chapter 76?

949 Words
The silver masked guy got even more curious about the young lady in front of him, as she was interesting. /// Avery saw that the injury was not too deep, and sighed internally. She then cleaned the blood around the injury and applied the herbal paste on the injured area, making the guy to let out a breath. Because when Avery applied the medicine, it made a irritating sensation, wanting him to take off the green thing that Avery applied on his injury in the very next second. But he gritted his teeth, and tolerated it. To avoid feeling the irritating sensation, he started making conversation with Avery. “ What does a young lady like you, doing in the woods all alone?. Just one look at you, I can say that you are a member of some well off wealthy family. Then why there was no servants or guards with you for your protection??? “, the silver masked guy asked as he was really curious about the young lady he saved from the bear. “Stop being a busy body. It’s none of your business “, Avery replied in a clipped tone, not bothering to say anything about her personal details. She knew all too well not to let others know any extra details about her. “why did you save me?? “, Avery asked immediately, so that he wouldn’t be having time to dig about her information. “what do you mean??. Isn’t it normal for one to help others when they see a person in trouble??. It’s the human nature“, the silver masked guy said in a casual tone. “Well… NO. Not in my opinion. No one helps others out of humanity. People help others with a purpose. Well, the people in my life are like that”, Avery said without thinking twice, and she said the last lines like a whisper, more to herself. Avery’s eyes flashed for a second, and her eyes showed so many different emotions, that the silver masked guy in front of her failed to understand them. “dear young lady. Do not have such negative opinions and have prejudice about people just from listening to the stupid gossips of others. You have to explore the world and experience yourself how nice and good the people and outside world are. I bet, a young lady like you, who was always inside the protective walls of your household will not understand this”, the silver masked guy said. “I have seen and experienced enough to know about this cruel world”, Avery murmured to herself and lowered her head focus on applying the herbal paste. But in real, she did not want the guy in front of her to see her face. As her eyes then was filled with pure hatred and anger. “What did you say, young lady?? “, the silver masked guy asked in a clueless manner, as he failed to catch what Avery had said in the last. “Nothing. You still have not answered my question “, Avery said and looked pointedly at him, waiting for his answer. “Well, like you have already said, I have a nosy character. Just think of it like this. That I did not wanted such a lovely looking beautiful young girl to be a lunch menu for that wild animal “, the silver masked guy said in a joking tone and gave a goofy smile. Avery rolled her eyes and shook her head in a hopeless manner. Then she stopped talking and decided to focus on treating the injury soon, so that she can leave right away. After applying the herbal paste on the injured area, like Avery had said, the blood really did stopped leaking out, making the black masked guy who was watching every move pf Avery like a hawk without blinking his eyes, to let out a sigh in relief. Soon after that, Avery took out her silk handkerchief and tied it around the injured area carefully. She bandaged the injury nicely, and carefully so that it won’t hurt the silver masked guy if he happens to move his hand. After treating the injury, Avery got up from the ground, followed by the silver masked guy. “Here… . Use these herbal leaves to treat the injury, before going to sleep in the night. It will keep the injury from being inflected, till you get a proper treatment”, Saying this, Avery gave the remaining leaves of the herbal plant, that she had plucked before. “Thank you, young lady”, the black masked guy said and bowed to thank her in gratitude. “it’s okay. You guys helped me when I was in trouble. This is nothing. Just treat it like I am repaying for the kindness you showed me”, Avery said and greeted both of them. Then she bid her goodbye and went away from the two guys. The two guys looked at the retreating figure of the young lady and had different thoughts about her. “She have that aura around her, making others to do what she says, and way too mysterious “, the black masked guy said his thoughts out loud, while looking at the dagger in his hand, which Avery gave back to him. The silver masked guy didn’t say anything and just looked at the disappearing figure in the distance. Then he said. “ yes… . She is indeed mysterious. And very beautiful too”, the silver masked guy said with a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. ***
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