. She definitely must belong to our kingdom as she told me that she knew the short cut of the route to the mountain temple. She must had visited the mountain temple several times. And the young lady told that her name was Avery. Avery Hastings, Royal mother “, consort Katherine said finally. **** finally...... Avery was brought into the discussion of the Royal ladies.
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