Chapter 2

1227 Words
*~~Carly’s POV~~* Kaya and I get to school and split up. She walks inside while I walk up to a picnic table filled with all my friends and sit down. It's the best way to wait for the bell to ring. It’s warm outside and everyone seems happy. Since today is the day for cheerleader captain tryouts, I can tell we are all excited about it. I have a feeling I'll be getting the spot this year. I have always been co-captain, and I have practiced a lot over the summer. I must admit I am the best in the team since the previous captain graduated. There is no way the coach would choose someone else. There is actually no point in holding the tryouts when we all know the outcome. Anyone who tries out is just going to get humiliated, but I get it. We need to give everyone a chance. We are a team after all. “So, Carly, are you excited about tryouts?” “Of course!” I say with a huge smile. “Think you’ll be captain this time?” Erica asks. I look over at her and smirk. “Obviously, I mean look at me.” “Yeah ok.” Allison sneers. "No need to let your jealousy shine through today, Ally, we are all on the same team, remember!" I look down at my phone as I receive a text. ‘Hey cutie ;)’ “O.M.G.” I scream. “What?” “Blake just messaged me!” “Seriously!?” Allison cried out. “Yeah! What should I say?” “OMG let me see.” Erica cheered. I handed my phone over to her, and she let out a squeal. “He called you cute!” “I know!” I giggled. “He even added a winky face.” “Omg! I’m so happy for you!” “Thank you, Erica, you’re the best!” I say. “So what should I say?” “How about ‘hey’?” Allison says, clearly looking bored. “Come on Ally, you know how plain and boring that is!” Kristen pipes up. “What about ‘hey sexy, what are you doing right now?’ but add a winky face,” Erica suggests. “I don’t know.” “That’s a little desperate, don’t you think?” Allison says. “What if I drop the sexy and just send that?” “Perfect!” Kristen and Erica cheer. “Alright.” I unlock my phone and tap on his name. “Here goes nothing!” “Don’t be such a wimp!” “Ok, ok!” I start typing and hit send. ‘Hey Blake, ;) what are you doing right now?’ ‘Thinking about the most beautiful girl on the cheerleading squad ;)’ “Omg instant response!” “What did he say?” “That he’s thinking about the most beautiful girl on the squad!” “Omg!” ‘Oh yeah?’ ‘Yeah I’m actually on my way to talk to her’ “He’s coming over here!” “No!” “Yes!” “What do I say?” “I have no clue!” We all go silent trying to figure out just how to answer him when I see everyone looking behind me. “God he’s so dreamy!” “F*ck that he’s drop-dead gorgeous!” We all start laughing. When suddenly I feel someone grab my shoulders. “What’s so funny?” I turn around and am instantly greeted by his beautiful blue eyes. “Hey Blake.” “Hey gorgeous.” “So, which one of us is the most beautiful?” Allison says. “Allison!” Kristen glares at her with a harsh look of disapproval. “Damn, put me in a tough spot.” “It’s alright Blake, you don't need to answer that! She was only joking.” Erica chimes in. “Right Ally?” “Yeah, of course.” She says, obviously sounding p*ssed. “Heh, well Carly, I was just wondering if you’re free later?” “For you, always!” “Glad to hear it. Meet me at your locker for lunch?” “Totally!” “Perfect.” And just like that, the bell signaling classes were starting soon rang. “I’d love to stay and chat, but I’ve got Mr. Peterson first period and you know what he’s like.” “Complete d*ck?” Kristen said and we all began to laugh. “Exactly, catch you all later!” Soon we were all heading our own way, Allison to her locker near the girl’s room, Erica up the stairs to get to her locker, then Kristen with me. Our lockers are beside one another. “You know Carly, he’s probably going to ask you out.” “No way, he’s too cool for that. “Oh, please, I can see the way he looks at you, trust me, he wants you... Bad.” “Stop joking around.” “I’m not!” “Seriously?” “Yeah, he’s totally crushing on you!” “Well, I hope you're right.” “Please, I’m always right!” “What about that one time with…” “Carly!” “Please, like I’d actually say something!” We both start laughing as we finally reach our lockers. “I’m so not looking forward to English.” “I’m not looking forward to math, you know how boring that sh*t is?” “All too well, my friend, all too well.” “Well I’m off!” “Alright, see you after class!” “Sure thing, sweet cheeks.” And just like that, I was alone. No friends to gossip with, no Blake to flirt with. No Kaya to argue with. Just me and a few stray kids in the halls rushing to class, so they won’t be late. My class isn’t too far from my locker, so I take my time. I hate being late, but I also don’t like rushing. Today is one of those days when I have too much on my mind and I can’t focus properly. Between my argument with Kaya, and being told I'm not going to that party, to tryouts, to Allison being a bigger b*tch than normal, to the wonderful Blake wanting to hang out, to Kristen’s hopes for Blake and I to get together. It's a lot to process, but I finally make it to class before the final bell and get to my seat. Now is not the time nor place to be worrying about that. I need to focus on my lessons, so I can maintain my grades and stay on the team. A few minutes after the bell, Mr. Peterson walked in. “Hello class, I assume everyone had a good summer break?” “Yes Mr. Peterson.” The class said in union. “Since it’s your first day back, I thought I’d just go over the course plan and assign your first brief assignment.” The class sighs in union. Leave it to Mr. Peterson to start the day with homework. And so, the first day of school begins with the most boring and basic class, English. Only a few more hours than I can hang out with my friends again.
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