chapter 83?

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After hearing the name of the young lady, Royal mother Moira's face was filled with a small smile. She liked the name of the young lady and some how, the old lady instantly took a liking to the above said young lady, without even seeing the portrait of the painting of Avery. It was because the first reason was that the above said young lady was recommend by her dear daughter in law, Royal consort Katherine. Because Royal mother Moira had a lot of trust and love on the lady who her dear son had married out of love. All these years, the Royal mother had witnessed how kind and well mannered consort Katherine was. Royal mother Moira liked this daughter in law of hers mostly because, consort Katherine was not greedy about wealth and power. Consort Katherine was always happy and content with whatever she had. She never involved in the politics of the women in the Royal Palace, who fights openly and in the dark, with all kinds of plots and means to gain favours and power by being a member of the Royal Family. Consort Katherine was the only one who married her dear son king Kellan, for love, while the other ladies married into the Royal Family for its power and wealth and the benefits they and their families would get being in relation with the Royal Family. And the most important and the second reason was that Royal mother Moira knows very well that consort Katherine would only means good for others and mainly for the children of the Royal Family, including all the kids of king Kellan. Royal mother Moira trusted consort Katherine that much, which was why she acknowledged the suggestion consort Katherine gave her without thinking twice. If the same suggestion was given any other wives of her son, Royal mother Moira would have never even taken them into account, because they all would have or will definitely be using this chance to recommend the ladies of their families or some person they know, wanting to gain benefits from the Royal marriage. “Avery Hastings… . What a nice and endearing name. Just hearing this name makes me feel as if I have some sort of connection with that young lady “, Royal mother Moira said with a deep thought. When consort Katherine heard the words uttered by the Royal old lady, she was stunned for a second. Because she too felt the same feeling of connection when she met that young lady in the forest. “ yes, dear Royal mother. Her presence really gives off that type of feeling and a strange kind of calmness. That young lady had that type of comfortable aura around her”, consort Katherine added her thoughts while thinking about the angelic yet familiar looking face of the above mentioned young lady. Suddenly, the train of thoughts of consort Katherine was disturbed and she was brought out of her thoughts, when she heard Royal mother Moira snapping her fingers. “oh my…. Now I get it. Why I felt the name seemed like I had heard somewhere and as if I was some what familiar with this name”, Royal mother said. This spiked up the curiosity of consort Katherine who fixed her attention on the Royal old lady, waiting for her to complete her sentence. “ The Hastings family… . It was a well known and prestigious family in our kingdom. The master of the Hastings family is a official member and holds one of the ministers position in out Royal court. The young lady you had seen must be a member of the Hastings household family. This makes things very easy, consort Katherine “, Royal mother Moira said in a happy tone. “What a small world. The young lady we were speaking about was right under our sight. It definitely is a good sign, Royal mother”, consort Katherine expressed her thoughts with an added excitement. Because it all looked to consort Katherine like it was connected somehow and it was fate that had brought Avery Hastings to her and made her like the young lady. She was happy because it looked like her wish of marrying that sweet young lady to her son, prince Theodore was going to come true. Both the Royal ladies gushed in happiness as things were progressing soon and in a good manner, making the Royal ladies to be in a excited mode. Royal mother Moira suddenly summoned a guard from the outside and made a Royal order. “ Avery Hastings… I need to know everything about this young lady. That too very soon. Tell the men I had assigned to bring details about the young ladies in the city to work fast. I need the information as soon as possible. Pass my order“, Royal mother Moira ordered the guard in her firm voice. ****
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