Chapter 3

1415 Words
***Kaya'sPOV*** After Art I make my way to my next class which happens to be math. As much as I hate math, I must admit I’m rather good at it. I sat at my desk feeling eyes on me the whole time. I keep looking around the classroom, but it doesn't seem like anyone is watching me. Luckily, the class went by quickly which led me to this very moment. Standing in line in the cafeteria. Café food isn’t the best, but I need to eat something. Patiently I wait my turn till I can grab my food and pay. “What do you want?” “Oh um, I’ll have a pizza slice and a strawberry milk please.” “$5.50.” I reach into my bag and grab the change. “Here you go.” “Thank you.” She hands me my food and I walk across the café towards an empty table. While walking I spot Carly with some new kids all looking at her amazed like she’s cool or something. Well now’s the perfect time for me to have some fun with her. “Hey Carly, how was all your classes? I bet you were awesome because you never mess anything up!” I tease. “What are you doing Kaya?” “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t notice you had friends over here. Do they know you can’t go to the big party because you got grounded?” I asked, everyone that was there looked at her shocked. “You’re not going?” I heard a deep voice from behind me. Unfortunately, I know that voice off by heart. Blake Rockwell. Most popular guy in the school, football player. I sigh internally. I can’t believe I dated him over the summer. He’s such a player! “Can’t.” Carly Sighed. “Kaya told my mom I snuck out and now I’m grounded.” I look at her and watch as she pouts like a five-year-old. I could almost laugh with how stupid she looks. “That’s a shame, I was looking forward to seeing you there” he smirks. “All dressed up for me.” Carly giggles and I feel the urge to gag. How can she like a guy like him? Too bad she doesn’t know he’s only after her cause I dumped his sorry ass before summer break was over. “Well I take this as my sign to leave.” I say as I start walking away. I finally make it to the empty table and start eating my lukewarm pizza. I wish I didn’t stop to bug Carly; lukewarm café food isn’t that great. Add talking with Blake to the mix and it tastes even worse. I eat in silence till I hear a sharp girly voice call my name. “Kaya!” I groan. What the hell does she want? I haven’t spoken to her since I dropped out of cheer 3 years ago. “Allison.” “I hear Carly isn’t going to the big party tomorrow.” “Nope.” “Such a shame.” “What do you want Allison?” “Oh, nothing much! Just want you to ask Carly to give up on Blake.” “You know, I’d love to, but I don’t think she would listen.” “But you’re her twin.” “So?” “Doesn’t that mean something to her?” “Maybe? But I don’t have control on who she hangs out with or who she dates.” “Well I bet she won’t want him if she found out you had him first.” “I doubt she’d care.” “I beg to differ!” I sigh. “I’m not going to tell her not to see him, anyways you’ll get your chance to seduce him at the party tomorrow. Like you said she isn’t able to go.” She huffs. “I guess you have a point.” Luckily, the bell rings and I make my way back to my locker to grab my stuff for my next classes. Chemistry and Drama, two classes I actually care about. Both classes went by quickly and it is finally time to head home. I grab my bag and meet up with Carly by the school’s entrance. “Hey there.” I say. “Hi.” She said flatly. “What’s wrong with you?” “Nothing! Let’s just get home.” “Yeah ok.” I say as we begin the short walk home. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Carly asks. “Tell you what?” “That you dated Blake all summer?” “Because it wasn’t any of your business.” I say honestly. “But it’s embarrassing to find out through other people than through you!” “Let me guess, Allison?” “How did you know?” “She asked me to talk to you about him today at lunch, but I pretty much told her to shove it.” Carly laughs. “That I would have loved to see.” “Why do you even hang out with that bimbo?” “Cause she’s on the cheer team.” She says flatly. “So?” “There’s a rule of no infighting between the team, so I will be the bigger person and suck it up.” “Still, she’s a backstabbing b*tch.” “I know.” “You better make your move on Blake tonight, if you really like him. She plans on going after him at the party.” “Lucky me, he asked me out after lunch.” “Good for you.” “You don’t seem to be happy about it.” “He wasn’t the best boyfriend to me.” “Oh.” “Yup.” We finally made it home but that’s when it all went wrong, all that could be heard from our house was screaming. I look at Carly and we both run into the house. Once we get in the screaming gets louder, I run into the kitchen to see my mom on the dining room floor. She is in labor. “What should we do? What the hell should we do?” I say in a panic. "Call the ambulance fast, I will get mom comfortable.” I quickly take off my bag and fumble around for my phone. Once I get it out of the bag, I hurriedly unlock it and call my dad. I know Carly said ambulance, but I feel like my dad should be the first to know that his wife is in labour. “Hi dad.” I say trying to sound calm. “Hi. What’s wrong? How’s your mom? I will be there soon.” He said as if he knew my answer. “Ok, uh, bye.” I hang up the phone quickly dialing 9-1-1. This is a big mess! Mom in labor, dad coming home early. What are we going to do? I began to sink into my own little world of nothing but panic and chaos. Soon I'm shaken back to reality by mom’s screaming. I’m dizzy and shaking. “Hello, what is your emergence?” A voice said over the phone pressed to my ear. “Uhm…uhh my mom she’s in uhm labor we need help fast.” I said. “Ok stay on the phone and tell me what is happening.” “Ok I will.” I say shakily. Soon I see something that will scare me for the rest of my life. I scream. “There’s a head!” “Stay calm for me. The ambulance will be there soon. “I’m so scared.” I mumble. “I know, just take a deep breath, everything will be alright. I start taking deep breaths as our front door is slammed open. I look up and see my dad with a crazed look in his eyes. “Daddy…” I sob. He walks over to me and holds me. “It’s ok honey.” He says into my hair. “The baby is on the way.” I cry. “I don’t know what to do.” “You already did so much baby, did you call the ambulance?” I told my dad. “Yes” “See you're doing such a good job already.” “I don’t feel…” That’s when I fainted, and everything went black.
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