chapter 11?

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“Let me tell you another piece of a secret, about the evil Witch Princess. Don’t let your tongue slip or run your mouth carelessly. Even Infront of your family members, in the future, about this matter and make sure that no one gets, even the wind of it, even by a mistake" the first guard whispered lowly, making the second guard to perk up in curiosity. Even though, the second guard was afraid of the new bit of information, he was about to hear, due to which, there is a chance that he might lose his life in the future, but the curious side of him wanted to hear the news, even more than before, regardless of the threat it accompanied with it. At last, the curiosity of the second guard, over powered his fear for the evil witch Princess. Like it was said before, humans are curious creatures. “Curiosity killed the cat!”. This saying was so much true, in the case of these two guards. Both the guards still didn’t know that their curious nature and the knowledge they had, about the doings of the Evil Witch Princess, could be a great threat with great price to them and they had to pay it with their lives. “Then that evil witch Princess will make sure to have our heads separate from our body and chop of our bodies into small pieces and make sure to erase all the traces of us being born, in the first place,” the first guard said, not knowing that how true his words were being for them, in the future. Then the first guard continued further, “The other young boy with the disfigured body, with scars all over his body and who was made mute, is the real blood Brother of the future Crown Princess Consort. But look, what that evil witch Princess did to him, her own blood brother, who was born out of the same mother as her. She kidnapped him and cut his tongue cruelly, to make sure that he will be unable to speak and made him mute for all his remaining life. And not satisfied with what she had done already to her poor blood brother, she ordered the prison guards to break his legs and hands. And also starved that poor boy without giving him any medical attention, nearly for a month in a dirty abandoned pigsty in the outskirts of the empire. Think about how crazy and cruel she can be. If she can do, that to her own blood brother, whom she grew up with and shared her childhood memories with, then think about others, like us, the lowly worker’s life. So don’t ever betray or even think about going against that crazy Witch Princess. Then even our bones would not be spared by her and our poor family can’t even find where even our bones were buried in the future. She would eat us all alive and even use our bones to make bone soup for her and devour us mercilessly”, The first guard said and warned the second guard earnestly, with a fearful expression marring his scared face. Because the first guard was present with that Evil Witch Princess, in all the places in the past and saw everything that crazy witch Princess did from the start to till now. The unspeakable things she did to all those 'n' number of people, who crossed her knowingly or unknowingly, for her to come to the position, she was in today. So he knows the extend to which that evil witch Princess can go, to attain her own selfish benefits. Hearing all this from his partner, the second guard’s heart was gripped with fear for the evil witch Princess. His heart stopped beating for a few seconds, in pure fear and shock. He swore to himself, in his heart silently, that he would not and definitely should not get caught in the bad side of the crazy Witch Princess. If he did caught by her, due to his misfortune, then his future will not end up good. Hearing all this, Avery was shaken to her core. A cold chilling feeling passed through her spine, making her already labored breathing to be even more difficult. The younger brother, they were talking seriously about was their little brother Maxwell Hastings, the only son of the Hastings household, who was only 15 years old this year. He was the only son of the household. He was Cassy’s blood brother. The one born after her. They both share the same mother, current Head and Madam of the Hastings household, Madam Gwen. But he was attached to Avery since he was a little boy, as Avery took care of him. She was like a mother figure to him. Avery cried silently, hearing the cruel information, she found out about her baby brother’s fate. “He didn’t deserve this. That innocent soul,who wound even try to hurt a fly, didn’t deserve such a cruel and painful ending at all”, Avery thought and cried tears of blood, thinking about her baby brother. All she wanted to do now was to see her baby brother and hold him in her arms. He would cry and make a great fuss, to even have a little acupuncture needle till now. But hearing those horrible things, she yearned to see her baby brother to make sure that he was okay and the things she heard about him from the guards were all a lie. If their fate was merciful enough and if the god took pity on them and gave a chance now, she would leave all her belongings and titles like the first Miss of the Hastings household, the crown princess Consort behind and leave this cursed kingdom. she would love to live as a poor peasant with her baby brother in another empire away from this place and the people who knew about them. “It must have hurt him a lot. How could Cassy had the heart to hurt her blood brother. He was still a kid. How much would it have hurt him to tolerate all these cruel tortures that befall on him. He didn’t deserve this. He didn’t deserve this at all“ thought Avery and prayed to the almighty with a little hope lingering in her heart. Maxwell’s bright face appeared in front of Avery’s eyes. Those bright baby blue eyes, which was always shinning and brimming with happiness, whenever he saw her and the chubby cheeks of his, which Avery liked to pinch whenever she saw him. All those little but cherished memories of them came and ran Infront of her eyelids. It became her habit to pinch his cheeks lightly and ruffling his hairs to tease him a little. To which Maxwell would only complain and whine to her, not to mess up his hair style. Remembering their little and sweet exchanges from the past, Avery felt like a big hand was crushing her heart mercilessly and squeezing it to the extent, that it made it difficult for her to focus and also made her to unable to breathe properly. When Avery was still thinking about her times with her baby brother Maxwell, the first guard told another news to the second guard, which really did stopped her breathing, this time around. “Do you know, the crazy witch princess made so much conspiracy, that even a royal heir and member of the royal family could not be able to escape from her evil eyes. Due to her, the Crown Prince Avalon killed his step brother. All because of her lies. The crazy Witch Princess made up a story that the third prince had an affair with the Crown Princess Consort and in rage, Crown Prince Avalon stabbed him to death. Without even giving his brother a chance to defend himself and without even investigating whether the information told by the evil Witch Princess was true or not, he killed his step brother without even thinking twice. Avery remembered her meetings with the third prince, in the past. From before her wedding to the Crown Prince and after her wedding and the days she spent in that cold Eastern palace court yard. He was a best friend to her after her accident. He was her solace. Giving strength to her in her weak times. In the middle of her thoughts, Avery was thrown near a big tree. Soon a disfigured body of a young boy was dragged from the wooden cart near the tree and thrown near her, on the ground roughly. She tried her very hardest to turn her painful body on her side to see the disfigured body of the young boy. Upon seeing the butterfly tattoo engraved on the young boy’s hand, with the words AM underneath the tattoo, Avery burst out crying. She recognized that tattoo. She would recognize it, even in her sleep. All her prayers to the almighty and the Little hope, she held onto like her dear life depended on it till now, got shattered like a piece of glass that got dropped on a concrete floor. She sobbed uncontrollably. Till now she was praying to the gods that the news told by the guards about her baby brother should be fake. She was hoping that her baby brother shall live well, somewhere in a far away land, in good health and be alive. Even if he didn’t get to live the life of the only son of a prestigious Hastings household, it was enough for Avery, if her baby brother was alive and well. She was holding on to her last bit of hope in the God and prayed for her baby brother’s well being. But all those trust and hopes and earnest and heart felt prayers, all came crashing down on her, when she saw that tattoo with the hidden letters beneath it. It was the drawing, which she drew for her baby brother, when he was a child. Without her knowledge, he went out and tattooed her drawing of the butterfly, on his left wrist with both of their first letters, A for Avery and M for Maxwell. He said to her that, the butterfly represented her, his beloved elder sister and it will make him feel that she was always close to him. She craned her neck a little more, despite it being too painful for her, to see the full body of her baby brother. Even though he was only fifteen years old this year, he was a little taller than her small figure. His handsome face was made ugly by hot iron castings. Half of his face was burned and the burn wound was not treated at all in time, making it difficult for her to see the old charming features of her brother. Her handsome baby brother's face was completely ruined, by the heat boils of the hot iron rod, they must have used on him, to torture him. His handsome face was damaged beyond recognition. If she didn’t hear the conversation between the two guards and saw the butterfly tattoo on his left wrist, Avery would have had a hard time, believing that it is her baby brother, whom she loved and cherished like her own son, was the one lying beside her. His body was covered by a tattered layer of clothing and his visible parts of the body had all kinds of marks on it, like whip marks, scars from the knife and burn marks. It was very clear that he was tortured severely. Even the enemy from the other kingdom would not be treated, in this cruel way which was subjected on her innocent brother. After throwing both the sister and the brother under a big tree in the middle of forest, the two guards turned back and began to leave the place. ~*~ ❤❤❤
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