chapter 84?

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A young man in his early twenties sat on a well decorated luxurious looking chair with detailed pattern carved on the chair. Just one look at the young man, one could tell that he must be of someone with a noble status, as he wore such a good looking and well tailored clothes made of fine silk. Not to mention, his looks, that could make everyone envious of him. He was tall with a nicely built muscular body, with ripped muscles filled in accurate places. He had a face that was so handsome that every women who see him would be mesmerized by his manly looks. He had that noble look and dominating aura around him, catching every one’s attention, If he appears at a place. It was none other than the member of the Royal Family, Prince Avalon, the second prince of the kingdom. Second prince Avalon sat on his heavily decorated chair while enjoying the drink in his arms. The drink was the high quality and strong wine that was made out from the top quality grapes that was given to the Royal family by the foreign ambassadors of the far away kingdom as the token of their friendship and good relationship. The room Avalon was sitting was the living room of his residing quarters. Everything and every direction you turned, one can see things that are made of high quality materials with very beautiful designs carved on it in a very detailed manner, making it very eye catching. Well, it was the residing quarters of the second prince Avalon anyway and what else can one expect other than this. He was the eldest son of the current Queen of the kingdom, and with his skills and influence he had from his mother’s side and her supporters, he was one of the potential candidates eligible for the title of “the crown prince” of the kingdom. Since his childhood, Second prince Avalon lead a life full of luxury and had every thing that was best in the kingdom. It was all the work of his mother, Queen Benazir, who was obsessed with giving everything best for his son, eventually wanting to oppress the other consorts and princes in the kingdom. And because of this way of getting things without any efforts and everything was given to him in a silver platter because of his mother abusing her powers, Avalon led a carefree life and felt that he was entitled to everything that was best in the kingdom, without making any extra efforts. He exactly had that good for nothing arrogant attitude and useless egoistic pride that people think that rich nobles would have, all because of his mother. Which was the reason, he turned out to be very dominating and arrogant with no respect and regards for others. All he thinks about was his well being and the people, and things that would bring benefits to him. Avalon took a sip of the exclusive wine and closed his eyes to savour the bittersweet early taste and sweet aftertaste. He leisurely shook the glass in his hand and looked at his right hand man, Gary, who was standing a few feet away from him. “did you receive any news from my mother recently regarding the activities of the court and about those useless court officials, Gary?? “, second prince Avalon asked, while looking at a distance through the open window in his room. “ nothing new, your highness. The Queen did not give any news recently. But told me to convey message, asking you to be alert at all times. As you are back in the capital city, she told you to be extra careful in things you would say and do in the future. She told that she would summon you, if she has something important to tell you “, Gary said everything he was told to do and waited for his prince to say something in return. Because he knows too well about his second prince and he always has the habit of wanting to be the one to have the last say. Thus, Gary waited for second prince Avalon to reply something in return. As expected, a few seconds later, second prince Avalon opened his mouth and rebuked. “ Damn the rules. She and her never ending lectures to be extra careful. It was nice to be in the Western province, away from the capital city. I was happy and I was able to do everything according to my wish, without having to be alert on my toes, without having to worry about anything and anyone saying anything. Well, looks like I have to restrain my happy activities. Hell with the Royal Palace and the so called rules”, second prince Avalon rebuked in annoyance and tightened the glass in his hand. Nevertheless he could do nothing about anything, as he knew very well that he had to obey his mother’s words as he was back in the Royal Palace. Back in the territory of his father and his grand mother, the Royal mother. **
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