chapter 85?

818 Words
In the rose palace. A few days later, back in the rose palace, the Royal mother was anxious and was walking back and forth in an eager manner. That was when the Royal consort Katherine entered the living room of the old Royal lady, as she was suddenly summoned by her mother in law. A few minutes before, Royal consort Katherine was drinking her favourite tea in her flower garden, while enjoying the beauty and fragrance of the flowers that had bloomed on that day. Just then, a messenger from the rose palace arrived and informed the Royal consort that she was being summoned by the Royal mother to the rose palace and that there was an important matter to be discussed with her. Hearing the sudden news, Royal consort Katherine got ready quickly and arrived at the rose palace. Once she entered the living room, she saw her mother in law pacing around the room while having a anticipated look on her face. “greetings, Royal mother “, consort Katherine greeted her mother in law and waited patiently for the old lady to speak. She was waiting for the old lady of the Royal Family to tell as to why she has been called in such urgency, out of no where. “Oh… consort Katherine… . You have come. Good… you came at the right time. Come… . Come and take a seat”, saying that, Royal mother Moira sat on a chair, while gesturing consort Katherine to do the same. When both of them were seated, the old lady finally opened her mouth and disclosed the reason as to why she had called her daughter in law. “It’s going to a good news, consort Katherine. The men I ordered before have sent a news. Those who I told to gather information about the young lady whom you have said earlier, sent me some message earlier this day. They collected all the information about that young lady and will be delivering it today”, the old lady of the Royal Family said excited with a happy smile, making her daughter in law to reciprocate her facial expressions in an instant. Consort Katherine was rejoiced tenderly and was hoping to get to know more about that lovely young girl whom she was adoring till now. “really, Royal mother??. Thanks the goddess.. It really is a very good news. I am anxiously anticipating to know more about her, Royal mother “, consort Katherine confessed her thoughts. The Royal mother smiled with a knowing look on her face and had a warm smile. “I know, dear. That was why I called you here immediately, so that, we both can get to know about the information quickly, once the messenger arrives here”, Royal mother Moira said. Thus in the end, both the ladies of the Royal Family sat in the living room waiting anxiously for the messenger guy bearing the details and the portrait of the painting of the young lady, to arrive as soon as possible. They constantly turned their heads towards the entrance of the room, and was looking forward to the arrival for the above said guy. As time went by, both the ladies could not hold back their eagerness, as they moved around in their seat. They stretched their necks towards the entrance of the room, every now and then, while sighing in the end. Just then, a guy who looked like the Royal guard of the rose palace came inside the room and informed the ladies that there was guy, claiming to be a messenger and was seeking permission to come inside. Once the Royal guard reported the news, both the ladies smiled happily, and looked at each other sharing the same enthusiastic look. “go and quickly tell the man seeking for the audience to cone inside… quick “, the Royal mother said the words out spontaneously without missing a beat. Soon enough, the familiar looking man, came in to the living quarters of the rose palace and greeted both the ladies of the Royal Family. “greetings, Royal mother. Greetings, Royal consort Katherine “, the nan said and bowed his head in front of them. He was one of the men, the Royal mother Moira had hired to help her in bringing the information regarding all the young ladies who are eligible enough to be the brides of the two Royal princes. “well… drop the formalities. Did you get the things I had asked you to finish?. Where is the information?. Quickly, hand it over to me”, the Royal mother ranted in a single breath, clearly showing her eagerness. “Yes, Royal mother. Here is the information of the young lady, you had asked”, the man said and took out a scroll and a book like report. ***
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