Chapter 24

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Anita's POV It feels good to be back in seaside academy. Although it's just for a few weeks and I graduate I can still get the best out of them. I can tell Jake is still into me. The hug and even the way he was talking can tell it all. I think we should go for a couple dates and rekindle what we had. Unless he replaced me. Yeah he must have but I will fight for him. We is all I ever wanted and nothing has changed. The teacher introduces himself as Mr. Hubble. Someone should have given me a heads up that psychology will be my first class. "When is this lesson ending?" I whisper to Carol. She checks the wall clock in front of the classroom and smiles. "Thirty more minutes”, Carol whispers back. "You mean it's been only ten minutes", I complain in a low tone. Maybe not low enough. "The new girl what's your name again?" Hubble asks walking towards us. Thank God he caught me I would have felt bad if it was Carol. She is innocent in all this. "Anita butler sir", I say shyly. "Give me two human defense mechanisms or you will get detention for interrupting my class", He threatens but in a friendly way. He is even smiling. I get that a lot. Male teachers trying to be nice to me. He will probably opt for detention so that he can try to...Well maybe it's too early to accuse him he looks old anyway he is like what, three times my age? "Denial", I mumble. "That's one", He says getting where we are seated. I can see Jake trying to tell me something. Lucky for am a pro when it comes to reading lips. He wants me to refer the question to him. Is it even possible here? Back in almond academy it was not and when I left seaside it wasn't either. But I trust him. "I propose Jake should help me", I say sending the class into a frenzy of laughter. Honestly I have no idea why they are laughing did he try to get me embarrassed? He looks very dissatisfied by move as he walks back to the front of the class. Maybe I judged him right. "Mr. Brown you've been chosen I don't know what you taught the new girl in a minute or less but I don't like it. So here is your punishment", He says the class bursts into laughter again. I can't help but join them too. "Bring it sir", Jake says confidently winking at me. "I saw that", Hubble says, "So you are giving us three", He says. "She said denial right?" Jake asks getting a chorus yes from everyone. "Regression, repression and displacement", Jake says confidently. The class gives him a round of applause. I thought this only happened in the field. "Enough, he was lucky", Hubble says. The lesson continues. The little exchange has send at least another ten minutes in the gutter now I have to concentrate for only twenty minutes. Jake's POV "Anita, to my office I need to give you a group", Hubble says walking out when the bell rings. She keeps her books. I know she might ask Carol to accompany her to his office but am willing to volunteer. Maybe I should keep my distance before Hubble gives me an F in psychology that would be a big blow being my final year. Instead of asking Carol she walks towards my desk. "Thank you for earlier on, you've become more..." "Smart like my brother, yeah I have been getting that a lot recently", I interrupt her. "And how is he?" She asks. "Who? Eric?" "Yeah Eric it's been long I bet he is huge now", She says shoeing the magnitude with her arms. "Exactly, should you be in Hubble’s office?" I ask. It's actually a suggestion or an inquiry. "Ooh about that, the thing is I don't know where it is", She says. "I can tag along and show you", I offer. "Who would say no to Jake brown come on show me? And after this you might as well reorient me. This school has changed", She says happily. As we walk in the corridors I can feel eyes poking us. Students who have never met her think I have secured another jewel. Which is not the case although I wish it was again not I have to focus on Stacy. I take the small trip to show her new places, additional classrooms and the art room when we get to the office the secretary takes her details and asks us to wait in the waiting room. "So how have you been?” She asks. "Fine and you?" "Can’t complain almond is fun but not that fun without you", she says her eyes sparkling. I love it when she separates her lip glossed lips to show a tiny bit of her milky white teeth. One can confuse it with smiling but it's not she is good at it and it turns me the f**k on. "You are here now, though not for long", I point out the reality of the matter. It's both fulfilling and confusing. The whole going to college thing. I have never spend more time away from my family. The most I have was three days to a school trip and I missed them like crazy am not sure if I'll manage college. "We can make the best out of it, which are your colleges of choice?" She asks. "Westbrook and edge", I say confidently The two are the best around with scholarship opportunities for football students like me. It’s been my lifelong dream to join either of the two. Others are hilltop which is nearby with no scholarship but a little good at football. The thing is I don't want my parents to spend much on me during college. "Great choices", she says nodding Am about to ask her choice when the secretary calls her in. What am I doing? I should looking for Stacy and trying to apologize for the hundredth time except this time she might not want to see me for obvious reasons. Am playing tour guard to the cause of the problem. Or maybe I shouldn't bother looking for her. She found me. This day is officially ruined, again. Stacy's POV I can see him hanging around Hubble’s office as much as he is trying to hide his face. Am no longer mad at him. It turns out I might choose him over James. Has he come for counseling too? That's why am here since everyone I ask is giving me mixed opinions about my problem I saw it fit to see an experienced psychologist. The one and only, the most boring teacher in seaside coming only second to Mrs. Miller. "Okay please tell me you didn't come here to he counseled?" I say joining him. "No, just hanging around", He says looking really uncomfortable. He might be in trouble. Jake and trouble are very good friends, best friends. "Let me book an appointment first", I suggest going to the reception. The smiley slender secretary asks for my name and registration number. She asks me the nature of my business whether it's official or casual and when I say counseling she asks me how long. How the f**k should I know how long it will take for a Psychiatrist to help me choose a boyfriend? She can't be serious. "Twenty maybe ten minutes", I say. "Be specific please", she urges. "Just write ten if it's not enough I'll come back sometime later", I say walking back to the waiting area. He is still in deep thoughts when he sees me he pretends to be fine. Something is up. Is he worried I won't choose him because of the argument? He should be. After all he is the one who signed up for this whole choosing thing I never asked him to do it. "Are you okay? Come on don’t give me that yes am okay bullshit", I say holding his hands. He quickly breaks free pretending to make his hair. "Sorry to disappoint you but am good, speaking of good are we good?" He asks with concern. "Yeah am not mad at you anymore, I forgive you", I say happily. "Thank you now about what am doing here...” He stops talking. His gaze shifts towards the office. Once a c**k always a c**k why is he admiring a blonde when he has a classic brunette here with him? Okay I take it back maybe not. The angel of a girl comes straight towards us. “Done, we can go for that tour now. Ooh who's your friend?" she asks holding Jake's hand. I can see him struggling to break free. And he is tongue tied too. "Am Stacy Authors nice to meet you and you are?" I ask to cut Jake the embarrassment. He is mine not fully but with this blonde he is now. "Anita butler, Jake and I are..." "Friends, she is new I was showing her around", Jake interrupts with a faint smile. The secretary calls my name. I have to go waste Hubble’s time because my mind is made up already. "That's me, see you around Anita and Jake, make sure you show her everywhere including the burial grounds of our school principals", I say turning around. He is smart. Am sure he got the threat in the last statement I made.
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