chapter 81?

897 Words
I came here to talk about something. More like I wanted to say something to you. Is that okay???. Are you free now, Royal mother??? “, consort Katherine dragged her words and was hesitant to say the first word. “oh, drop the formalities, Katherine. Just say what you wanted to say… feel free to speak your mind out”, Royal mother Moira said in a reassuring tone, when she saw her daughter in law looking a little tensed up and pressing her fingers together in nervousness. The old lady could tell in a glance with her years of experience in judging people that her daughter in law came her to talk about something very important, just from her facial expressions and behaviour. Thinking that she had to say this out anyway, consort Katherine took a deep breath and decided to speak about the topic. The reason she was all hesitant like this was because in one way, it might look like she was being nosy and meddling in the decision of the previous ruler and the second thing was king kellan gave out an imperial order, and she knew well enough that imperial order should not be taken lightly. She meddling in the affairs of the Royal marriage was not a good thing and if words get out, the council of ministers from the Royal court would make a big issue telling that she was given special favour. And not to mention, main consort Benazir…. The main consort would blow up the palace and make the issue bigger and blow it up out of proposition. “ it’s just a little suggestion, Royal mother. If the words I am about to say make you to feel offended in any way, then I am sorry for that. It’s about the Royal marriage of the princes. More specifically, about the selection process of the brides”, consort Katherine spilled the beans and held her breath in anxiety. She was waiting for Royal mother Moira’s outburst Or was expecting reprimanded words from her. But even after a few seconds later, there was no response, so consort Katherine looked at Royal mother curiously. Unlike what she had expected to happen, her dear Royal mother was looking at her in a calm and amusing way. Royal mother Moira even gestured her to go on and tell the remaining words she wanted to say to her. “Stop creating suspense and tell what you wanted to say dear. What about the selection of brides? “, the old lady asked in her infamous regal voice that sounded very calm, instantly making consort Katherine to relax a lot. “I already have a young lady in my mind for third prince Theodore, Royal mother “, consort Katherine abruptly says and looks at the old Lady’s reaction. “I met this lovely young lady when I went to visit the mountain temple last time to pray and bring offerings. She is such a kind and nice looking young lady, Royal mother. We encountered some bad happenings and I was hurt during the visit. There that lovely young lady helped us all and even tended to my Injuries. I like her very much at the first glance. You would like that young lady too, Royal mother. She was very beautiful and had a noble and kind aura around her, Royal mother. When I saw her, I really wanted to marry her off to the third prince and bring her home as my daughter in law”, consort Katherine blurted out every in her excited tone in front of the Royal mother, without any second thoughts, as she was carried away in her excited mode. Only when she finished speaking and blurted out the words, did the Royal consort realized that she made a very big mistake. In the beginning, she just wanted the inform the Royal mother Moira about her encounter with that lovely young lady and how she likes her. She then carefully wanted to suggest to the Royal mother Moira to take that lovely young lady into consideration in the process of selection of bride for her son, the third prince aka Theodore. But in her excited mode, she went ahead and said that she wanted that young lady to be the bride for the third prince. It looked like had already made the decision regarding the marriage of the third prince and went ahead in selecting the bride for her son all by herself without consulting or asking permission from the elder in the family aka the Royal mother Moira even for courtesy, and was only informing the Royal mother about the decision she had taken regarding her son’s marriage. The situation looked like consort Katherine did not take in account of the Royal mother’s authority and was being disrespectful to the elder of the Royal Family. Just this thought made consort Katherine to realize the mistake that she had committed and her face lost all the blood in an instant and her face looked a little bit pale. Consort Katherine hastily lifted her head, only to see that the Royal mother Moira was looking at her with an unknown look in her face, without saying anything. Consort Katherine was scared out of her wits as she was unable read the reaction of the Royal mother Moira. ****
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