chapter 32?

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Third Person POV: Even though it was near to impossible to impose their likes on the former Ruler, Queen Moira, the greed for power, and wealth made their hearts to be more resolute, to win a cold war against the former Ruler, the strong willed Empress Moira. After the dismissal of the Royal Court session, the news of the prospective marriage alliance of the Princes, was spread like a wild fire, among the servants, and maids of the royal palace, and soon the gossip of this news was known in each, and every corner of the Royal palace. The others Consorts of King Kellan, Consort Theresa, and Consort Sienna also heard this news from their maid servants. The other mistresses in the Royal harem also heard this news, and some were delighted on hoping to see a royal wedding as they had never seen one before, as the king never married any of his Consorts formally as his official wife, yet. While some were burning in jealously, without any reasons. Soon enough the marriage arrangement of the Royal Princes reached the bustling streets of the capital city, making every citizen in the capital city to rejoice in happiness. Each, and everyone of them was happy either for their own benefits, or they were really happy for their beloved princes. Each of the one in the capital city had separate reasons of their own, for their happiness. Which differed in size, and amount. The merchants, and the street vendors were happy, as if the news of the royal marriage of the prince were to be true, then they can gain profits from selling their goods more in number to the public, and get profits.. On the other hand, some had innocent eye feasting reasons. Like those teenage girls. They were dying to get a nice glance at the royal princes, whom they had rarely saw in the last few months. The Royal Princes were said to the most handsome men in the whole Valerian kingdom, with excellent looks, and extraordinary skills in both sword, and archery, and also they excel in combat skills. Some teenage girls even dreamt of seeing the royal princes displaying their skills for them to see. If there was going to be a marriage of a royal prince, then they will be able to see all the princes of the kingdom at the same place. Which will be a great treat to their yearning eyes, and empty heart. As all the princes of the kingdom had great looks that only belonged to the great looking Royal genes, and it was a great gorgeous event, if all the Princes were to be present in the same place. As the people of the capital city had never saw all of the Royal Princes, for a long time, and let alone seeing all of them at the same place. Thus the capital city of the Valerian kingdom was buzzed happily with the news of the prospective arrival of all the Royal handsome Princes. And all the streets in the capital city echoed this news again, and again, like a petted parrot, making it reach every nook, and corner in the capital city to be known of this sudden news. And as expected, this news had successfully reached the Hastings household Mansion too. When Madam Gwen heard this important news, she was more than delighted, to say the least. She was flying with her feet never touching the ground. She immediately started making plans, and built up an imaginary castle of things, in her mind, to make her daughter Cassy to be selected as the Princess Consort, by hook or crook, and wanted to marry off her daughter to either of the two Royal Princes. She doesn’t want to know anyone, or any other things, and in truth, it doesn’t mattered to her, to which Prince her daughter got married off to. All she wanted was only one thing, and that was to marry off her daughter into the Royal family. The power they get by marrying off their daughter into the Royal family delighted her greatly, and gave a thrill to Madam Gwen. It really doesn’t matter to Madam Gwen who will marry her daughter, Cassy. On the other hand, when Lord Maxford, the head of the Hastings household Mansion heard the news, the first person he thought of was his eldest daughter, the first Miss of the Hastings household Mansion, Avery Hastings. Because he clearly knows that his first daughter Avery Hastings, was widely known as the most beautiful lady in the whole capital city, and the kindest girl, eligible for the marriage in the capital city. There were many proposals that came for his first daughter Avery Hastings, in the past one year. But those proposals were not up to the mark, or didn’t satisfy his requirements for his highly appreciated, beautiful, and sorted daughter. Thus, he declined every proposal so far that came, till now for his eldest daughter, and waited for the right time. And as he had expected, the right time has finally come knocking on his Mansion's door, and Lord Maxford was very determined to use it in his favor, at all costs. So his face was filled with a calculative grin, unable to suppress his happiness, with his future plans. And the other mistresses, and the other daughters of the Hastings family, even though they were younger in age, began to dream big, and wished to be picked for the selection process of the consort title ceremony. Well what can one say. The greed for wealth, power, and status really can cloud a person’s rational judgement, and make them to wish, and have a big dream of their own, even though, they clearly know in the deepest depth corner of their heart, that it was impossible for them to attain their greedy dream, well…to be exact, a hopeless dream. That was the case for Avery Hastings’ younger sisters. All of them went crazy in happiness, when they heard about this news, and was happy for no reason. They acted as if they were already granted a royal decree to get married to the royal princes. The most crazy one was the second Miss of the Hastings household Mansion, Miss Cassy Hastings. She even went as far as to order her servant Carrie to make big orders in the expensive shops, to buy more new clothes, and jewelry, as she thought, that the ones she already had were a little outdated, and the colors on dress materials looked a little faded too. She couldn’t control her emotions, and ordered her servants here, and there to do works, making them to run like a crazy headless chicken. With all these crazy things happening instead the Hastings household Mansion, there was one place inside the big mansion, which was as silent, and calm as it’s owner's personality. It was the courtyard of the first Miss of the Hastings household Mansion, Avery Hastings. She was in her favorite garden, inside her courtyard, watering her beloved flower plants, that she had planted herself a few months back. Now those flower plants were blooming with flowers of different colors, and different sizes. They emitted their lovely smell, making Avery to feel a little peaceful. She regularly watered, and took care of those plants meticulously. It was her pass time now. It gave her a piece of mind, and also had a calming effect on her nerves, and helping her to make her to devise a well made plan, for her sweet revenge. When Avery Hastings, the first daughter of the Hastings household Mansion heard of this news, she was a little surprised at first. As the last time in her past life, there was only one Prince's marriage arrangement at that time. And it was all about the second Prince Avalon. But this time, even the third Prince Theodore came into the picture, making Avery a little confused. ~*~ happy reading ❤❤❤
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