chapter 74?

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Avery slowly turned around in the direction, from which the stone came from, only to see a man standing on the opposite side at a few feet distance, while juggling with stones in one of his hands. The man yet again threw a small rock at the bear, making it more furious, and in an instant, the bear aa if changed its mind, changed its target. The bear turned away from the direction in which Avery was in the ground and ran towards the young guy, with a killing intent accompanied by its angry roar. The young guy rolled on the ground, just when the bear was about to reach him, and escaped from the angry Bear’s fatal attack. Then he took a large and think branch near him, and waved it in front of the bear, when it started attacking him. He tried to attack or more like scaring the bear, so that it could leave them alone, and kook for another prey for its lunch. Because the young man had no intention of becoming the Bear’s fabulous meal though. He tried to keep the bear away from coming near him. But in the last, when the bear attacked, it’s front paw that was with sharp nails slashed his arms, causing him to bleed instantly. Just then another man suddenly appeared and started a fire using the fire he had on a stick. The new man made enough fire and covered it with large amount of leaves making it to give out more smoke. The smoke began to spread and both the guys with the help of the fire and smile made the bear to run away in fear. When both the guys were sure enough that they drove the bear away, they fell on the ground with a sigh in relief. Avery who was a little away from those guys, saw all these and was both shocked and surprised. Actually Avery was still more flustered and shocked from the sudden encounter of hers with the bear. She was still shaking a little and the blood flow in her legs might have stopped as she could not feel her legs for quite a some time. It looked like her legs were turned into a jelly. But when the bear ran away, she came out of her shocked state and took in the details of the guys in front of her, who helped her and saved her from the attack of the bear. The guy, who first came, and diverted the Bear’s attention away from her by throwing small rocks at the bear, was The man was covered in a light grey colored clothes, and looked to be a young guy. One look at him and his defined physical appearance, one can say that the guy was good at physical works whatever it might be, like fighting, or doing manual works. And the other guy, who came a little later, and started the fire was decked in a fully black coloured cloth and had the similar built to the first guy. Avery could tell that both guys must be good at martial arts, as they moved so swiftly, like they would do in a sword match. And to top it all that, and to clear her doubts, the second guy in black clothes, had two daggers on his body, which was kept in a well hidden manner. One at his waist and the other at his left leg, in his boots. But due to the unexpected circumstances, the clothes of the second guy got messed up, revealing the hidden daggers. And what was the most weirdest thing was that both the guys wore masks that covered half of their faces. The guy in grey clothes had a silver mask on his face, while the other guy had a black mask. Avery was brought out of her own train of thoughts, when she heard the guys talking among themselves. “Why did you take so much time to come, man??? “, the guy in light grey coloured clothes asked the other guy, who looked a little offended. “ it’s hard to make fire just with only with the help of stones!!! “, the guy in black clothes said in a defensive tone, while showing the two rock stones, which he had used to make fire. “That wild animal was feisty… . It literally tore off my arm”, the grey guy said, while gripping his left arm, where his clothes were stained with his blood. Only then, Avery realised that the guy who helped her was hurt by the bear and she felt sorry and a little guilty. Because that guy got hurt while trying to save her. Biting her lips, Avery managed to get up on her feet and then went towards the guys. “Uhm… . Thank you for saving me from the wild animal “, Avery stood in front of them and said her thanks them. “It’s okay, miss. Are you okay??. Did you get hurt somewhere?? “, the guy with silver mask asked in a concerned tone. The voice of that guy was so deep and smooth, and the concern was so clear in his tone. “I am fine. You are the one who got hurt. Wait a minute”, Avery said and looked around to see whether there was any plants that could be used as a medicine for his injury. Avery moved around and soon, she came back with her hands filled with a bunch of leaves, that could be used as a medicine. “well. Miss… . What are those leaves for??. Why did you bring these?? “, the man in black mask asked, while he was inspecting the injury on the other guy. “I know a few things about how to treat injuries. These are leaves of a medicinal herbs, and these could be used to treat his injury. It will stop the bleeding and help the injury from getting infected. So, can I treat you?. Think of it as a pay back for saving me”, Avery said and showed the medicinal herbs in her hands. “okay. Thank you, miss. Then, please help me in treating this injury”, the guy with the silver mask said. ***** note: dear readers..... I am planning to do a daily update for this book from now on. stay tuned. And the one, who asked about the other book, "the abused luna", I am sorry for keeping you guys waiting, who were supporting that story. I went through a medical condition, due to which I had to take bed rest for several weeks. I got better now, and was getting back to my regular lifestyle routine. I am working on that story too. will be updating very soon. p. s. sorry for keeping you guys waiting.... and thank u for supporting the story. lots of luv and thank u from me, for all those lovely hearts who are supporting the story. will see you guys soon with an update.... luv u all.
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