chapter 26?

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Third person POV: “It’s a very important matter, your Royal Highness. It’s about the marriages of the princes of our kingdom. All the princes are more, or less had already reached the age of marriage”, one of the Minister told the king, the reason they were gathered in the court room that day. “The royal court was gathered here to kindly remind, your Royal Highness about the important thing regarding the princes, and asking your Royal Highness to kindly issue a royal decree for it”, the head of the council of scholars spoke, and informed King Kellan about their intentions for gathering the royal court that day. “Well…I see. Okay. Go ahead. I know that all of you must be thinking for the goodness of the kingdom, and for the well being of the princes. So tell me, what is it that you all wanted to say?”, king Kellan asked, as he really couldn’t see through the intentions of the council of his ministers, and scholars this time. King Kellan had a little bit of an idea, or more like an assumption that the topic, the ministers of the royal court wanted to talk about might be related to the announcement of the Crown prince. As, king Kellan has still not yet picked out the Crown Prince among all the princes of the kingdom. King Kellan was still waiting for the right time, and the right moment to decide on that topic. And truth to be told, he still needed time to choose the right person for the crown prince title. All of his sons were extremely talented, and showed extraordinary skills in archery, and sword skills till now. But what king Kellan needed was not only good martial arts skills, and intelligence but also kindness, and empathy in his sons. Those were the qualities, he was seeking in the one, who he wanted to appoint as his successor, the Crown Prince of the Valerian kingdom. King Kellan had built the Valerian kingdom so meticulously, and made it the strongest kingdom among all the surrounding kingdom, and he wanted the one who succeeds him to maintain that reputation, and reign with righteous heart, and shower kindness for his people. Because King Kellan knows very well that only the happy subjects can bring the kingdom to greater heights. Since all the princes were dispatched to the different province, on an official work, to protect the Valerian kingdom, king Kellan needed more time to get to know the real inner self of the Royal Princes. King Kellan had totally 7 children from all his Consorts. His first born child was Princess Helen, the first Princess of the Valerian kingdom. Her mother was the Royal Main consort Benazir, King Kellan's first Consort. Princess Helen was married to a scholar named Henry, and he was named as the Duke of the Western province, after marriage with the princess of the Valerian kingdom, Princess Helen. Main consort Benazir was a Princess by birth, and of noble blood. So she had a pride over that noble blood line of hers, and she always treated others unfairly, and considered others beneath her. Royal Main Consort Benazir was the princess of a small province, nearby to the Valerian kingdom, before her marriage with King Kellan. Then her birth province was added to the Valerian kingdom, as she got married to King Kellan. Well the marriage with main Consort Benazir was all because of the addition of her province to the Valerian kingdom. It was a political marriage between the two parties. Royal Main consort Benazir had another child, and who was the second child of King Kellan, the second Prince Avalon. He was currently dispatched to the Western province to oversee the affairs over there. The third child, Theodore, The third prince was born to Consort Katherine. Consort Katherine was the beloved person of King Kellan. He loved her more, compared to all the other Consorts he had, and married her for love. Consort Katherine was the daughter of a scholar, who also happens to be a wealthy business man in the capital city. The Third Prince Theodore was sent to solve the issues in the southern province. The fourth child, Kieran, was the fourth prince of the Valerian kingdom. His mother, Consort Theresa was the daughter of a Minister. He accompanied his third Elder brother Theodore, and followed him to the Southern region but to a different province. The fifth child, Lucien, the fifth Prince of the Valerian kingdom, shares the same mother with second Prince Avalon. He was accompanying his elder brother Avalon, in the Western province. The sixth child, Korn, the sixth Prince of the Valerian kingdom, was the second son of Consort Theresa, and younger brother of Fourth Prince Kieran. He was ordered to go to the north eastern border to prevent the attacks from the enemies. The last, and the youngest child, Sian, was the seventh prince of the Valerian kingdom, and his mother, Consort Sienna was a daughter of a wealthy business man. He was the only son, who was currently living in the capital city, and stays in the royal palace. King Kellan thought about the topic brought out by the royal court’s Council of Ministers, and scholars. Like they had said the first two sons of his were indeed had reached the age of marriage, a long time ago. It was most likely the time for them to take a wife, and get married, and take up the responsibility of the household, and the country. So after thinking about it for a long time, King Kellan found the request put forth by the council of Ministers, and the scholars very reasonable. “What you were saying was very reasonable. It’s really time for the second prince, and the third prince of the Valerian kingdom to get married. They had reached the marriage age. We can discuss about the marriages of the other princes, a few years later, as they were still young to take a wife, and get married. Let’s talk about the marriage proposals of the second prince, and the third prince, more during the next gathering of the royal court”, king Kellan said, and decided to end the Royal Court. Matt, King Kellan's loyal servant, and personal bodyguard, read through his king’s mind, and acted upon it. “The royal court is dismissed for today”, Matt announced, and stepped back. King Kellan stood up from his golden Royal throne, and left the Royal Court room. ~*~ Soon enough, he left from there, he made his way to the Rose palace courtyard, where his mother, the Royal Empress Moira was residing in the Royal palace. She was the Queen of the Valerian kingdom till now. And after the death of her husband, the late king, Marcus, she was the one, who took control of the whole kingdom, and made it a strong kingdom in the Southern region, all alone by herself. When her son, Kellan, the Crown Prince at that time, was made as the king of the Valerian kingdom, she gave all the control of the Royal affairs regarding the kingdom, and political affairs to him, and took rest. King Kellan loves, and respects his Royal mother, the Empress Moira, more as he knows how strong of a person she was. He saw with his own eyes, how much pressure, and stress, and problems she had faced, and how she tackled all those problems, alone as an Empress of a kingdom during his teen years, as a crown prince. He admire his Royal mother for her wisdom, and bravery. He respects her as an Empress, a mother, and she was his legal advisor. Empress Moira was an intelligent woman, and that’s how she could over come all the evil plots, and tricks done by her enemies, both the ones that fought her directly, and those who hid, and attacked her staying invisible, to take over the Valerian kingdom from her, when her husband, late King Marcus died. It was really challenging for a single woman like her to manage both the kingdom and the Ministers who hated to receive orders from a woman. But she made all those men to bow to her in respect, using her intelligence. Those egoistic men in the council of Ministers, and the scholars, had no choice but to receive orders, and accept her as their ruler, when they saw how she protected the kingdom from the attack of their enemies. Then as time passed by, the council of Ministers, and the scholars really saw how greatly their Empress Moira handled the affairs of the kingdom. Even though their male egoistic character clashed with the true facts, they secretly admired her for her tactics in handling the political affairs, which was always dominated by the male population. King Kellan wanted to see his mother, Empress Moira as he needed her permission, and opinions regarding the marriage alliance of the Princes. ~*~ happy reading ❤❤❤
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