chapter 27?

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Third Person POV: King Kellan finished all the royal duties, that had needed his immediate attention, and soon he wrapped up his work. It’s mainly because he intended to meet his royal mother, the Empress Moira, as it was long overdue since he last saw his Empress mother, due to the pressing matters relating to the welfare of the kingdom. Being the king of the great kingdom really did swallow up his time, and he can’t manage to do everything he wanted to do in a single day. And also he had another important matter, that needed to be notified to his Royal mother in person, In respect to her. But the real reason was that as he wanted to see the expression on his Royal mother’s face, when he gave that piece of happy news, and he also wanted to discuss about the marriage arrangements of his sons with her. He wanted to inform her, and more like he wanted her wise opinion on this matter. He wanted his Empress mother to handle the marriage arrangements of her grandsons. As King Kellan believed, and had great faith that his royal mother would choose the best girl for her grandsons to marry. No one can outshine her in that aspect. Her experienced eyes can pick out the most suitable girl for her grandsons. Soon, King Kellan arrived at the Rose palace courtyard with his loyal servant Matt, and other servants serving him followed behind the Duo. His visit was notified to Empress Moira, and she was more than excited, and delighted to see her favorite son. Even though she was an old woman, her excited response resembled more like that of a five year old child getting her favorite candy, on hearing her son coming to visit her. Soon she changed into a nice looking Violet colored royal robe, with golden threads bordering the robe, and beautiful glittering stones littered all around the base of the royal robe, that she wore giving it an ethereal look. Empress Moira chose this particular dress to look pretty and healthy infront of her son, who came to visit her, after a long period of time. She knows that her son Kellan, being the king of the Valerian kingdom, had many things to handle, and he doesn’t have enough time for himself. She knows that all too well. She was not complaining that her son rarely visits her nowadays, but she really missed her son. Empress Moira waited in the living room of the rose palace, and looked at the door eagerly for her beloved son, King Kellan’s arrival. King Kellan was notified to come inside, and soon he entered the Rose palace with his servants following inside behind him. His soldier guards were left outside the Rose palace to guard the palace from the outside. “greetings royal mother. How are you?. Are you feeling good today?”, king Kellan greeted, and inquired about his mother’s health. As his mother looked a little old, than the last time he saw her, a few weeks back. As he heard while waiting in the courtyard of his Royal mother’s courtyard, that his royal mother had caught a cold recently, and was a little bit weak in her health. Hearing this, King Kellan was more worried about his royal mother’s health. King Kellan hugged his mother, Empress Moira, and looked at her, and took a good glance at her. “Sorry for not visiting you often, royal mother”, king Kellan said, and looked a little bit sad. His face was covered by a sad expression. King Kellan was feeling a little guilty, for not frequently visiting his mother. So he bowed his head, and looked down, void of his initial excitement in coming here, to see his royal mother, in the first place. Seeing her son’s self blaming look, Empress Moira patted him gently on his shoulders. She knows her son too well, and she also know that he was blaming himself for her weak health. “I am fine, Kellan. Stop blaming yourself. Being a king of the Valerian kingdom was not a small thing. It takes so much responsibility, and time to look after such a big kingdom. And I also know that it’s a tiresome work. So I don’t blame you at all. I am happy that you came to visit this old woman today”, Empress Moira said, lifting the low spirits of her son. Hearing his Royal mother cheering up for him, even though she was a little bit sick, and she herself was more tired than him, King Kellan felt really guilty. His beloved mother even smiled brightly like a child, that resembled a fully bloomed sunflower on a bright sunny day, and teased him, not wanting him to find out about her weak immune system. It was a natural thing to have a weak immune system, and get sick as a person grows old, and have fine lines on his, or her face, and had their hair tuning into strings of silver as time passed by. But even though King Kellan knows this natural order of things being worked that way. but when he saw his tired royal mother, he was still unable to accept, or see that this, once strong, and brave woman, who had just lost her dear husband to the clutches of the door to the hell, stood strong, without showing any weakness on her face, and posture, and stood tall, in front of several sly men, who coveted the power that belonged to the royal family, and throne. And she brought the declining kingdom of Valerian to the greater heights. She also combined several small states, and tribes together in the border, and created the successful great Valerian kingdom of today, which was filled with full of natural riches, and prosperous future. ~*~ happy reading ❤❤❤
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