chapter 25?

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Avery POV: I was in the kitchen accompanied by my little brother Maxy. He wanted to eat the dessert I make using apples, and peaches, and he urged me to do it as soon as possible, saying that he was craving for the dessert I make. He literally threw a fit asking for the fruit dessert I make, instead of eating lunch, pouting and doing all sorts of pleasing faces, which was so funny that I laughed out loud to my heart’s content. It was really a very very long time, that I had laughed this happily, that too genuinely. Even in the past, I forgot everything about laughing, when I was sent to the cold palace. I had no reason to laugh in those times. It was literally torture for me, and I had to grit my teeth to survive each passing day, in that almost vacant cold palace. Even when I smiled, it was not directed from my heart, but to please the ones, who would worry about my well being. I smiled for Zara, my baby Maxy, and for the third Prince, who tried his best to put on a smile on my face. Little Maxy sat down on the pathway of the courtyard, and kept whining, more like acting like a spoilt brat, and demanded that I make him his favorite dessert this instant. Looking at his pouting face that looked as if he had greatly wronged, and shining eyes filled with hope, I yielded, and here I am peeling the outer skin of the apples, I am going to use in the dessert. I went to the farming land, along with Zara, and little Maxy, in the back of the house, to pick the peaches from the tress freshly, to use it in my dessert. I asked the servants to bring me the fresh green apples, they bought from the market. While preparing the ingredients for the dessert, as usual I zoned out. Even if I wanted to live in the present, and not want to think about the past things, but like the shadow following the person it belonged to, those things from the past never leave me alone. Three months have quickly passed, and only two weeks were pending for my 17th birthday. The day, for which I was waiting for, days, and nights for a long time now. Next week as usual, I would go to the longevity temple to pray before my birthday. And I informed this to my step mother, Madam Gwen, and my father, Maxford Hastings. And like every other time, my dear father only showed a little interest, as it didn’t concern him, or bring any profit to him. **Such a selfless loving father, I have….note the sarcasm. In these three months, I used all my time effectively, and learned many skills, which will be very useful for my lone battle against those greedy selfish people. “First elder sister..First elder sister!!!”, Maxy's annoyed voice called out to me, breaking me from my inner thoughts. “Yes, baby Maxy….what is it?. Do you want anything?”, I asked him, even though I know what he was about to tell me. He was going to complain that I didn’t listen to his talks. “You didn’t hear what I said till now. You are bad. You are mean. You zoned out on me again”, my little brother Maxy complained, while keeping his both hands on either side of his hips, while pouting his lips. He looked so cute like this. Like a angry bunny. Him being his cutest self, I can’t help it, and couldn’t restrain myself from pinching his chubby cheeks, that still had some baby fats in it. “Sorry, baby Maxy. So to forgive me, take this”, saying this I gave him one of the peach fruit, I was saving for making the dessert. As he got something delicious to eat, as usual he forgot about all his fake anger, and started to enjoy the peach fruit happily. Shaking my head at his silly antics, I continued to make the dessert, while making small talks with my little brother Maxy. While Zara and Sally, my other maid servant were standing at the side, giving us company. ~*~ Third Person POV: The Royal palace, in the capital city. The Royal Court room was gathered in the account of the discussion of something very important. All the scholars, and the council of Ministers were all present in the Royal Court room, waiting for the king of the Valerian kingdom, king Kellan. The court room was a large room with high ceilings, side beams, and supporting pillars which had the most delicate designs outlined with gold metal with precious gem stones decorating the side pillars. All in all the Royal court room glittered with all the riches in the kingdom, and it screamed about the wealth of the Valerian kingdom. Well the intention was mainly to exhibit the wealth, and power of the Valerian kingdom to the officials, and high ranking members of the other kingdoms that comes on an official government work, and to visit. Valerian kingdom was one of the powerful kingdoms present in the Southern mountainous terrain area. Valerian kingdom was rich in every aspects. It had the well fertile land for cultivation with ample amount of rainfall. In the north, the kingdom's border was guarded by the natural barrier, the large, and sturdy mountain, which protects the Valerian kingdom from the attacks of the enemies. The bell for the intimation of the arrival of the king, rang twice consecutively, and everyone in the Royal Court room bowed in respect for the King Kellan, the king of the Valerian kingdom. Seconds later, followed by the ringing of the royal bell, In came, the King of Valerian kingdom himself, the King Kellan. He donned with his royal King garments made of the high quality silk, and velvet fabrics, with designs made by the gold, and silver threads, with precious stones of ruby, and emerald embedded in the royal robe in an orderly manner, making it look magnificent. The hem line of the king’s robe was made with designs using the gold imprints, and the embroidery in the king’s royal robe was done with using high quality silver, and gold threads. King Kellan was a muscular man in his later forties, with a sun kissed tanned natural looking skin. He had black cluster of curls as hair, that came down till his shoulder blades. He had a nice Brown bright eyes, sharp, and vigilant but also shone with wisdom, and kindness in it. Behind him, came his royal personal assistant, c*m servant, Matt on one side, and his head eunuch on the other side. “Long live King Kellan of the Valerian kingdom…..Long live the brave king. Bless the king, dear Almighty God ”, everyone greeted the king by bowing in respect. Once the king was seated on his Royal golden throne, everyone in the court room took their seats. The Royal golden throne was made of pure gold with all the precious gem stones that were available in the Valerian kingdom. The throne had the head of a lion inscribed on the top, giving off a majestic, and powerful look. “Well. Everyone get seated. Now, Will anyone of you could kindly tell me why this court was gathered here today?”, King Kellan asked, as he himself didn’t know anything, why suddenly his council of Ministers, and scholars demanded a Royal Court's gathering. “It’s a very important matter, my dear king. It’s about the marriages of the princes of our kingdom. All the princes are more, or less had already reached the age of marriage”, one of the Minister told the king, the reason they were gathered in the court room that day. ~*~ happy reading ❤❤❤ check out my other books. visit my profile....
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