chapter 12?

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After throwing both the sister and the brother pair, under a big tree in the middle of forest, the two guards turned back and began to leave the place. The first guard said,” I really pity those two brother and sister pair. Both of them did nothing wrong. They both are innocent people. But unfortunately they both caught, in between the people, who were power hungry and crazy psychopaths and ended up getting a ill fate like this, in the end. Both were born with a beautiful face and brought up in a wealthy family. But now they both are left to die alone, in the middle of the forest, in the most cruelest way possible, without even letting others to know about their ill fate like this. No one will know that they died or more like got killed tonight. What a cruel fate they have in the end. I really feel grateful now, to the god that I didn’t get to be born in a wealthy family. Other wise, who knows even I would have had the same cruel ending as those sister and brother pair. The crazy Witch Princess wanted them to feel more pain, even when they are dying. That was the real reason why, she let them, to be alive till now and asked us to throw them in the middle of the forest. She wanted us to throw them here when they have their consciousness. So that, they can feel the pain of dying, when wild animals and wolves tear the flesh from their body. She wanted them to be alive till then, that’s why she didn’t kill them instantly, even though she had the power to do so, in that prison cell”. Hearing all this from her position in the ground, Avery felt an unadulterated hatred towards her step sister Cassy. Avery was the one, who protected Cassy till now from all the things, from her childhood days from her other sister’s bullying. She was the one who made her a concubine to her husband and brought her to the palace to live with her. As Cassy confessed to Avery that she liked and even loved the Crown Prince Avalon. She also said that without Crown Prince Avalon in her life, she would die and will not marry anyone else, all her life. Seeing her little sister throwing a fuss, Avery talked to the empress grandmother and made Cassy as her husband Avalon’s concubine. She gave that luxury and high title to her sister as she loved Cassy like she loved her little brother Maxwell. That evil witch Cassy under the pretense of an innocent baby sheep, plotted against Avery, her step sister and snatched everything from her. Avery's husband Crown Prince Avalon, her position in the royal palace as the Crown Princess Consort, her unborn kid, her best friend the third prince and her baby brother and now she was going to lose her life too. Avery really regretted for not able to recognize her step sister’s fake love and innocent acting all these years. She blamed herself for her stupidness, as she was not able to see through that evil snake aka her step sister Cassy and her greediness for power and wealth and fell prey to her step sister’s evil plans. She cried tears of blood thinking about her lost love and her ill fate. She cried for all the accusations that was blamed on her till now and even after she would die, as she would be blamed as a woman, that committed a******y and as a traitor of the kingdom and all the misfortunes that befell on her. She felt sorry for all those innocent lives that were lost, because of her stupidness. Her best friend and the only friend she had aka the third prince, her baby brother and her unborn baby. Just when she was crying for all her stupid mistakes she did in her life till now and for her misfortunes, she heard a painful whimper coming from her side. Shocked hearing that weird noise,she quickly turned to her side, even though her body protested and caused her immense pain,in doing that simple task. The sight in front of her made her eyes to accumulate more fresh tears in relief and more in sorrow and she died emotionally for the ‘nth’ number of time, on that single cursed day. In relief because, she saw her favorite baby blue eyes of her baby brother flutter opening and in sorrow as she thought her brother might feel so much pain in his conscious state and as he will be dead along with her, in the middle of the forest, without anyone knowing anything about him. She tried to move her body towards her brother, who was about a feet away from her. Biting her lips in pain, she crawled her way on the ground towards her brother. The sharp stones on the ground cut her delicate and pale looking skin but she didn’t mind it and dragged her body further, as the physical pain she felt at that moment was nowhere near, to even the small amount of emotional pain, she was feeling, on seeing her brother’s condition. She felt an unimaginable pain because of the torture she went through a few hours ago in the hands of her evil step sister. Her body was already weak from all the blood loss from her induced miscarriage and it coupled along with her broken hands and legs, she really wanted to die. She wished she had died in that prison cell without wanting to experience all these cruelty. But all those external pain got suppressed in front of her emotional and spiritual pain. The little boy she had protected and kept guarded in her eyes, with all her life, from the day he was born, the one she had protected from every evil eyes of the people and raised him to be a honest and handsome young teenage boy, was now bleeding and whimpering in pain in front of her very own eyes. More than her eyes, her heart cried tears of blood seeing Maxwell’s condition. He lost all his fingers in both of his hands and feet. His limbs looked blunt at the edges. After struggling for a long time, she reached her little brother and took his big hand, in her small hand. His hand had dried blood in the places, where his fingers were supposed to be present. Avery sobbed heavily, as she can’t control her emotions at all. Hearing the sobbing sounds coming from the side of his body and the feeling of the sudden warmth in his cold hand, Maxwell slowly turned his head towards the direction of Avery. Seeing his beloved elder sister’s face, his dazed eyes which had lost its focus before, began to regain its steady state. Seeing the beautiful face of his beloved elder sister which was now sporting different colored bruises and palm prints and dried blood, his heart hurt. Even with all dust, dirt and tears sticking to her face, his beloved elder sister looked beautiful to him. His beautiful sister’s face was covered with dried blood and tear stains and mud from the ground. Her eyes were filled with tears and her eyes looked like a crimson pool of water. Her eyes are blood shot and the tears were flowing in an endless way. Seeing his beloved first elder sister’s appreance, he wanted to tell her to stop crying. But when he tried to open his mouth and speak, no sound came out. That’s when he remembered that his evil second elder sister cut his tongue, to stop him from telling the truth to the Royal Queen, and her son, the Crown Prince Avalon. He remembered how she tricked him to go with her, saying that his first elder sister Avery was in danger and wanted to see him. And then she kidnapped him and she inflected heavy tortures, both physically and mentally, on his body, even though he was her own brother, who shared the same blood with her. He felt sorry towards his first elder sister Avery. He blamed himself for his uselessness, as he cannot protect his elder sister even for once in his whole life. That he cannot protect the one sister, who protected and gave all her love to him since he was a child, even when his own mother left him alone, to fend for himself when he was still a little boy. He blamed himself for the current condition of his elder sister. Only if he was smart enough and acted sooner than he did earlier, now his beloved sister would not have been subjected to all the sufferings she went through now, in the hands of their evil sister Cassy. He can’t express his grievances and worries and sufferings through his words, as he was made mute. But his clear eyes that was full of tears conveyed his untold feelings to Avery, clean and crystal clear. Even in this pitiful state, her little brother thought of her in the first place. Even this thought put a warm feeling in Avery’s heart, which was filling with cold feelings, all thanks to their sister Cassy. Avery felt even more guilty for not taking good care of him and unable to protect her brother from that evil witch of her sister Cassy. “ I am sorry for your pain and sufferings baby brother. I know that I am the reason for your current sufferings. I am sorry for being a useless elder sister to you. I am sorry for being weak and unable to protect you. I am so sorry, that I turned out to be a failure and failed you as an elder sister” Avery cried and apologized to Maxwell repeatedly and sobbed endlessly. Seeing his crying sister who was blaming herself for their current state, Maxwell felt that, it was his incompetence, due to which he failed to protect his elder sister and shook his head hard for her to not to blame herself. It hurt him to see her crying like this. ~*~ Love you all ❤❤❤
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