chapter 24?

1200 Words
Avery POV: Days passed in a blink of an eye, and I played along with the sweet family drama of my family, where my over loving strong step mother showered me with her pure motherly love,***scoff*** for everyone to see, and my step sisters being the best sisters showing great respect, and love, and concern for their first elder sister aka me, on the outside. While in real, Madam Gwen frowned, and talked ill, and cursed me with her birth daughter Cassy, when they were alone, and buttered me up infront of our father Lord Maxford. In the case of my sisters, their overacting was a proof, that even our household servants can say that the things, my dear step sisters were doing were all a lie. One side, I was disgusted by their fake concern, and the loving act they put upon, while on the other hand, it was particularly more fun, when they try to win my favor, and trust, while trying to hide their real face, and evil intentions. The real side of them, which was more nauseating than their fake acting. Apart from going along with their so called spending family time together, I had more pressing matters to do at hand. I had to make some plans for the future, so as to be well prepared, when the time comes for me to meet my real challenge in this second chance in life. Only a week had passed since little Maxy's birthday. And if I remember correctly, my 17th birthday will be coming exactly in three month from now on. And the most important thing was that the royal decree for me to be appointed as the Princess Consort will be ordered by the royal palace on the next day to my birthday. That’s how, it all happened the last time, I got married. So to prepare myself, I did some things, and research without anyone knowing. Once the medicine man declared that my body had fully recovered from my accident, my over concerning step mom Madam Gwen, and extra loving step sister Cassy was a little bit out of my hair, which was a great relief for me. Thank the great god, the Almighty that I got some break from their acting. They don’t think it was boring to act, but I was sick seeing them acting like they care, when all they think of doing to me, was the exact opposite. I secretly learned about medicine, and studied about many herbal plants, that can be used to cure illness, and injuries. I also saw some skilled medicine men, and learned some basic medical skills, and acupuncture skills. With the help of my late mother’s distant relative, I got myself a skilled Master. A master to learn self defense, and martial arts from him. I even took little Maxy with me, and made him to learn some self defense skills from my master. He needs to learn martial arts, and fighting skills to save himself in the future, if ever he gets caught in trouble. I did all these without anyone knowing. And so, I had to be extra careful in handling all these things. So I used the excuse of going to the mountain temple to pray, and meditate for the good fortune of the family. Since I used the excuse of going to temple, and doing manual jobs in the temple, no one got interested in it, and didn’t even bothered to accompany me, like I wanted them to. I really didn’t need any watch dog overlooking my every single move, and reporting it back to my dear so called step mother, Madam Gwen. I only took little Maxy, thrice a month to the mountain temple with me for his martial arts lessons. Our Master Boris, taught us lessons in the forest behind the mountain temple. So no one knows about it, like I wanted it to be. But truth to be told, I was really looking forward to my 17th birthday. I wanted to have a face off with my enemies as soon as I can possible, as I can’t wait to get them to pay for the crimes they had committed against me. I can’t endure the fact that they are living a nice well off luxury life, by spilling bloods of the innocent people. I also spied every member of my family to know about the dirty deeds they did, which I can use against them in the future, incase I had to. I also found which servants in the Hastings household Mansion was acting like the eyes, and ears of Madam Gwen, and also who were doing some dirty jobs in the stead of her. But even if I tried so hard, I can’t correctly catch the one person, she communicates with. I know for sure that there was some one who has joined hands with her, and have a part in all of Madam Gwen’s evil works, but that person seems to a hard one to catch. That person was like a shadow in the night hiding themselves so cleverly and meticulously. I wouldn’t have known about this person too, if not for that day when I spied on the servants working in our household. The woman who was in charge of taking care of the high end horses in the stables, gossiped to the one working in the vegetable garden. She said that she saw Carrie, Madam Gwen’s loyal servant, set free a bird in the middle of the night, which looked like a high bred messenger bird, on the day the medicine man declared that I went into a vegetative state. That’s when I realised that there was someone, hiding in the shadows, who was helping, or giving ideas to Madam Gwen to make her moves. And she informed them about the things that happens in here. From then on, I had an eye on Carrie, to see whether she sent any messages using the messenger bird, but I haven’t even saw the tail color of that messenger bird till now. Looks like Madam Gwen was currently not communicating with her other partner in crime. As I didn’t notice any abnormal activities from her side. Thus it was a dead end in Madam Gwen’s case. Still I had three months till me 17th birthday, and I can get more information in the future. I spent most of my time with my baby brother Maxy tailing me around. I played with him, and taught him many things. Even though to other’s eyes, it may seem like we were only playing, but I taught various things to little Maxy, in the pretense of playing with him. We would throw stones, and hit the target, by using the things we learned from archery, and knife throwing in secret, and putting the paper ball right into the hollow pot, and develop our aiming skills. Like wise, we did all our practice in the name of playing games. Therefore I followed my routine in going to the mountain temple, and my other activities, while maintaining the innocent Avery role in the Hastings household Mansion. ~*~ happy reading ❤❤❤
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