chapter 23?

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Avery POV: Days passed soon, and I recovered well according to the medicine man. And I could feel the difference in my body too. I felt energetic than before, and not as tired as I was, when I woke up. And I would too agree with him in that. My emotional state, and mental health improved greatly, and I took time to try to understand the current situation of mine. And finally I came to terms with my condition. By some God sent miracle, I came back to the past life of mine. The life I had before my marriage with the royal member. And I took my time to recall all the important things, and events that had happened to me in the past, and remembered it by heart. I imprinted the memories of those moments into my heart, and soul, so that I won’t ever forget even the small detail of those events. The only thing to my advantage in this second life of mine were the knowledge of the things that had happened to me in the past, and practically speaking, yet to happen to me in this second chance in life. Also I got to know the vicious people, who stabbed me in the back, and used me for their use, reaping benefits on my misery. So I spent all the recovery time prescribed by the medicine man to recall each, and every single detail of all the events, both good, and bad that had happened to me in the past. But as someone said, you had to pay a price for everything you get. Nothing is free in this greedy, and darn corrupted world. As in my case, in the process of trying to remember all those past memories, I had to relive all those memories again. It was like I was again experiencing all those painful events all over again, from the start, and to my great misery, I was subjecting myself to it willingly. That was the most cruelest thing for me. Those terrible memories, that shook the inner most soul of mine, from which I wished to run away as far as I can, I had to remember them without leaving out even a small detail. It’s important for me to defend myself, and my loved ones this time, and I can’t afford to mess this up. And for this self torture I had to subject myself to, I hated all those who had hurt me in the past even more, as in tenfold. As I had to again emotionally experience those hurtful memories again, which was similar to the torture of grilling myself in the most fiercest hell fire again, and again. All these costed me my health, and I even had trouble breathing one time, like some invisible hand that was strong enough to break several bricks in a single blow, was holding my neck, and tightening it’s hold on my neck, making it impossible for me to take a breath. It was that time, when I was remembering the day of my death. The memories of that hurtful day. The day, on which I lost my everything. My one, and only true friend, and the honest person I have ever saw, and the one who treated me with his atmost​ sincerity throughout my whole life, my innocent unborn baby, my baby brother Maxy, and at last the excruciating pain I felt, when my flesh was torn by those sharp canines of those nasty wolves in the middle of the forest. The last thing I saw was the dark night sky, which resembled an endless abyss, and whenever I tried have a good sleep, the moment I close my eyes, the night sky appears, making me to lose my breath. It’s not the memories that haunted me the most, if I had to be honest with myself. The thing that haunted me the most was the emotional pain that I went through in those moments, the helplessness, I felt from not being able to do nothing in that moment, the moment when the last bit of hope I had was faded away, and the several unknown, and unanswered ‘what ifs' that I had during that last moments of my life. The battle I had within myself between the physical, and emotional pain. That…haunted me the most. When I sorted out, and remembered the last moments of my death in the past, the amount of emotional, and physical pain I had gone through, at that time, and the helplessness I felt over my pathetic self, overwhelmed me to no ends, and I fainted that day. Soon the medicine man was called, and he examined me. The medicine man predicted correctly that I fainted due to extreme stress. But he thought that the reason I fainted, and had stressing myself was the trauma I got from drowning in the river. But the real reason, only I know in this whole world. He gave me several stress calming pills, and told me to indulge myself into some hobbies of mine. When I was ordered to take bed rest, my other two sisters too visited me, unwillingly. Nina Hastings, my third younger sister, and the third Miss of the Hastings household, visited me. Her mom Tory was a concubine to my father. Nina was fifteen years old this year. She came to ‘visit’ me. And I found it totally hilarious. She always had a bad blood relation with me, even in the past, as she really hated the fact that I was the first Miss of the Hastings household Mansion, and our father favoring me, and the benefits I got for my title of being the first Miss of a prestigious household in the capital city. Followed by her, the fourth younger sister, Tina Hastings, the Fourth Miss of the Hastings household, came to visit me with her mom Gracy, the second concubine of my father. And Tina, she was the extreme jealous type. She envied me for my beautiful face, the one people referred to as an angelic type, and gorgeous body figure, which I had naturally. Seeing them visiting me, I thought it was so hilarious. I cursed myself for being such a naïve….well sorry….such a stupid person in the past. No one…I mean it…no one in the Hastings household Mansion came to visit me out of goodwill, or for the love, and concern they had for me. they just came to fulfill the formality of visiting the first Miss of the Hastings household Mansion. What a real bad joke. I had lived a life filled with all sorts of fake people around me, who only wanted to use me for their benefits, and wanted to grab the opportunities to benefit themselves. I bet all my fortune that if they ever heard, and believed that taking a part of me, and sacrificing it, can get their wishes fulfilled, they would not even bat an eyelash, and the next second take a knife to kill, or cut me into pieces. That sort of people were the ones I had as my family. ‘what a loving family, right?. Note the sarcasm. The more I realised this cruel truth, I hated myself more for being unable to see through their fake behavior, and selfish desires before. And that stupid naïve behavior of trusting everyone around me, and thinking that they were all nice people, when they talked, and smiled with me, that they were without any ill intentions. And that stupid behavior of mine, had landed me in a conspiracy made by their viscous lies, and evil plots, and I had to pay a very heavy price for my stupidity, which was more than I could have afforded. And since, every thing was back to the point, where I can change everything, and still had the time to change the course of direction of my future life, I am going to grab it like my life depended on it. Well….more like my life does really depends on it. As this time, I won't sit still, and wait for others to hurt me, and the persons, I cherish the most. This time the one to strike first will be me, as I have woke up from my stupidity, and learned that not everyone deserves kindness we show to them. ~*~ happy reading ❤❤❤
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