Chapter 2

379 Words
Sebastien tried to concentrate on work, but meeting that blonde beauty was ruining any chance for completion. And Sebastien had a deadline to catch for the promotion. After 30 minutes, Sebastien was getting nowhere with his work and decided to take a walk to clear his head. “Camille, I’m going to step out for awhile. Hold my calls while I’m gone.” Sebastien told his trusted receptionist. “Will do.” Camille replied back, as she answered my telephone calls. It was a busy morning at the office. Meanwhile, Savannah was late for her meeting with her editor and as luck would have it, missed the taxi that she was hailing when a gentleman took it instead. “Darn!” Savannah muttered under her breath, as Sebastien happened along. “May I help you miss?” “That man just took my taxi.” Savannah whined. “Now I won’t be able to get to my meeting with my editor.” Sebastien was happy when he discovered Savannah was the blonde beauty he couldn’t stop thinking about. “I can have my driver take you to your editor.” Sebastien offered. “Would you?” Savannah said gratefully. Flipping open his cell, Sebastien made a call to his limo driver. “Okay, he’ll be here in 5.” Sebastien told Savannah. “Shall we go over to that hotdog stand for a bite to eat while we wait?” “Well, I am a bit famished.” Savannah said, as the two walked over to the hotdog stand. “I’m Sebastien.” Sebastien introduced himself. “And I’m Savannah.” Savannah replied back. As Sebastien and Savannah got to know each other over a hotdog and soda, Sebastien was becoming more and more smitten with Savannah; but to Savannah, he was just a guy who helped her out in a pinch. “I see my driver is here.” Sebastien said, slightly disappointed. “Yeah.” Savannah replied. “Hey, thank you so much.” “Anytime.” Sebastien said as he climbed into the limo as his limo drive off. He had to get to know that woman. There was something about her.
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