chapter 75?

649 Words
“okay. Thank you, miss. Then, please help me in treating this injury”, the guy with the silver mask said. Avery squatted down near the silver masked guy and took a look at his arm, where the injury was present. She then started crushing the leaves of the herbs that she had collected, using the flat stone near her as a crushing plate. She took the solid stones the black masked guy used to make fire, for crushing the leaves and soon she turned those leaves into a mushing green substance, all ready to be applied on the injured area. Just when she was ready to apply the medicinal substance, she realised the most important thing. She could not see the injured region as the blood was covered around it and also how deep the injury was, as the clothes he wore got in way. Avery closed her eyes for a second, and then extended her hand towards the black masked guy, as if asking for something. The black masked guy was confused and even the guy with the injury looked clueless as to what Avery was doing Or what she was asking. “Err… . Young miss… what do you want??? “, the black masked guy asked slowly, in a hesitant tone, while scratching his head like a clueless little kid. “The dagger… . I want the dagger. Give it to me “, Avery said so casually, and gestured the guy to hurry up as she waved her hands in front of him. The moment the young lady in front them mentioned about the dagger, both the guys went on full alert, and their eyes flashed in vigilant. “Well, young miss, you see, we do not have.. “, the black masked guy smiled awkwardly, and started saying but he was cut in the middle of his sentence by Avery. “Just stop acting as if you guys don’t know about what I am talking about. I am talking about the dagger, you have hidden in your waist. Well, the dagger in your boots can also do the job well enough. And look here. The injury on this guy is bleeding non stop. I need to apply this herbal paste on him to stop the bleeding. And if you feel the same way, stop wasting time, and give me the dagger right now “, Avery demanded in a authority tone, which made the black masked guy to be speechless for a second. Avery had such an elegant and strong aura around her with an domineering tone in her voice, which made the black masked guy to obey her words without a second thought. The black masked guy took out the dagger from the belt he tied around his waist and gave it to Avery like an obedient kid listening to his mother. Avery took the dagger out of it’s protective cover, and cut the cloth near the injury, so that she can take a closer look at it. “Also, if you do not want to let others know that you are carrying a dagger with you, then you should hide it in a different place and hide it better”, Avery said in a flat tone, while returning the dagger back to the black masked guy. The black masked guy was totally speechless and just opened his mouth to defend himself, but no words got out of his mouth, making him look a little bit funny. The silver mask guy, who was listening and witnessing the scene in front of him, was amused by the interaction between the two, and he had a small smile on his lips, letting the black masked guy to sulk in the end. The silver masked guy got even more curious about the young lady in front of him, as she was interesting. ***
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