chapter 33?

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Third Person POV: When Avery Hastings, the first daughter of the Hastings household Mansion heard of this news, she was a little surprised at first. As the last time in her past life, there was only one Prince's marriage arrangement at that time. And it was about the second Prince Avalon. But this time, even the third Prince Theodore came into the picture, making Avery a little confused. But then again, she thought that it might be a groundless rumor. As the news got passed down from one person to the other person, the news got changed automatically into this one, which was totally different from the real news. As she knew that gossips always grew big, and different from the real fact, as it gets passed on to more people. That’s why gossips, and rumors were considered as a dangerous hidden weapon, since the ancient times. As the gossips get decorated prettily by the likes of the people it get passed on to, and the received person would doll it up even more, according to the mindset, and mood of the person at the moment, who acts as a carrier, and spread the news. Avery knew this truth very well. As a simple gossip, and stupid groundless rumors like this created by her Step sister Cassy, had destroyed her marriage, and even took her life in the past life, which she will never forgot ever again. So she thought that the marriage proposal, and the involvement of the Two royal Princes were a mere rumor, and went on to work on her secret skills, she had been learning for the past few months. Avery thought that she needed to make her own arrangements from now on, as the game of evil plot for the power, and greed for wealth, and status had started once again. But the only difference was that, this time, in this second chance of the life, that was given to her out of God’s great mercy, Avery will not make herself to be a puppet, that will be made to act accordingly to the wills of the others, on pulling the hidden strings. She swore that she will not be played by others, and will not allow those greedy animals, they call themselves, relatives to use her. Instead, she made plan to make them all, her chess piece to win this game of hide, and seek, and get her revenge from them. Avery repeated this as a mantra, and was very determined to play this game of deceit. So she made all the plans, and made certain special arrangements, to get an upper hand in this game of revenge. As she had sworn, that she will not, and never again in her whole life, allow others to use her in this second life, that the great god had bestowed upon her. ~*~ The royal palace: Royal Consort Katherine was buzzing around her living quarters second looking, if all the things for the offering to the god was fully arranged to perfection. “Don’t fret, my lady. I arranged everything according to your instructions. So there won’t be any problem in anything”, her maid servant Macy said, making the royal consort Katherine to calm down a little. Then when she was satisfied with everything that were prepared, Royal Consort Katherine set out to go to the mountain temple. She climbed into the horse carriage, and the horses moved forward upon the sound of its rider, and pulled the carriage along. The servants, who served the Royal Consort Katherine, and other soldier guards meant for protection followed the carriage silently. When they reached the foot of the mountain, the carriage stopped, and the footmen helped the royal Consort Katherine to get down from the horse carriage. As from this place, they had to travel by only foot. The horse carriages can’t be used to go up the mountain, as the path was a bit narrow, only allowing few people to walk side by side. Thus Consort Katherine continued to walk up the narrow mountain path leading to the temple by feet. The narrow path was a little bit moist, and slippery due to the drizzling of rain yesterday night. So when Consort Katherine stepped on a certain place, she slipped, and rolled down the narrow mountain path, and hit a tree trunk by the side. She got hurt in her head, and even had little blood dripping from it. All the servants went to help the Royal Consort, and everyone was worried about her health, and wounds. As, if his Highness, the Royal king get to know about this accident, he will have their heads rolled on the ground. When everyone was nervous about what to do next, a gust of wind passed by, and everyone caught sight of a red cloth. Soon there stood a young girl dressed in red colored cloth aiding the royal Consort Katherine. She looked as if she had came from above the sky. The young girl looked so Beautiful that everyone witnessing the young girl applying medicine to Consort Katherine, looked at her in a daze.
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