chapter 13?

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**triggering sad scenes.....*** Seeing his crying sister who was blaming herself, Maxwell felt that it was his incompetence, due to which he failed to protect his sister and shook his head hard even though it hurt him as hell, if he already didn’t see the hell his dear sister Cassy showed him, for her not to blame herself. It hurt him to see his sister cry like this. He never blamed Avery. Even that blaming thought never crossed his mind. He only felt blessed for having her, as his elder sister all his life. She was like a mother to him. She fed him, bathed him and made clothes for him. She spent most for her time with him, playing and teaching him, all the things she knew of. She was the one who nursed him and lost her sleep till dawn when he had fever in the past. She was the one, who hugged him and held him in her arms all night, when he woke up crying from a nightmare. His only regret is that he didn’t protect her even for once in this life and he can’t live long in this life with his sister by his side. He wanted his elder sister Avery to be the one, to choose a bride for him, when he will marry in the future. He wanted his elder sister Avery, to name all of his kids in the future and wanted her to raise and teach them, with the same amount of love with which she had raised him. He wanted to hold her kids and teach how to fight with swords to her sons and wanted to spoil her girl Childs with all the best things in the world and protect them, as his elder sister Avery protected him since his childhood. Thinking all these things which became an unattainable faraway dream, Maxwell cried even harder. Even though he could not make any sounds using his mouth aside from whimpering, his eyes reflected all his grievances. Seeing her brother’s fresh flowing tears, Avery cooed at him, like she used to do in their childhood days. “Don’t cry Maxy baby. Is it too painful for you to bear?? Shall I blow it for you” Avery asked and choked on her own sobs. Maxwell shook his head trying to say that it didn’t hurt him. Even though, both the brother and sister pair knew that it was a big fat lie. Every inch of his body was branded with hot iron rod burn marks and whip marks. Even the slightest movement made by his body made him want to yell and cry out in pain. But he didn’t want his beloved elder sister to know that. Because he clearly knows that she will feel more emotional pain than his physical pain. It was always like that between them, even in the past. Avery would cry more at Maxwell’s injury while nursing his wounds, more than him, the one who beared the injury. So he didn’t want his elder sister to feel more pain than she was already suffering from all her injuries. He really had the strong urge to kill that evil, double faced snake aka his second elder sister Cassy. If he had the chance, he would definitely do it now. Only if,…..If he had that chance, how good it would be, he thought. “Don’t worry about me, Maxy baby. And don’t blame yourself anymore. It is my duty to protect you, not the other way around. It is my responsibility as an elder sister. But I failed.” Avery said to Maxwell, as her tears forgot, that the word ‘Stop’ had existed. Her tears were like an unstoppable, never ending river, flowing continuously. “Just remember one thing Maxy. You are the only best thing that have ever happened in my life. I feel proud how you have grown into a fine young man. You are like a baby to me even now. If I really had another life, I want you to be my most cherished and bright looking little brother, in that life too. I love you more than I loved anyone or anything else in this whole world. Remember, your elder sister Avery loves you and will love you forever, till the last breath I take. If I had the chance to trade my life for keeping you alive, then I would definitely do it without a second thought. That’s how much you mean to me. Do you get it Maxy?” Avery asked Maxwell. Hearing his elder sister’s heart felt confession, Maxwell was overwhelmed by so much emotion, that he so badly wanted to rush into his elder sister’s embrace and hug her to him, which was similar like a kid would think of his mother’s embrace as his safe heaven. He nodded his head in acknowledgement to his elder sister’s words. Maxwell badly wanted to say that he too loved her the same amount as her. But unfortunately he couldn’t. That made him regret his incompetent self even at the brink of his death and he felt even more hatred towards his second elder sister Cassy. It was all because of that evil witch, he thought and gritted his teeth in hatred. Catching the lingering look in his eyes, Avery understood his heart’s words, even without him saying it in words. That’s how much of a pure and deep bond they both shared between them. “I know, you love me the same Maxy. Now close you eyes and forget about everything and sleep. I will sing a song for you, like I usually did in the past. Your favorite one” Avery said as she wanted her little brother to sleep deeply, as he will feel less painful, in his unconscious sleeping state. Maxwell nodded his head as his answer and his eyes shined with pure happiness, even with all the amount of pain, he was feeling in his body right now. It’s all because of that one word from his beloved elder sister. The same happiness he would have whenever Avery sang a song for him in the past. When they didn’t had to separate from each other, when they didn’t catch the eyes of the evil people, the time when they were in the household of the Hastings family. Avery began to hum his favorite song and soon, his thick black and curvy eye lashes that reached his cheeks, fluttered close in drowsiness. For the last time, Avery took a good look at her little brother Maxy’s clear and bright eyes that looked like a pool of clear spring water, without any evilness in them. She continued to hum even after he slept, as she clearly knows that it was her last chance to sing a song to her baby brother Maxy. She cried while reminiscing about all their happy memories from the past. While she was lost in the thoughts of their happy memories and had a glint of joy in her eyes, she heard the howls of the wolves in a distance, which made the glint of joy in her eyes to vanish in a second. She clearly knows now that it was the end of her life. Today is the last day in the cursed life of hers. Casting a longing look at her baby brother Maxy, who was sleeping deeply and had a peaceful look on his face, Avery had a resolute look in her blood shot eyes. Because she wanted her baby brother to be in his deep sleep for the thing she was about to do to him next. It would make it a little more easy for her to do it, when he was sleeping deeply. Taking a small dagger from inside of her clothes, which she stole from the guard back in the dungeon, she gripped it more tightly. It hurt her more to hold the dagger firmly, as those evil doers smashed her hands. Despite the painful feeling, she raised the dagger with all her remaining strength that was lingering in her tattered body. She tightened the hold on her baby brother's hand, which was in her hand, and she lowered herself to his level and pressed a gentle kiss on his forehead like a feather was being brushed against, as she used to do when he was a little kid. “I am so sorry Maxy baby. I really don’t know what else to do, to protect you from further pain, that the evil sister of ours had planned for us. I wanted to protect you and now I am doing this to protect you from the cruel death awaiting in the hands of those wild animals. I am doing this for your peaceful and painless death. Forgive me Maxy. If I had another chance, I will give my life to protect your life. It’s your elder sister’s promise to you in this life”, She quietly mumbled while her ruby red eyes turned into a flowing river, once again. It never ceased to flow. Controlling her sobs, she took a deep breath with her eyes closed. Then she quickly slashed his main artery present in his neck and ended his life in an instant. A swift and painless death. ~*~ I cried writing this.....who is with me in that line??????
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