chapter 5?

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Cassy was so happy that she skipped happily in her every steps. She can not contain her happiness at all. The plan for so long which she devised so careful and meticulously, beared fruits at last. All her efforts and acting didn’t go to vain in the end. Her dream of becoming the crown princess is within the reach of her hands. ‘mmmm….fool….she made it so much easy for me to deal with her. Such an emotional and naïve b***h. With her character of hers, how in the hell she dared to be the crown princess…. even if it’s not me, one day someone would definitely eat her up while and don’teven spit out her bones. Mmmm…its best that I made the first move and took everything that belonged to her to myself and made a place for myself in the imperial palace. Sooner or later you would have always ended up like this in the hands of others. What do you think life in the imperial palace will be like…..It’s a constant war of power, greed and status. You didn’t accept the cruel reality around you that everyone is evil and kept your stupid naïve behavior and treated everyone kindly and believed everyone was good…. mmmm….stupid fool' Cassy thought and snorted at her naïve elder sister's stupidity to which she is paying the price for and she is paying with it her life. Cassy didn’t had an ounce of regret or guilt or even a little pity for Avery’s condition. Not even as a fellow human being. Forget about being sister who grown Together with her from childhood. She went out of the cold dungeon and went into the carriage that was being pulled by horses. Not any normal horses. They are the elite ones that are only used by the royals. These horses have been imported from a far away desert land where these horses are breed and trained. You could see the worth of these horses from their neck mane which was shiny and lush and thick. These two horses were given to her by her beloved crown prince Avalon… “….mmmm….my beloved crown prince Avalon” Cassy thought excited and had a crazed maniac look on her face. It took her so long and more efforts from her side to call her dear late( since she was going die anyway…lets do the honors of calling her like that….cassy thought.) Elder sister’s dear husband. Then she ordered the house man to go to her desired place.She was not afraid of keeping the crown prince Avalon as she already told him that she was not feeling well and will not be going to the palace today. ………….. The Hastings Mansion… Cassy got out of the horse carriage and looked at the familiar large wooden board which her father specifically brought from the northeast corner of the country to engrave their family household name. Her dear father Maxford Hastings even spent some money on it as he made the wood cravers to use gold to highlight the name when he felt happy and pride that his eldest daughter is going to marry a royal, a prince to be exact. ‘mmm….greedy and ambitious father of hers. He only favored the child, the one who benefitted him always….as now how he is favoring and praising me' Cassy thought and snorted in disdain. She always hated her father from childhood as he always neglected her and favored his eldest daughter Avery more as she looked beautiful and as he thought he could use her to get benefits. This is also one of the many reasons due to which Cassy hated Avery from childhood with her full heart and soul. But now everything was changed. Now she was the beloved and the beautiful and the most favored daughter of the Hastings household as she was the crown prince Avalon's favorite royal consort. She entered the Hastings household and every servants, maidservants and workers bowed to her. It made her too happy. She quickly went towards her mother’s quarters with her maidservant Karen tailing behind her. Madam Gwen, current wife of the Lord of the Hastings household and birth mother of Cassy, was informed of her beloved daughter’s arrival by her loyal servant Carrie. Madam Gwen was happy to welcome her daughter and also a little anxious about their plan… whether it went according to what they had planned or did it went down the drain. she was too anxious at her daughter's sudden visit. ................... hi there.... lovely readers..... happy reading,❤❤❤
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