chapter 18?

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But Avery knows deep inside her clearly that, that the thing, everyone call as the miracle, which she was hopelessly waiting for, the one, for which she was yearning for, the one, that she wished to happen desperately, will not happen, as it was not a near to possible event, but an impossible one at that. So she just closed her small almond shaped eyes, that once had a bright shine, and warmth to it, which gave everyone a sense of peace upon seeing her, now lost all its life, and will power to live in this excruciating pain, which was out of the world for her to explain, much less to experience. The long eyes lashes which resembled the wings of the fragile looking Butterfly, that guarded her small life less pair of eyes, trembled slightly, and fluttered randomly. As if, a long lost memory, which was buried deep inside the depth of her memory lane, was being played infront of her closed eye lids. Which continuously blinked on its own, like it had a separate mind of its own. Those pale looking eyelids trembled, and twitched lightly, as if the calm surface of the water in a pond was being disturbed by the small touch of the random dragonfly flying above it, causing several ripples to occur on that calm surface. That’s exactly how Avery was feeling right now. There were more ripple of events, that came infront of her eyes, that swarmed her heart. Avery closed her small eyes shut, very tightly, that a few frown lines were formed at the corners of her eyes, due to the amount of pressure, that she used to shut her eyes close. As the saying goes, all the calm, and serene moments would change into the opposite too soon. All of a sudden, the train of her random thoughts were interrupted yet again, like an echo was heard back by a person in a deep, and lonely forest, causing Avery to stop, what she was thinking, and made her to concentrate on the new sound, that she was hearing. Like the repetition of a lonely tune of the flute, played by a random traveler, in the abandoned path, the sweet voice was heard again, and again, and it reached her ears like a sweet, and soothing melody. Subconsciously, her dazed mind started to react to the new sound of the voice, and slowly the voice was recognized by Avery’s brain. That recognition made her whole body to react in a second, making it stiff like a stringed bow, ready to be used to release an arrow. Avery blinked her eyes, and focused on that one voice, and again the yelling of the same mellowed, and sweet voice. Which had a hint of rush, concern, and happiness, all mingled together in it, was heard by Avery, in a crystal clear way. “First elder sister!!”, she heard it again. Loud, and clearly, like the pure spring pool formed after a rain. Then again, the voice rang out, echoing in the vast courtyard, and corridors of the Hastings household Mansion. “First elder sister!!”, she heard it again. Wanting to stop hearing things, that she thought that her mind in yearning, was hallucinating randomly, and not wanted to be tormented by the stupid tricks. She thought that it was played by her desperate silly mind, and so Avery closed her eyes, and covered her ears. She used her pale, and weak looking hands, to stop hearing those heart wrenching things, that reminded her of the things, that she had lost in the past. But it turned out to be a futile attempt on her part. More like a silly one too. As the main objective of her actions were not fulfilled successful. Because even after closing her ears to stop hearing those things, Avery could still hear the familiar sweet voice calling her so sweetly, and affectionately. It made the strings of her heart to be pulled in a disoriented manner, making her already weak heart to be in immense pain. Her small eyes teared up unconsciously in a few seconds, without her knowing it. It made her vision a little blurred, and the crystal white tears like a drop of rain fall, escaped her almond shaped eyes. Then it flowed down her pale skin toned face. It left a wet trail on its way, as if telling the onlookers, a separate story of its own. Even though Avery wished to hear that voice again, at least for once in her life again, before. But now that her wish was being granted, she never wanted to be a part of it anymore. All she wanted to do was to run away from here, and hide in a remote corner, away from all these things. Avery thought that she had reached her limit a long time ago. But now she can’t take it anymore. Because the familiar, and sweet voice that was calling her, only reminded her of what she once had. What she had lost once in the past, and what she can never have in the future, even if she cried, and prayed, and even traded her life in return. Before, she would have traded anything, and everything in her possession, and even her own life, to whom ever granted this one, desired wish of her. But now, it only brought immense pain to her, and reminded her of her pathetic situation, and the helplessness, she had faced before. Hence, all she wanted to do now was to stop hearing those things. And yet again she would trade anything, and everything in a heart beat to the person, who can make her from stop hearing those things. ***** What an ironic thing. She once yearned for his very thing, but as it was granted as per her wish, she didn’t want it now. For the fear that it would vanish, and her miserable heart was doubting that it was all her mind playing tricks on her. She dare not accept this reality, in fear of getting hurt again. When Avery was still caught in the strong clutches of her self blaming, and pathetic self, that was portrayed by her mind, the familiar voice she wanted to stop hearing, was heard again. And it reached to her ears, even more louder than before, despite her efforts to block the sound. Amidst all of it, the door to her bed room was pushed open with a loud bang. That the whole room of Avery got vibrated with the clashing sound due to its effects. The sound echoed, and was heard inside the whole room. “First elder sister!!!. First elder sister!!”, the voice got echoed repeatedly. Due to the loud bang of the door, Avery sat on the bed with a sudden jolt, and looked at the entrance of her room. With a look of confusion, and shock in her eyes, she looked, but her vision was blurred due to her never ending tears, that were flowing with no intention of stopping at any time soon. There stood at the entrance of the door to her room, was the one, and only person, she loved the most. The one she cherished the most in her entire life, and the one, she thought that she will never ever see again in this whole lifetime of hers. “First Elder Sister!!!!. You are awake….finally, You are awake!!….thank the great god. I thought that they were lying to me, to make me feel better, when they said that you are awake. Because that’s what they were telling me, for the past days to trick me”, the owner of the voice yelled excitedly. And in a full speed, ran towards in the direction of the bed, where Avery was currently sitting on, still shocked to the very core of her being. The small ball like chubby figure ran towards Avery in full speed, and launched the whole body at her, and hugged her waist with the small hands, while burying the little head in her chest. Avery sat stark still, unable to figure out the things that was happening in front of her. Due to the blurry eyes caused by her never ending tears, Avery couldn’t see clearly. And she really couldn’t clearly see the little figure, that ran to her, from the entrance of her room's door, and currently nestled in her embrace cozily. Avery was shocked, and dumbstruck by the similarity of the familiarity in the small excited voice. And the outline of the little chubby figure that launched, and got attached to her body, not having any intend to leave, at any time soon. She looked down with her eyes wide open in shock, to see the masses of the familiar dirty blonde curls nestled on her chest region. And the familiar scent of the fragrant Jasmine flowers hit her nose buds, making her heart to skip several beats in a row. Her poor heart even stopped beating in shock. ~*~ happy reading ❤❤❤
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