chapter 14?

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"Forgive me Maxy. If I had another chance, I will give my life to protect your life. It’s your elder sister’s promise to you in this life”, She quietly mumbled while her ruby red eyes turned into a flowing river once again. It never ceased to flow though. Controlling her sobs, she took a deep breath with her eyes closed. Then biting her lips to stop the sobs that was threatening to come out of her lips, which were turning pale and purple in color, she steadied her breathing as she wanted to stop her hands from shaking any further. Then she quickly slashed the main blood artery present in her baby brother Maxy's neck and ended his life in an instant. A swift and painless death. That’s the one and only thing, that her messy mind could come up with and the less painful form of death, she thought of to protect her baby brother Maxy, in her miserable state. As the death was inevitable for both of them today. She clearly knows that tonight the both sister and brother pair cannot cheat and escape from the strong clutches of the strings that were tied around their ankles by the god of death. Other than this, she didn’t find any way out for them. Maxwell died peacefully in his sleep without any more sufferings and struggle. He looked as if he was sleeping peacefully and deeply in his room in the Hastings family household. The only indication that her baby brother was no more and dead, was the blood flowing from the other side of his neck where Avery had made the cut on his main blood artery. So to savor the peaceful looking face of her brother Maxy in her mind, for the last time, Avery averted her line of sight and looked only at her baby brother Maxy's face and didn’t dare to look below his chin, so as to escape from the cruel reality of them. The thought that Maxy didn’t suffer at least during his last moments and had a swift and painless death, gave a little bit of peace to her already aching heart. ‘her baby brother Maxy did not have to go through the same excruciating pain which she was about to experience' Avery thought and sighed a breath of relief. Then she quietly laid down flatly on the ground with her back on the ground and her front facing the sky. The sharp edges of the stones on the uneven and rough ground of the forest terrain below her jabbed into her soft skin of her back under the weight of her body. But she didn’t flinch or even frown as that little teeny tiny physical pain was no where comparable to the point, near to the amount of physical pain she had already suffered under the hands of her so called dear ones, and the amount of emotional turmoil she was feeling current now. She looked like all the life was sucked out of her poor body and resembled a life less tattered doll. In the way, it was the reality of her life though. She really didn’t have anymore life left in her scar filled body other than those few breaths she was taking letting others know that she was a living Human. And not a life-sized sacrificial doll, they would see during the annual festive season, which would be used to keep the evil things away for the kingdom and they would finally burn the whole doll at the end of the festive season for the goodness of the kingdom. It is believed from their ancestors time, that burning the sacrificial life-sized doll at the end of the festive season, would keep away the evil power and bring goodness and fortune in everyone’s life in the Great Valerian kingdom. What an irony, thought Avery, when this crazy thought crossed her mind unknowingly without any reason. Maybe it’s because she does resemble like that festive fake human doll that would make and got used and served the purpose similar to that doll. Just like a sacrificial doll, she got sacrificed for the benefits of others greed, for them to get wealth and other powers. Even the sky was now covered with the dark and stormy clouds. Just like that of her heart which was filled with unbearable pain and regrets of her miserable life, brewing like the stormy clouds ready to pour down and dark hatred filled thoughts swirled around in the deepest pit of her mind. The vast and never ending dark sky filled with those terrifying storm clouds making others to feel an eerie feeling deep within their soul, reflected her raging hatred towards those selfish persons and sad mood. Just like her aching heart and raging mind, the vast sky too had accumulated dark rainy clouds above Avery and her late brother Maxy, and the sounds of heavy soul shaking thunder and blinding lightning was heard in a distance. Amidst everything happening around her, Avery even heard the howls of the wolves nearing her clearly in the dead and lonely night of the forest. Those soul trembling and heart curling sound of the howls, made by those deadly night creatures of the forest was like announcing to Avery, about the arrival of the string of the death rope swung by the god of the dead. Even though Avery was well aware and made up her mind to make her as numb as she can to her surroundings, to face the inevitable cruel fate of hers, that she would die today in this lonely forest in the dead end of the night. Without anyone knowing and not even others getting the wind of the cruel death she was going to face. But all her self preparation and self acknowledgement and acceptance of her death didn’t make her as indifferent as she has thought. The moment those blood curling howls of those animals which were going to take her to the gates of hell, were heard, a striking electric shock like feeling went down her spine and Avery's whole weak body shivered unknown to herself. She even saw those flesh eating eagles which are currently circling in the dark sky above where she laid on the ground. The wise scholars of the past had once said in the ancient times, that even if a man makes all sorts of mental preparations to not to be bothered more about his near death situation, as death was inevitable in one’s life, he would surely tremble when he looks at the red ropes of the god of hell, being tied around his leg to take him to the nether regions after his death. Even though everyone knows that like birth, death too was a common and definite situation for all living beings. The moment a life was born, it’s death timing too was allocated for that soul. Once the time for the above said soul was completed, it had to return to its original state. But even if everyone knows this universal law as birth was followed by death, but all the preparations and mental strength one would built within himself would definitely crush down to sands on the face of death. Avery too was in the same state of mind. All her mental preparations went down the drain and fear dripped it’s deadly claws around her fragile heart, making her breathing to fasten and lose its usual pattern. At last Avery pushed all these disturbing thoughts out of her mind and made her mind and heart blank and empty. Then closing her already puffy eyes that resembled a pool of pure water, filled with red rubies as it's basement, she said her last prayer and thanks to the heavenly gods and put forth the heart felt last request to the heavens and to the great gods. “ dear great god. If I had really prayed and offered my whole soul, all these years whole heartedly in worshipping you, then just grant my one last wish, in this pitiful life of mine. If I really didn’t hurt anyone or didn’t even thought of hurting anyone my whole life was true, then just grant the last dying wish of a dying soul. I just want those selfish people who had hurt me and my innocent little family consisting of my little brother Maxy, the third prince and the innocent and pure soul of unborn child, to pay heavily for their sinful doings. I want them to be punished for their merciless crimes, they did without blinking their eyes twice, without thinking about other innocent lives which would be sacrificed for their sinful deeds and only thought of their selfish desires to be fulfilled. Punish them for not being selfish but for being a monster who didn't mind about that their actions would destroy and kill the lives of other people. Please just grant my final wish and take my soul as my last offering to you”, Saying this Avery closed her eyes and waited for her impending doom, which was soon nearing her in a very high speed. ~*~
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