chapter 31?

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Phoenix ch 31 Third Person POV: “Macy….Macy….come here soon”, Royal Consort Katherine called her maid servant excitedly. She couldn’t control her happiness at all, and was very enthusiastic, while brimming with happy vibes. “Yes, my lady. What can I do for you?”, her loyal servant Macy, who had followed her, since her childhood asked respectfully. “Sent a message to the third Prince Theodore that he should come back soon to the capital city. So, ask him to wrap up his work, as early as possible. I want him to be back”, Consort Katherine said to her maid servant. “Yes, my lady”, Macy said. “And also congratulations on the good news, my lady. Looks like our third Prince Theodore will be granted a royal marriage proposal by our Royal Highness, King Kellan. One of your life long wish to see our third Prince Theodore getting married, was about to be get fulfilled, my lady. I am so happy for you, and the third Prince Theodore”, Macy said, and really felt happy for her lady. Because she knows very well that, for how much long her lady had longed for her only son, third prince Theodore to get married, and bring in a beautiful bride as his wife. Since Consort Katherine gave birth to a single child, and that too a male child, her son was busy from the childhood in learning various things, and had less time to spend with her. As she had only one child, she felt very lonely, when he grew up a little, and went to learn, and train to excel in his martial arts, and other skills needed to be learned by a Prince. Royal Consort Katherine always longer for a female child. But she never gave birth to one, and there was no other female child in the Royal family, expect for the first Princess Helen, Consort Benazir’s only daughter. But Main Consort Benazir never allowed her daughter, Princess Helen to spend time with consort Katherine. Therefore royal consort Katherine longed for a female child, and a female’s company for a very long time. So the idea of her son, third Prince Theodore getting married excited her greatly. Also the other reason, why royal consort Katherine was happy, was that she was going to get a daughter-in-law, for whom she was waiting for a very long time. “Yes…yes….So prepare some desserts, and fresh fruits as offering to the god, soon. We shall go to the mountain temple to offer our prayer, and say thank you to the great god. We will be leaving tomorrow, early in the morning after the dawn break”, Consort Katherine said happily. “Yes, my lady. Don’t worry. I will make the following arrangements accordingly. Rest assured. Leave everything to me, my lady”, Macy said, and went out of the living quarters of her lady, to prepare the things needed for tomorrow’s traveling to the mountain temple for praying. On the other hand, King Kellan ordered another gathering of the royal court with all the council of ministers, and council of scholars, and announced officially that he had approved the marriage proposal of the Princes. He ordered the other officials to make the necessary arrangements, according to the rules of the Royal family. He also said that all the arrangements, and important decisions regarding the marriage of the Princes would be handled by the Empress Moira, making some of the officials, and Ministers to be happy, and some of them to be dissatisfied with the issued orders. As the dissatisfied ministers wanted to use this opportunity to marry off a girl from their clan to one of the Royal Princes. So that their clan can rise in power, and status, and they can dominate the royal court. They had planned for this opportunity for a very long time, but one order from the king had made everything they had prepared, and worked hard previously to go down the drain. But that chance had been snatched away from them, and given to the Royal Empress Moira. Messing with her, and handling affairs with the former strong female ruler of the great Valerian kingdom was such a great challenge to them. Truth to be told, the council of Ministers, and the scholars would always keep a safe distance from the former Ruler, and if possible they would avoid as much contact as possible with her. It’s not an easy job to persuade the former Ruler, Empress Moira according to their likes. She was, and is a tough nut to c***k for them. It’s not an easy work at all for them to persuade the strong willed woman like Empress Moira. And that stubborn character of hers was like a cherry on top of a delicious dessert. So will not yield to anyone, if she finds something fishy. So those scheming ministers thought that this marriage arrangement was going to be one hell of a challenge to them, if they ever wanted to successfully marry off a girl of their choice, from their clan, into the Royal family. Even though it was near to impossible to impose their likes on the former Ruler, Queen Moira, the greed for power, and wealth made their hearts to be more resolute to win a cold war against the former Ruler, the strong willed Empress Moira. ~*~ happy reading ❤❤❤
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