chapter 19?

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Avery looked down with her eyes wide open in shock, to see the masses of the familiar dirty blonde curls nestled on her chest region. And coupled with the hint of the familiar scent of the fragrant Jasmine flowers hit her nose buds, making her heart to skip several beats in a row. Her poor heart even stopped beating in shock. Avery could identify that curly masses of dirty blonde hair, and the scent of the fragrant jasmine flowers anywhere, and at anytime. This combination, belonged to the one, she loved the most. Her long, and pale looking arms that were by her sides, shook uncontrollably, like it had tremor, and her silly heart hoped, and prayed to all the gods in the universe, that what she was currently thinking should be true. And not a mere hallucination of her deep desired inner thoughts. She was hesitating, and feared to touch the small figure in her embrace. As Avery was afraid that once she touched the small figure in her embrace, the small bubble of hope, that sprouted in her heart, would burst into thin air, and the scene infront of her would vanish. On the thought that this moment could vanish anytime, made Avery to shake lightly in fear. As she never wanted this moment to vanish. Even if it was just an illusion, made by her mind, she wanted it to prolong as long as she could. It’s like she never wanted this moment to happen, and at the same time, she was glad that this moment had happened, even if it’s an illusion, like a mirage in the hot desert. With shaking hands, she cautiously tried to hug back the little figure, who was huddled in her embrace, and tightening the hold around her waist, like an iron clasp. With shaky hands, she tenderly touched the shoulders of the small figure. And Avery brought her arms with utmost care, and concentration, in the fear of breaking up this miraculous spell. She brought her arms around, to hug the little figure, hugging her waist, and tightening the arms around her waist as time went by. The moment she felt the warmth of the other little body against her, and the familiar scent of the Jasmine flowers tickling her nose buds, she knew for sure. That the little figure, who launched himself into her embrace was none other than her baby brother Maxwell. The one, and only son of the Hastings household Mansion, Maxwell Hastings. Her sweet heart baby brother Maxy. Avery casted all the doubts, and hesitation aside, and made up her mind. She decided to accept the things in front of her regardless of its authenticity. She didn’t want to know anything. It didn’t matter anymore. She decided to live at the moment. Even if it’s just a fake dream of hers, or her silly hallucinations, triggered by her deep desired memories, she decided to embrace it, and live the moment at present. As she thought that it may be…..just….may be the God’s small mercy showered on her, for the last heart felt prayer of hers. Avery hugged her baby brother Maxwell to her very tightly, as if, she was afraid that, if she loosened her hold she had around on him, her baby brother might disappear the very next second. She didn’t want to lose her baby brother, who was in front of eyes once again. Losing him one time, right infront of her eyes was already painful enough for her to wish for her own death. So she tightly hugged him, taking in his presence, and inhaled his sweet, and familiar smell of jasmine flowers, soothing her injured heart. Maxwell came out of his hiding spot from Avery's chest. The little boy looked up with his round bead like eyes, full of innocence, and pure love for her, and sniffled looking at his first elder sister, Avery Hastings. Avery through her blurred vision, saw the small round, and chubby little face in front of her. Her tears had long forgotten the word ‘stop’ once again, and she caressed her baby brother Maxy’s childish chubby looking face, all she wanted, to her heart’s content. She cupped his little round face, which still had a little baby fats on his cheeks, and showered kisses all over his small round shaped face. The innocent and, pure angelic looking face, she longed to see again, even at the brink of her death. Only after feeling the body warmth radiated from her baby brother’s little body, she could tell that she was really holding her baby brother Maxy in her arms. She wanted to etch this moment into her mind, even if it’s going to disappear the next second. She wanted to live at the moment, without fearing, or thinking about any other things. “Maxy baby, I missed you, so so much”, Avery said in a trembling voice, that concealed all her pain in it. “I too missed you, first elder sister. I was very scared. I was scared that you will not wake up from your deep sleep”, baby Maxy said, and sniffled lightly, and then continued further. “ It’s because of Maxy, you fell into the water, and fainted. And then you slept for several days. And I thought that you are angry at me, as because of me you fell in to the river. I am sorry first elder sister. I am very sorry. I will not be naughty again”, her baby brother Maxy said, while sniffling constantly. And the Little boy’s innocent eyes was filled with tears, making his eyes look like the purest, and clean looking spring pool found in the high mountains. Confused by Maxwell's stuttering words, Avery looked at her maid servant, Zara, standing at a distance from the pair of siblings. Zara, who was looking at the pair of siblings, suddenly felt the questioning, and confusing gaze of her first Miss Avery. Zara caught on to the unasked question of her lady, and nodded her head lightly, saying that the young master Maxwell’s words were true. This made Avery to frown in confusion. Not being able to grasp the current situation, Avery acted upon her instincts. The only thing that she wanted to do now was to make her baby brother to stop crying. Whose tip of the nose looked like a ripped cherry fruit, due to all the crying her baby brother had done. “No Maxy baby..I was very tired. That’s why I slept for a long time. It’s not your fault. I was not mad at you at all, and I promise I will never, and ever be mad at my Maxy baby”, Avery cooed. Avery tried to pacify the crying Maxy, even though her own voice was choked by her own silent sobs, which was threatening to find a way out, from the inside of her. Avery was trying to hold it in, as she didn’t want to cry infront of her little brother. “Really, first elder sister??. You are not mad at Maxy”, her baby brother asked childishly, making Avery’s heart to swell in warmth. How can she be mad, or even think about getting mad at the baby brother, who tried his very best to protect her. Even if it’s beyond his limits, and out of his hands. The baby brother who even died for a helpless sister like her. She had never been mad at her baby brother for a single thing, even in the past, and will not be mad at him in the future too. Thinking about those disturbing thoughts, Avery cried again, and not wanting to make her baby brother more sad, than he already was, she quickly hugged him to her, and cried on his little shoulder. She hugged him so tight, and at the same time carefully, so as to not to hurt him. Maxy was like a beacon for Avery, who was lost in her own memories, and injuries of the past, and was floating around aimlessly like a lost ship in the vast endless ocean. “I really thought you are mad at me, like second elder sister had said. She said that, it’s all because of Maxy, you got hurt, and you won’t be waking up from your deep sleep”, her little brother Maxy said with a little guilt in his voice. At the same time, he was trying to control his tears that was flowing continuously, despite him trying to wipe the tears away constantly, to see his first elder sister’s face clearly. Avery’s eyes flashed for a second, and her vision had a cold glint shining in her eyes, when she heard the mention of her second younger sister, Cassy. But she concealed it in front of her baby brother Maxy, and comforted him. “I am not mad, and I can’t get mad at my cute little bunny. So stop crying, and give me a big smile. Come on”, Avery said. Then she lightly tickled her baby brother Maxy, making him to squirm, and laugh out happily. The shinning, and smiling eyes, and the sounds of giggle, she wanted to hear, sounded in the entire room, lightly chasing away the previous gloomy atmosphere present in the room. Avery sighed in relief that she had managed to make her baby brother Maxy to stop crying and he was smiling, sitting infront of her. Her baby brother Maxy looked at her with his big shinning eyes that made him look like a cute little puppy, putting a smile on Avery's face, without even her knowing. Zara said a quick prayer to thank the great god as her first lady Miss Avery had woken from from her vegetative state. Zara looked at the pair of siblings with a small smile, as she saw her lady smile for the first time, after she had woken up from her deep sleep. Avery asked Zara to bring her little brother Maxy's favorite desserts from the kitchen, when she heard that her little brother didn't eat much when she was in deep sleep, worrying about her. Avery fed her baby brother Maxy desserts with her own hands, and looked at him lovingly. Little Maxy too ate happily and more too, as his favorite elder sister was feeding him personally. Soon, Avery signaled her maid servant, Zara to send her baby brother Maxwell back to his living quarters. Maxwell reluctantly bid his goodbye to his first Elder Sister Avery, and went away with Zara, when he heard that his first elder sister was tired, and going to take rest. Even Avery was much more reluctant to sent her baby brother Maxy, away from her sight. But, above all, she had to confirm many things, and wanted to figure out the odd situation, that she was currently struck in, and so she had to be alone for that, to sort out her messy situation. She sent everyone out once again, in the name of getting some rest, and sat alone in her room. She wanted to clear her messy thoughts, and also wanted to figure out the reason for the change in her current appreance, which seemed to be a great mystery to her. She wanted so badly to solve that mystery. ~*~ happy reading ❤❤❤
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