chapter 7?

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Everyone left and turned their back on that poor innocent soul when they felt that she was of no use to them in their future and would not be useful to them in gaining their profits, leading her to her demise. “Don’t worry. Even if your father found out about our involvement in either your elder sister’s or brother’s condition in the future, he would not mind it, when he gets benefits from you, my dear daughter Cassy. When he gets the title and status as the crown princess consort and future Queen’s father, he will not mind. When he gets to use his title as the future Queen's father to get profits in his business and also make connections with other powerful peoples in the country, he would be happy. Also use your crown princess consort title to lure him to be in your side and ask him to be silent about these two incidents in the future, if he gets to know the truth in the future. I have lived with your father all these years, I know how his mind works. Don't worry about that old man. Even if he wanted to say the truth or wanted to punish you, threaten him with your title and power to make his business crumble. Either way he can't or would not be able to punish or threaten you in the future. Don’t worry about that old man and take good hold of the crown prince. He is your only Trump card to your successfully and bright powerful future. Don’t let him out of your clutches, my dear daughter” Madam Gwen said with an evil glint shining in her eyes. “Don’t worry mother. Crown prince Avalon is like a puppy dog in front of me. He believes what ever I say as the truth. That’s how I framed my dear elder sister Avery and made him to torture and force her to her own death by the hands of her beloved husband…” Cassy said and tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ears. “He didn’t and will not find my fake innocent girl façade in his whole life in the past and will not in the future at all. He does not even try to find out about the real me in the first place. I am even going to make him believe that Avery ran away from the prison cells by killing the two prison guards placed in front of her prison cell. But in truth, I made all arrangements for her death tonight. I am going to erase all the evidences by killing the two prison guards who knows the whole truth, in case they got caught in the future and even wanted to tell the truth about her death. I am going to bury the truth along with those two prison guards. Crown Prince Avalon didn’t even care about her in the past and will not care in the future too and will not try to search for her, which will be a great benefit to our side. That’s how much, I made Crown Prince Avalon to dance according to my wishes with the flick of my hands. All I have to do is sweet talk with him and sniff and occasionally squeeze a few fake tears Infront of him. He didn't question or doubted me in the past and I will make very sure to make it remain the same in the future too.” Cassy flaunted to her mother,Madam Gwen about the hold she had on Crown Prince Avalon. “ I have to just act like a weak little innocent girl and squeeze a few fake crocodile tears to make him bend down on his knees before me. It's so easy to fool and deceive the Crown Prince.So don’t you worry about Crown Prince Avalon getting out of my hands ,dear mother. It didn't happen till now and I will not allow it to happen in the future too. I had made so much hard work and endured too much hardships to reach this stage and I will let this hard earned chance to let it slip through my hands….. Never….not in a million chance” Cassy said a little agitated remembering her times in the palace when she was new to the palace and was not yet the beloved noble consort of the Crown Prince Avalon. The times which she had to endure all the talks of the other mistresses to maintain her fake innocent façade. “All the things I did and endured in the beginning of my starting days in the palace, is all for this very day. The things I did to the proud and honored first Miss of the Hastings household, Avery Hastings, is all for this day” Cassy spatted out with pure venom in her words. “ I easily took advantage of her and made her give all the good and precious things she got for being the first Miss of the Hastings household, playing the good innocent little sister role for years. I planned to kill her by burning her courtyard that year. So that I can remove her from my path. But she survived. But all thanks to that, I made use of her scar filled face and made Crown Prince Avalon to hate and despise her,even though I acted as if I loved and cared for my dear elder sister. I made use of her, to lift my innocent and loving character in Crown Prince Avalon’s heart, all thanks to her, I got named as the Noble Consort and became the favorite of Crown Prince Avalon. Also I easily made use of that third prince and the friendship between him and Avery to plot and frame her of a******y and treason.” Cassy recounted her actions with so much hatred in her eyes, even her mother, Madam Gwen looked stunned looking at her crazed looking daughter. “Its all because I hate her. I hate her mere presence. I hated that she was the first Miss of the Hastings household. I hated that she was chosen as the bride for the second prince, when I was the first one to see and like him for the first time. I hated that she was crowned as the crown princess consort and soon she will be the future Queen of the Valerian kingdom. I hated how I will be below her, in status, power and wealth all my life. That’s why I framed the most worst crimes on her to degrade her image and wanted to kill her. How dare she try to be above me. How dare she…looking all beautiful and regal. That’s why I snatched everything she cherished from her, her beauty, her first miss title. Now even her crown princess consort title will be mine soon. As crown prince Avalon promised to name me that, soon after making me his legal wife.” By now Cassy was agitated and was looking like a crazy woman. “ I snatched her Everything. Her beauty, her beloved husband, her pride, her self respect and now her life too” saying this Cassy threw the porcelain tea cup placed on the table onto the floor. The delicate looking cup touched the ground and smashed into several pieces scattering on the floor of the room. Madam Gwen looked at her crazed looking daughter and got a glimpse of her own past. She too was in the same state as her daughter once in her life in the past. She too hated a person with all her being, once in the past. Shaking her head, she cleared her mind of the events of the past, as past should remain in the past. Only then, it will be good for her, Madam Gwen thought and cleared her throat. “Come in here Carrie with the tea” Madam Gwen called out to her personal maid. Carrie came in carrying a tray filled with a tea pot and few desserts. “Place the tray on the table and go out. leave us alone. Don't let anyone inside or disturb us for the time being." Madam Gwen Ordered Carrie to which Carrie only nodded and did as she was told. years of experience made her to guess what her madam wanted all these years. ........... omg...evil Cassy.... what do you think about her....
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