chapter 20?

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Avery sent everyone out once again, in the name of getting some rest as her excuse, and sat alone in her bed room. She wanted to clear her messy thoughts, that are swirling in her head, wanting herself to see, and decide which one was her illusion, and which one was the reality. As everything seemed so messy as all her emotions, and pain, along with the events she had encountered before, all intertwined together, making it a hard work for her to distinguish them all, from each other. And, most importantly, also because, she wanted to figure out the reason for the change in her current appreance, which seemed to be a great mystery to her. She wanted so badly to solve that mystery, quickly. In a swift move, Avery discarded her heavy outer robe, and had only a flimsy night gown on her. This made her feel less suffocated, and made it easier for her to take a breath. But in real, it was just an excuse her silly mind came up with. The real reason for her to have a suffocated feeling, and have a hard time to take breath was her emotions. Her change in emotions literally devoured her from inside. She slowly, and keenly started to inspect her arms, and legs for the scar marks she had before from all those years of ‘accidental mistakes' done by her dear second sister Cassy, and the other concubines of the royal palace. And she searched for the scars from the final torture she had endured in the hands of the crown prince Avalon, and her second younger step sister Cassy, in the prison cell, and in the forest. But as moments ago, she saw in the mirror, her skin was free of any scars, and bruises, and it was so smooth, and flawless like the soft skin of a new born baby. Her creamy white shiny skin looked pretty good, and healthy, and radiated a glow of its own gorgeously. Her skin tone looked a little pale in complexion, due to her being in the vegetative state for four days, and nights in straight. She felt a little tired in truth, may be from the long sleep she had, or, due to her overthinking many things, eventually over exhausting herself. But other than that, she was feeling pretty good. The ugly, and terrible scars, that made her outer skin to have an uneven feeling while caressing it, which she used to have, all had disappeared from her arms, and legs. Most importantly, the recent bruises, and cuts, those which she got from, when her so called husband, the Crown Prince Avalon, manhandled her, in her bed chambers, and on the night in the prison cell, all had vanished into the thin air. And on top of that, all the scars, and the black, and the purple colored bruises, she got from her tortures, before she was left alone to die in the middle of the woods, were no where to be seen on her body, making Avery more confused than ever. She quickly got up from her cozy bed, and went to the wooden table in the other side of the room, where the golden mirror was placed. She sat infront of the table, and looked at the reflection of her face in the golden mirror, for several unknown minutes. Like the one, she saw before, her face looked so pretty, like before her marriage with the Crown Prince Avalon. And still, Avery was unable to believe it, and so, she lightly touched her cheek, and caressed the place, where the black wrinkled scar, she got from the fire accident was present, back then. But now, her skin looked so smooth like the purest form of Jade material, and even has a rosy glow to it, making it look like a ripe peach fruit. “Zara….Zara!…..Come in”, Avery called out to her maid servant, who was standing just outside the door of her Lady, Miss Avery’s room, just incase her Lady would need any assistance, or orders for her to do. Hearing her Lady, Miss Avery’s voice, Zara came inside the room, and stood next to the bed post. “Yes, my lady. What can I do for you?. Do you need anything?”, Zara asked waiting for her lady’s answer. “What happened to me?. I mean…., I mean, how did I ended up getting hurt like this?”, Avery questioned Zara cautiously, and tried to get as much information as she can get from her maid servant Zara, to know the current situation of her. She had to know what she had gotten into to handle the situation. “It was one day before, little Young Master Maxwell's birth day, that day. So as promised, you accompanied Young Master Maxwell to the temple to pray for his long, and blissful life, like you usually do for his birth day. But when we were returning to the Hastings household Mansion, Young Master Maxwell saw the fierce red colored Phoenix flowers, that bloomed freshly on the other side of the bridge. He loved it so much, and wanted those flowers. So you went along with him to pluck those flowers for him, as he wanted to bring those flowers back home. But unfortunately, due to Young Master Maxwell running around you carelessly in circles, you tripped on your clothes, and fell into the river accidentally. Our guards quickly jumped into the river, to save you, and brought you out of the river. You fainted by the time we brought you to the land, all because, you drank too much water from the river. We quickly brought you back to the Hastings household Mansion, and our Master Maxford, called the medicine man to treat you. Then My lady, you never woke up from your unconsciousness”, Zara said sadly, as she thought about how scared, and anxious she was, when she saw her lady, Miss Avery in that serious state. Then Zara continued further. “ My lady, The medicine man gave you several herbal tonics, and pills to cure you, and tried to wake you up from your unconscious state, but it didn’t make much difference. You didn’t react to any medicine he gave you. But today, thank the great god, you woke up. Seems like the medicinal herbal tonics, and pills, given by the medicine man had finally worked, and you woke up”, Zara explained, and ranted without taking a break, due to her anxious state. Zara still could not calm down from the past events that she had experienced. She really thought that her Lady Miss Avery would never wake up. But all her worries, and fears, she had about her lady’s condition were sent down the drain, when her lady Miss Avery woke up. “You really gave a big scare to all of us, My lady”, her maid servant, Zara complained with concern in her voice. Zara was in the verge of crying out loud, all due to her overwhelming feelings. Avery heard every word that came out of Zara’s mouth, very attentively, and took in the current situation about her. Looking at her Lady, Miss Avery, who was lost in deep thought, Zara questioned her, as she was concerned about her lady’s well being. “My lady, are you okay?. Do you feel any pain, any where, or any discomfort?. Shall I go, and get some pain relieving pills from the medicine man?”, Zara asked in a single breath. “No…nothing. Maxy, how?. Maxy turned how many years old, this year?”, Avery asked to sort things out, even more. “Little Young Master Maxwell is turning ten years old this year, my lady”, Zara answered puzzled, as her lady, Miss Avery’s questions seemed weird as well as absurd to her. As Zara, and everyone in the Hastings household Mansion knows very well that, her Lady, Miss Avery was the only one, who knows everything about Young Master Maxwell well enough. ‘ And yet, here again, her Lady, Miss Avery was asking such an absurd question to her’, Zara thought, and was lost in her deep thoughts. Zara was getting more, and more confused, because of her lady’s weird behavior, from the moment she woke up from her long sleep. Zara thought that it was all because of the accident, due to which her lady, Miss Avery had literally drowned to death, and because of that, she was acting a bit weird. After getting all the answers, she wanted to know enough about her current condition, Avery sent her maid servant, Zara out. Avery found out that her little brother Maxy was ten years old this year. Then, that means, she was only sixteen years old this year, and soon to be turned 17 years old in age, in three months time period. Even though it all looked quite confusing, and even more absurd to believe, it was the truth, or more like the last conclusion, that Avery could come up with after grilling her brain for answers for several hours. That she was born again. She have changed back to her younger self. More like, she had come back to her past. That, She had returned to the time period, where she was not yet married, or even engaged to the Crown Prince Avalon. Even though, it all made her feel excited, and mysterious at the same time, Avery was a little restless, as she was still doubting that the current situation was all her stupid dream. There was an urge of nervous feeling that ran through her body, making her unable to have a calm mind set. Well, no one can blame that confused young girl though. After experiencing all that tortures, unfriendly, and rude mistreatments for many years, and above all, the betrayal from her loved people, after giving her whole love to them without expecting anything in return, in such a young age, She couldn’t help, but doubt everything around her. She was reluctant to believe anything anymore, and some how trusting something so soon was like a very hard thing for her now. And who would believe that they had come back to, or changed back in to their younger self, like the God had pressed a rewind button of their life. Even a silly, and simple minded person will not believe in those things. Much less, the wounded, and the betrayed soul, Avery Hastings. But then again, looking back at everything Avery was currently experiencing, somehow she was granted a second chance in her life. A MIRACLE, indeed. She could now change the course of her life, and stop making the same mistakes like a stupid, and naïve person, as she did in the past, which landed her in her unfortunate fate. So even if it’s a dream, Avery wanted to grab onto that second chance, very badly. It was like a helping hand that was extended for a person, who was drowning in the river, and almost on the verge of falling out. It was like a last ray of hope that shone on her. Therefore Avery wanted to hold on it, very badly, and strongly too. Due to some miracle, Avery believed that the Almighty God had heard her final heart felt pleas. And being merciful enough, he had given a chance for her to rectify her mistakes, and live a different life for herself. Avery made up her mind, and was very determined to use every inch of her last hope, to live her life in a different way, and change the fate of her life, in which she wouldn’t allow anyone, or anything to hurt her, or the persons, whom she hold close to her heart. Then all of a sudden, the door opened, and in came her little angel rushing towards her. “First elder sister…first elder sister….here. eat this. Your favorite walnut, and almond cake. I asked the servants in the kitchen to make this cake, specifically for you. It’s your favorite dessert. Since you didn’t eat for four days, you must be hungry. Eat this”, her little brother Maxy said in a single breath. Then he shoved a plate filled with her favorite walnut, and almond cakes, he had in his small hands, infront of her face. “Okay ..Thank you, my Maxy baby. You love me the most”, Avery said, and combed her little brother Maxy’s hair backwards, to avoid the small stray hairs falling into his eyes. Looking at her baby brother Maxy's bright blue eyes, that are shinning beautiful, and screaming innocence in them, made Avery’s heart to be in immense pain, and her eyes teared up subconsciously. It’s because of the tragic ending, her baby brother had to endure the last time. All because of her. He got to experience that cruel fate, all because he tried to save her, his elder sister from those evil people’s viscous plan. Those cruel last moments, flashed across, and infront of her mind, making her to want to cry her heart out loudly, without any restrictions. She hugged her baby brother Maxy in her one arm, and secretly wiped the tears that flowed out of her small almond shaped eyes, without him knowing about it. With a determined look in her face, Avery made a promise to herself. ‘last time, I lived a pathetic life, and got used by others, and finally failed to protect you as your elder sister, Maxy baby. But not this time. This time, it’s not going to happen. Never. I am going to protect you with my life, my baby brother. No one….I mean it. No one can hurt you, and I will not allow it. I will damn sure make it happen', Avery thought to herself. Then she hugged her baby brother Maxy into her embrace, and wrapped her arms around his little body, seeking comfort from his little body. She kissed the side of her little brother's head, and thanked all the gods in the world, for Giving her this second chance. For saving, and giving her baby brother back to her, without any shadows of the scar of the evil world, on his innocent, and untainted soul. Avery made a promise to herself that at any cost, she will protect the innocent soul of her baby brother Maxy, and will not allow his innocence to be tainted by the evil ways of this wicked world. This time she really wanted to change the way she lived, and swore that she will never allow herself to be get used, for the benefits of others, and not to be a pathetic loser. ~*~ happy reading ❤❤❤ checkout my other books "her royal twins"(completed) "the Abused Luna"(ongoing)
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