Chapter 3

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After having a bite to eat with Sebastien, Savannah noticed the time and saw that she had 30 minutes to make her meeting with her editor. Hailing a cab, Savannah hopped into the vehicle as soon as it stopped. “247 Washington, please.” Savannah told the cab driver. As the cab pulled from the curb, Savannah sat back and enjoyed the ride and looked over her manuscript, “All Out for Love,” the third series, “Romance in the Rockies.” Her editor, Jayne, was getting ansy waiting for her to complete it. As soon as the cab driver pulled to the curb, Savannah paid the fare and jetted inside the building to meet Jayne. “I can’t wait for this installment.” Jayne said as Savannah set the manuscript on her desk. “Sorry it’s late. I had some rewrites to do before bringing it to you.” Savannah explained. “That’s okay. I have a new reader who will read over the book for me and tell me what they think.” Jayne explained. “A new reader? But you’ve always read my books yourself?” Savannah said. “I know, but the guy I hired is a real fan of your work. I think it will be a good fit.” “I trust your judgment.” “Well, would you like to meet him?” Jayne said excited to introduce Savannah to her new reader. “Sure, why not.” “Sebastien, could you come out here?” Jayne peeked inside her office. “Sure thing.” Sebastien said as he stepped outside to find a shocked Savannah waiting. “You?” “It’s good see you again!” Sebastien greeted her. “You two know each other?” Jayne asked. “We had a bite to eat yesterday.” Savannah explained. “Great! You two know each other.” “Yes. I went home and read a few of Ms. Ridges books last night. I liked them so much, I had to read more. Then I saw an ad for a reader and applied for the job. It was just my luck it turned out to be your books.” Sebastien said. “Well, here is the third installment to Savannah’s series.” Jayne said, handing the manuscript to him to read. “I’ll get this read tonight and let you know.” As Sebastien went off to do some reading, Savannah couldn’t believe that Sebastien was going to read her books before they were published? But little did Savannah know, but Sebastien had asked Jayne for the job when he first met Savannah, figuring it was a way to get to know Savannah better.
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