Chapter 25

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Eric's POV Stacy is walking briskly out of counseling and psychology department. She looks furious which is ironical when people come out of counseling they ought to be happy. Like a heavy burden on their hearts has been lifted. I was going to the canteen but I have to wait for her. She might need me, she always does and I try my best to avail myself and be there for her, always. "Did you know?" She asks furiously when she gets to me. "Know what?" I ask confused. I have no idea what she is talking about unless she makes me understand. "Anita, am talking about Anita", she stresses pacing up and down. Oooh. That I was aware about. So aware I guess from how she looks they have met and like everyone that's meets Anita she feels like she is way out of her league. That God took his time with her more than the rest and no one can compete with her. It's true. All of it is as a matter of fact now that we are being honest with each other I have ever thought of being with her of course before Jake happened. You thought Stacy is the first one? No we go way long back. But it was not s****l. Just a friend. "Yeah he told me yesterday", I say. "And you didn't tell me you prick" "You didn't ask and am sure you wouldn't have wanted to know basing on the fact that she was the actual reason you were mad at Jake yesterday and today too" I say in my defense. "Not solid enough you should have told me", she says resuming her angry journey. "Where are you going? I hope we still have our scheduled bicycle ride in the evening", I shout behind her. Did she just ignore me? Of course she did typical Stacy now she is mad at me again. We browns are good at making people mad. Although it's Jake who is notorious in that department am usually a victim of circumstances. Meanwhile I continue my journey to the canteen. For the second time today I spot James and Clara again. She only texted me she arrived safely and we exchanged a few chats before our conversation died a natural death. Am starting to get suspicious. My heart is Stacy's but my love is with her at the moment. Am so justified to be jealous and so you know Jake and James are as a matter of fact birds of the same feather. They flock away with peoples girlfriends. "Hey", I say to them. "Gosh! Eric you startled me", she complains. "Hey dude good to see you after that lose", James is at it again. Ruffling my feathers when I just confronted him talking to my girlfriend in privacy. "You shouldn't be startled unless you are hiding something", I say. They both look at each other and burst into laughter. Now she is working together with him to embarrass me. So funny guys laugh it out but the conversation is over coz I am not going nowhere trust me. Clara's POV He looks funny when he is trying to be protective and jealous. Someone should have taught him how to do it. "Dude, that's so lame men. Catch you guys later", James says leaving us. "So where were you going?" I ask. "The canteen, you want to come?" He asks. I smile broadly biting my lower lip. He doesn't get it so I start feigning moans rubbing my pubic area. "Jeez Clara not that come I mean Come along, join me", He says looking embarrassed and walking away "No one is watching you can make me c*m", I insist following him. "Should I spell it out for you?" He asks stopping. I get to him and stand closer as though I want to hug him. I can feel his d**k bulging in his trousers. Really Eric? Just this close what if I get naked? All this games are meant to make him bury away my secret meetings with James. We are working on something that will benefit all of us. Two of us not everyone especially not the brown brothers. "Yes make me understand", I say. "You naughty girl, come on or am carrying you", He threatens trying to carry me away. I attempt to run but he is too fast he catches me on my third step and swipes me off my feet. I have only seen this in movies. Lucky for us this does not create a scene unlucky for me we meet Jake with some hot Blondie and Eric has to put me down. Where the hell did he get this one my plan was to get rid of Stacy now this? Am sure if Stacy meets her she will back out the contest for Jake. Which still won't help me the secret contestant because I can be a lesbian for her. Am sure about it. "Romeo and Juliet", she teases opening her arms for an embrace. "Hey Anita", Eric says. I know it's Eric's but I feel like I should be the one holding her in my arms so I can sniff her hair. Eric's goes for it and as stupid as he is, the guy is too scared to hug her right. Jake is watching over green with envy. Boy you are right am jealous too and she is not mine I can imagine what you are going through. "Are you going to introduce me?" She asks. "Sorry her name is Clara we are close, Clara Anita she used to be around" Eric Says. "Then ran away buy now she is back", Jake says holding her closer. "Enough with the embarrassment boys, come on Clara give me a hug" She says. Ooh my God! There it is. The opportunity of a life time. If I were alone I would have jumped up and down happily. Am doing it in my mind right now as I give her what she asked for. A warm sisterly hug. I can stay like this all day. "We are going to be friends", She says. "Sure, catch you guys later I'm just showing her around", Jake says. "Bye", says Eric waving at them. Jake's POV We are almost coming to an end of our tour. I wish I could have more time with her but I gotta find Stacy and apologize again. If she is not with Eric I'm sure she might be with James or the fairest five. The hardest part of it all is to get away from Anita who seems to enjoy my company. She is has no option, am fun. We walk back to class where carol is waiting with another group of girls. Anita gets absorbed in a conversation. It gives me time to pull Carol aside and ask for help. "What is it brown? The blonde has made you remember we exist now huh!" she asks uninterested. "Come on carol we've been good to each other I need a favor and please don't say no", I say. "Looks like my hands are tied, bring it", she says. "I need you to keep her busy I gotta rush somewhere I won't be long" "You mean, you gotta find the brunette now. When will you have enough Jake?" She asks rhetorically. "Come on will you do it?" I beg. "Yes, but maybe you should reconsider breaking up with me or am telling her everything" There it is. The blackmail. This sides no one helps you out of goodwill. There is always a catch and am usually the victim. "We both know that's not possible", I argue. "Then at least once, one final ride", She insists. I know what she means. The bus. Before I started going out with Stacy I have been surviving on the break up s*x thing. Some of this hot girls are that desperate. Again I have to do it or I screw up everything. You know what my biggest problem is? Solving problems with problems. "Deal, text me where and when", I say quickly leaving. "Ooh and sorry I forgot to tell you this", She says smiling the moment I get outside. "What now?" "She was here you should know she is so pissed at you", Carol says. Damn it! Am so screwed right now. I can only guess two places she can be. With James or in their favorite joint with Eric. Now that I can see James looking bored leaning on his car in the parking lot I know she is in their favorite break time joint but first I have to check if she is in class. Too bad, James is now coming my way to collect the debt. I don't even want her to be found. "Dude!" He shouts. "James am in a hurry can we catch up later?" I excuse myself. "I have been looking for you men, we had a deal", He laments. "And I will keep it for now I gotta take care of some stuff", I say. "You mean stuff like finding her?" James asks following me inside her classroom. She is not there. "That won't be necessary I already know where she is", He says leaving. I have no option but to follow h
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