chapter 6?

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Cassy quickly reached the Luxurious quarters which was used by her birth mother, Madam Gwen, who was now the female head of the Hastings household.. She was immediately greeted by her mother’s loyal servant Carrie. Carrie was with madam Gwen since childhood.. Both grew up together in Gwen’s parents house. Gwen was a daughter of the rich household. Her father was a member of the royal council under the king Kellan's advisory board. Carrie was a slave back then. To give company to their daughter and to be a loyal servant for his precious little daughter, Madam Gwen's father bought Carrie from a slave master when Carrie was just 5 years old. So it can be easy for them to train a very young slave, they took in Carrie. Since then Carrie was likes shadow that follows around madam Gwen till now. To be precise, Carrie knows all the evil deeds done by Madam Gwen as she aided her in all those evil things. “ greetings second Miss… welcome to the household” Carrie said and curtsied and bowed her head in respect for the second Miss of the Hastings household. Cassy was a little unhappy about how Carrie addressed her as. Cassy quickly snapped at her mother’s personal maid, all the happiness she felt when she entered the Hastings household fanishing into a thin air, all because of Carrie's greeting to her. “Why are you getting mad as soon as you came, dear daughter. Carrie, go and bring something to drink and eat… quickly go” Madam Gwen came and controlled her seething daughter. “mother…..” Cassy whined in protest. “Control your temper….how many times, should I have to remind you. You can’t be so willful in the palace. It can land you in trouble, my dear Cassy” Madam Gwen chastised her daughter who felt as if all of them have wronged her greatly. “Mother. But I am the noble consort now…soon I will be named as the crown princess consort. But Carrie always calls me, the second Miss, which I hate the most.” Cassy grumbled out and sat on the wooden chair placed in the middle. “Everyone out now…no one should come inside without my permission” Madam Gwen ordered all her servants to go out and leave them alone to give them some privacy. they can't afford for some one to hear some things that they were about to discuss further. “Cassy….you should first see and look around. Only then you should speak. Don’t be so careless.” Madam Gwen warned her daughter. “Now tell me….how our plan worked out…did every thing went as per we planned?” Madam Gwen asked curiously and also nervously as she felt that her willful daughter might mess things up with her uncontrollable temper. “ Don’t worry dear mother. Every thing went as we planned and wished for. Tonight that stupid obstacle of my life, I call my elder sister, will die a pitiful death along with that stupid and useless brother of mine. Tomorrow, will be our day, the dawn for our victory and hard works, dear mother.” Cassy said with a happy tone and frowned when she mentioned about her brother Maxwell. “Mother….are you feeling sorry for leaving my brother Maxwell to die as well with Avery. I know he is your only son and my little brother. But he never treated me as his elder sister. He even decided to tell on us to the empress grandmother.” Cassy asked and pulled on her mother Gwen’s clothes, as it was Cassy’s plan to kill Maxwell, not Madam Gwen’s. “to achieve great things, we have to sacrifice a lot my dear. It’s just a little payment from our side, to achieve our greater goal” Madam Gwen said with a long lost look in her eyes, as if she was thinking about something. “its okay my dear daughter. It was him, who betrayed us first. We didn’t abandoned him first. He turned his back on us first. So he can’t blame us for being cruel. We have worked for this moment for so long… how dare he think of spoiling our years of hard work just like that, and that too for that stupid step sister of his, when he should have supported me, his birth mother and sided with you, his own blood sister.” Madam Gwen said. If one looked at her at the moment,no one would believe that she was talking like this about her own son. Her own flesh and blood. Greed and lust for power, really does make a person into a heartless beast, which will turn on its own family and bite off them for its selfish reasons. Both Madam Gwen and Cassy, the mother daughter pair didn’t even blink or even had an ounce of guilty feeling or regret for the condition of the only son of their household, Maxwell. When they didn’t even have any feelings for Maxwell, then someone expecting mercy from them for Avery is a too much of a far fetched cry. “What if father gets to know about the condition of Maxwell. We made arrangements for Avery’s situation. So no one will search for her in the future. But Maxwell is different. He is the only son of the Hastings household. Father put so much hope on him for the future of our Hastings household. What if he gets to know the truth and punish us” Cassy asked her doubt and looked a little scared. Because her father, is a selfish person. For his own benefits, he can even abandoned her, his second daughter, like he did to his first daughter Avery. That was also one of the reasons that made it easy for the evil mother daughter pair to use and plot against Avery. If her father had believed in her words and helped her in time, some how or any how, Avery would not have ended up in the situation, she was in at that moment. Even her father, the one who cherished her like his little treasure turned his back on her, in her most needed time. He was even worse than an animal. Even animals would help their offspring when they found threats near their offspring, unlike him, the prestigious lord of the Hastings household Mansion. Everyone left and turned their back on that poor soul when they felt that she is of no use to them in the future, leading her to her demise. .......... ❤❤❤
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