chapter 37?

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Third Person POV: In the southern province, somewhere in small village. The only stone building that looked some what presentable was present in the middle of the village. All the small straight and cross roads in the entire village was inter connected with each other and all the roads in the village somehow managed to maintain a connected road to the only stone building that looked tall and unique amidst the small huts and houses made of mud and dried leaf roof top, of the dwellers of the village. The rooftop of big the mud building and huts were made of with the help of bamboo sticks and pine tree woods as a base and dried branches of coconut tree leaves and palm tree branches were used as a layer by placing one upon the other like interlacing layers. Above those leaf rooftops of the huts and small houses, few plants were let to spread over them. The most common climber plant seen above most of the houses were pumpkin plant. Since it was the suitable time for the growth of these climber plants, so the villagers planted them and used their rooftops to support their weight. Those plants spread over the rooftops and each rooftops had a certain number of fully ripen orange colored pumpkin fruit ready to be harvested. As such was the case, an older woman used her sickle to cut her riped pumpkin but was unable to reach it, since it was a little bit above her reach. When she was busy trying to reach that orange fruit, a strong and sturdy arm reached out and took the small sickle blade from the older woman and used that to cut the riped pumpkin from the plant. The man to whom those strong arms belonged to, turned around and gave that pumpkin to the older woman with a smile on his face. Looking at the familiar noble face, the older woman quickly bowed down and greeted him. “Your Royal Highness, Prince Theodore. Thank you”, the older woman said quickly, and looked anxious. As she knew that the handsome young man Infront of her was a royal and the one who was living in that one and only stone building in that village. Yes. The one who helped her was none other than the third Prince Theodore. Prince Theodore looked so handsome with innate nobleness in him. His large and curved forehead, with two sword like thick eyebrows above the star like shinning eyes and a straight nose with small thin pink lips added more beauty to his appreance. His sharp chin and defined jawline added a mysterious charm to him, making him look like an incarnation of the god himself. The gods above had blessed him with everything. He had good looks, extraordinary skills, vast knowledge and a kind and helpful personality. Thus the moment he reached this small village in the southern province, he successfully captured everyone’s heart’s with his charming personality. When he first reached this village with his loyal right hand man and also personal bodyguard Mason, the small village looked like a rundown place and more like some abandoned village. The people in the village starved in lack of food. So the third Prince Theodore quickly decided to improve the quality and the way of the life the village people, instead of just finding the cause of the starvation problem and writing a report on it for the Royal King Kellan. So he took the matters into his hands and with the few subordinates and a few soldiers that came with him, he decided to help the village people. He first built a good houses for every family and with the help of the village people. He made them to use the forest resources and successfully managed to solve the living problem for them. Since it was a little warm season, he suggested the village people to plant quick yielding vegetable plants and fruit plants in their house yards. And that pumpkin plant was one of his suggestion. He made them to make the plant to crawl over the rooftops thus occupying less area to grow and also because pumpkin grew faster and can be harvested soon. Third Prince Theodore was doing his regular morning rounds around the village to get some fresh air and also to see the living conditions of the village people. Thus he came across her struggling older woman. “Its okay, grandma. Do your work. It’s my pleasure to help you. Don’t mind my status as a Prince. Treat me as your grandson”, third Prince Theodore said looking at the elderly woman bowing Infront of him as a greeting. Then he went away with his personal bodyguard Mason following behind him. The older lady quickly made use of the pumpkin and quickly did a spicy pumpkin soup and a sweet dessert made of pumpkin and a bread made of pumpkin too. After cooking all the dishes, she took the clean and only good looking cutlery. She quickly poured some spicy pumpkin soup into two bowls and did the same with the sweet pumpkin dessert. She them placed them neatly on a big tray and took two loafs of freshly baked pumpkin bread and put them on the tray too. Quickly covering the big tray using a big banana leaf, the older woman took the tray and went towards the only stone building standing in the middle of the village like some sort of fort.
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